women get social

Thursday, December 27, 2012

The Holidays

Whew!!! You never realize how busy Christmas can be. I have not blogged in over two weeks time. My families Christmas went off without a hitch. On Christmas morning we woke to a big breakfast then had our Santa Claus. We didn't get to go over to my sisters house due to bad weather. That was a little  disappointing, but I guess we had already had a full day.
One more holiday left, New Years. Me I'm going to be celebrating alone as usual. I've bought a nice bottle of wine to drink. My blood sugar will go up, but it's just once a year.
Then it's back to the old grind. I hope this new year will bring good surprises. Of course one of my goals is to completely get off of insulin. That means I need to loose all of my weight. I can do it. Just a little hard work.
I'm watching my favorite show, MASH. So, I hope everyone has a safe New Years. Talk to you soon.

Monday, December 10, 2012


We had some commotion over here tonight. A fire department came with paramedics and the police. I waited til it all died down when I went over to my neighbors to find out what went on. He usually keeps his curtains open in his front window so he sees just everything that goes on around here. He said that our neighborhood "crazy" woman was in some sort of trouble. I've blogged about her before. She's the one who calls the police on some people because she thinks their stealing her cat. She also starts screaming at the top of her lungs across the parking lot late at night.
Anyway, apparently the paramedics took her away tonight. I hope she's getting help with whatever her problem is. Whats really scary is that you don't know what this woman will do next. I wonder if she has a gun. She's really off her rocker.
I guess every neighborhood has that one neighbor around that everyone avoids. Their everywhere. These are the type of people that you make sure your doors are locked.
Even if she's not "right," I hope nothing serious is wrong. I always feel bad talking about other people. Sometimes it's just necessary.

Friday, November 30, 2012


I can't believe that tomorrow will be December 1st. It's been awhile since I blogged last. I guess you get so busy with your life that blogging everyday just isn't in the cards. I had a really good doctors visit yesterday.
My A1C was 7.9. My blood pressure was 120/84. My chloresteral was 110. And as of yesterday I have lost 33 pounds. So I was happy.
Diabetes is so hard to manage. I mean you literally have to watch everything you put in your mouth. Plus worrying about how much exercise you get, sleep and your overall well being.
Just loosing that much weight is a milestone. Being on insulin makes it harder to loose weight. My goal is to loose enough weight so I don't have to inject anymore. I would love just to take oral medications.
So I figured it out. I would have to loose just about 90 pounds in order not to inject anymore. Maybe it would be less than that, I don't know.
But regardless, I'll have to loose a lot more.
I have been sleeping well so far. No more insomnia. Well at least not right now. I always seem to have periods in time where I don't sleep. It's always been like that. As far as I can remember.
So, all in all my health is OK for now.

Friday, November 16, 2012


Well, well, well. This neighbor of mine has finally flown the coop. She called the police on another neighbor for feeding her cat. I know that doesn't make much sense. But here it is. She's a person who is renting her condo who has all of these pets. She has two cats that just roam around the complex [which I might add is not allowed] and she has a couple of dogs which she just lets loose to do their business. They are never on a leash. Which living here you have to have your dogs on a leash at all times.
Anyway, she's had a "tough time" lately supposively. She's a self proclaimed recovering alcoholic. She's been going around to different neighbors asking for beer and asking for depression medication. [ which is illegal] Anyway, she has these two cats which are always looking for food.
My next door neighbors started taking in one of the cats and feeding him.
In one of her fits, this woman called the police after the neighbors feeding her cat. She not only did that, she filed a complaint with the police office too. So everyone are walking on egg shells here because we don't know what she's going to do next.
She even yelled at me one day. I was enjoying my coffee out on my patio one morning and she was yelling at some guy out in the parking lot. She turned around and yelled "what the hell are you looking at" to me. She then started walking towards me and I hightailed it in my house. I thought she was going to beat me up or something.
So, what do we do? File a complaint with the management? WHo knows?

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Well, I can't believe it's November. This year has just flown by. I just got home from working out. I'm hoping that this is going to pay off in a couple of months. I've been at this gym for about a month now. Well it will be a month after this week.
I took a drive the other day to see all of the trees colors. It's so colorful this time of year. Oh and the weather. A bit cool right now, but not so bad. My neighbors have already decorated for Christmas. I think anytime before Thanksgiving is too early to decorate. But I guess it's the time of year for that.
My best friend who has that kidney disease has been quite sick lately. She keeps catching things real easily. She's now dialyzing at home now so hopefully she'll strengthen her immune system. My parents went through their clothes and found a lot of garments for my friends for winter. Hey if it's free thats the best.
Cause this is also the time to give to those who need it. Thats what I try to do by volunteering. Even if I can't give money, I can at least give my time.
Well gotta go, but I will be touching base with you soon.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Boy, it's been a long time since I blogged. I can't believe that it's the end of October. And Halloween to boot. I'm expecting some early birds tonight, little ones. Under the age of five. Then there will be those early teens out. But then that will be about it. I don't get many trick or treaters.
Last year I had a small ghost who said that old saying "trick or treat, smell my feet give me something good to eat." Remember that. I think I best Halloween experience was when I was a left over. My dad wrapped foil all over me and put some lettuce on my hat. I had so many parents asking what I was. Another time was when I was a witch. I had the whole garb, pointed hat and long black dress. I even hat elf shoes I wore. But I do remember each time when I came home my parents would go through my candy, let me have a few pieces, then put up my candy for another day.
I do remember one time when I was a teenager, I got caught rolling a yard. I couldn't sit down for a week after that.
Those were the days....

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


Boy oh boy I am soooooooo sore. I went back to the gym today and it was harder to get going today. My legs feel like they weigh a ton and my arms are real sore. Even though I am badly out of shape, I think I'm going to enjoy this gym thing. You can tell I'm new to this cause I'm the only one that is wearing baggy pants and shirt there. All the other women are in these slinky outfits and are really toned. Even the men are "well defined."
I figure it's going to take me a few months to really look like I've been working out. Maybe even more.
But I'm not going to give up on myself. No matter how hard it is, I'm going to continue to work hard on my body.
Who knows? I could be the next Elle McFeirson. Yea right. Maybe my night and shinning armor will wisk me away to my castle.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Just a quick look at today. I woke up sore all over from my workout yesterday. My legs felt like they each weighed 100 pounds. I walked like an 90 year old man today. People kept asking me what the problem was. It was funny.
So, tomorrow I'll go back to the gym. I hope I don't sweat like a pig again. I felt so pretty yesterday. Sweat just dripping down my face. I looked like I had stepped out of the shower. All the other ladies at the gym looked fresh and non gleamy. Oh well, there has to be someone out of the bunch thats overweight and sweaty. I was just that person. Hopefully in the next few months I won't looked like I crawled out of the bon bon barn.

Monday, October 15, 2012


Whew!!! I've had a busy day. After I got done today, I went to this new gym to work out. I joined this gym yesterday. With my plan, I get a personal trainer for the first three months. Boy, she wore me out today. I walked on the treadmill for 45 minutes, rode the bike for 30 minutes and did weight training for the other 30 minutes.
I feel tired but good. I'll be going to the gym three days a week then walking on my own for the other days. I have made a true commitment to myself. I did sway off my diet in September, but I've been going strong ever since.
I tried on clothes a few days ago and it wasn't pretty. I've got a lot to loose. But I know with a little hard work, I'll be able to meet my goals. I have had earnings for unhealthy foods a few times, but I promised my sister and Dad that I wouldn't cheat anymore. Plus, another motivation to stay on track is that I'm paying for my food with nutrisystem. It gets expensive as time goes by. But it's well worth it.
I'm also reading positive books to help my motivation and well being. I'm not only working on the outside; I'm working on my inner beauty as well. So hopefully I'll be a much happier person on the inside and out.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Service Call

Don't you just hate waiting on people to get to your house for repairs? I have been waiting since 7:30 this morning for my Air Conditioning man to get here. You know they never give you a specific time  that they will arrive, so you just have to wait until they get here. My appointment time was between 7:30am and 12 noon. Of course he didn't show up until 12:45pm. It was even over 100 dollars. Yikes!!!!!!
With the way things are going, I don't know how I'm gonna be able to handle Christmas shopping this year.
It will be here sooner than you think. Last year I started early with my shopping, so I was able to hit all the sales. This year my funds are smaller and I've missed most of the early bird sales. I have to do some hard thinking this year. Maybe I can make my gifts. Who knows?
Oh and I had something stolen from my patio the other night. I had recently painted a wooden pig and had it outside drying. It was between the hours of 10pm thru 6:30am when it was on my patio. Between that time it was stolen. I did look around the patios by my house but I didn't see it. So, I guess I shouldn't have anything nice outside for fear of it being stolen. Thats pretty sad that someone would do that.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Too Much

You know, my best friend is always sick. I've blogged about her before. She has renal failure and is on dialysis. She doesn't have an immune system anymore and she catches things all the time. Whenever she goes out in public, it seems she gets sick. She really can't enjoy life.
When I think about my problems, their tiny compared to what she goes through every day. It really saddens my heart. But all in all she has kept a positive attitude through all of this. And I think her stubburness has helped her stay alive. She's one of these people that would give the shirt off her back to help others. She's very humble. Her husband is the same way. They barely have two nickels to rub together and they always seem to help those in need. Their simple folk. I just can't say enough about them.
Whenever I face hard times  I always think about their predicament and it helps me make the right decisions. Because they face hardships on a daily basis. Even though they are poor, they are very happy. They have a bunch of cats and a dog. In their little house it's full of love that whenever  you walk into it you feel at home.
I just hope one day I can be as well rounded as the two of them.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Difficult People

I swear, there are some people that won't take no for an answer. My dentist is just one of those people. I've been going to this new dentist for about five months now and every appointment I have made it clear to her that I am not interested in surgery or implants. Well today she again proposed this. She even went so far as to insist that I go see a oral surgeon for an evaluation of a implantation. It didn't matter how adament I was in telling her again that I was not interested in this proceedure.
Her response was that it was her responsibility to "make" me understand that if I don't do this then I could loose those teeth anyway. Very doubtful.
So when I was walking out she told the receptionist to schedule me an appointment with this surgeon. I looked at this girl and said no. Then I walked out. In frustration I called my mother who goes to the same dentist and explained what had happened. Mother agreed with me stating that my mouth was my business. That "I" was in charge of that and that I did not need to be intimated to do anything.
This is not the first time that I have had a run in with this dentist. But this is the last time.
I'll get my teeth cleaned there in November, but thats it. No more.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well I went back this morning to see the doctor. I still don't have an infection, just bad congestion. I haven't volunteered all week but you know I have felt I needed some down time. Haven't been feeling up to par.
I have been drinking hot herbal tea these past couple of days which feels wonderful on my sore throat. Been sucking on halls and blowing the nose every 5 minutes it seems.
But now I can breathe because I'm taking mucinex and robitussim. I hope in the next few days I'll start feeling better. This is all I have blogged about this week, so hopefully I'll stop talking about this.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Well I went back to volunteer this morning and had the same thing happen without the vomiting. I just couldn't stop coughing. Each time I talked I convulsed into coughing. So, I left to come home. I've been drinking hot herbal tea and sucking on halls. This has helped if I just don't talk. So here I am.
I did stop off to buy some test strips at Walgreens this morning and spent 162 dollars for a pack of 100 strips.
These are part of my testing supplies for diabetes. What really sucks is that I don't qualify for help with the cost of Rx's and testing supplies through Medicare. The reason is because I have retirement accounts and the government considers that as extra income even though I can't withdrawal from these accounts. So all this means is that I don't qualify for part D. So it's all out of pocket expenses.
It adds up on a monthly basis. I'm in the process of getting a supplimental coverage through another health care plan. This additional coverage is going to cost me more money so I'm literally back where I started from. Money, money, money. Where does it end?

Monday, September 17, 2012

Oh Gross!!!!

Picture this, I was talking on the phone this morning and I started coughing. I couldn't stop coughing. Then all of the sudden I threw up. All over me, my desk and the phone. Then I had to pick up the receiver that was dripping in vomit and tell them to call another extension. Gross!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Since I've been sick, I start coughing a lot when I talk for an extended period of time. So I guess I won't be volunteering until I can get all well. Plus the coordinator told me that she would prefer me not being there if I'm still sick. I can understand this cause I have kept catching bugs there from other people.
If you could just imagine the looks on peoples faces when that happened. One volunteer started gagging and I thought she was going to get sick right there.
So, I guess it's best that I do stay home until this congestion gets better.

Friday, September 14, 2012


I've been dealing with a virus the last couple of days. I went to AFC American Family Care this morning and the doctor told me it's more likely that I have a virus. MAjor congestion is my head and chest and sneezing. I was coughing and had a sore throat initially, but I don't now.
The doctor did tell me that there has been a lot of people sick with this.
I know my nephew has been really sick. His is much worst than mine. I hope he starts feeling better soon.
Where I volunteer there has been a lot of people out sick too. Thats probably where I caught this. So I'm just drinking plenty of fluids and eating my meal plans. Have you ever noticed that when you're sick the days just seem to creep by? It seems that way to me.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

A Pet

When I got home today I checked online again with the Birmingham Humane Society. I see that they have added more young dogs to the mixture, so I think I will go out there again tomorrow. I so want a little companion. I think my life will be much fuller if I had a dog. I see my neighbors with their dogs all the time walking, playing and hugging outside. Of course these have all been small dogs because our condos are small. I think when the right dog appears, I'll get it. I just have to be more patient.
 To change the subject, I woke up with a sore throat this morning, coughing and sneezing. Stuffed up nose and runny nose so I'm not feeling that great. I've taken cold medicine which seems to not have helped. It never fails, when I'm around a lot of people I usually come home with some sort of germ or another.
My immune system is so wacked. No matter how much vitamins I take  I still get sick.
But I'm going to go on another walk this morning. I've been walking twice everyday since Monday. I'm just hoping I will loose at least 20 pounds by the end of November. Thats when I go back to my doctor.
So wish me luck ya'll.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Do Over

Well, I have not stayed on target with my diet. For one reason or another I strayed.
But today is another day and I have started fresh. I don't know why I do these things. It's not like I don't have a dangerous disease. I want to stay in check of my diabetes and I can't do that if I'm overweight.
I was looking through some pictures of myself in high school and college and you know what, I was a catch. I was thin, tan and I had a bubbly personality. I've just got to find that again.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

How fun

My sister and I went to the Humane Society today to look for a dog for me. They had some really cute dogs and cats also. I'm looking for a small dog like the size of a Yorkie. We didn't find one today, but we may go back tomorrow. There was a dog being spayed today that will be up for adoption tomorrow. It's a small white dog.
I hope I find one. I would take it on my walks with me and play with it and just enjoy having a little cuddle bug. It's been too long since I've had something to take care of. I just love pets.
Also I think having a pet makes you live longer and have a happier life.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


You know I often wonder why people steal. I mean, steal around where I live. When I went out this afternoon to put down my blinds on my patio I noticed that one of my ceramic pigs was missing. I collect pigs and place them out on my patio. I looked everywhere for it. But it's just gone. It was fairly new.
None of my other things were messed with, so all I can summon is that it was stolen. I even looked at my neighbors patio to whom have taken a clay pot before and it wasn't there.
I just think that that is so wrong. I wonder if it could have been one of my neighbors, who knows? If it wasn't my neighbors, then who could have been familiar with this area and the contents on my patio?
I remember when I first moved in over here one of my chimes was stolen too. And that was a house warming gift.
I just don't know what get into peoples minds.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Got Cha

I was out a little while ago on my patio rolling up my blinds. I saw my neighbor out on his patio and I said "hey Paul, I heard that Bama had a good game on saturday." He said "yea, they creamed Michigan." Then I said, "well Auburn didn't do very well." Then he said "who cares." I then said, "well my family are Auburn fans. And in fact my brother is a Bama fan and he's an outcast."
I started laughing and I could hear him saying "ahuh."
Paul just happens to be a big Bama fan. I thought it was funny. I'm laughing at it. I am by no means making fun of Alabama fans, it was just a joke. Oh well.....

Monday, September 3, 2012


You know, we rarely see ourselves in the whole light. What I mean by that is that we all get so used to our environment that it's hard to look beyond the obvious. Today I had a long talk with my sister about me. It wasn't easy to hear the things she said, but I'm thankful that she said them. We always have things about ourselves that we want to change and sometimes it just helps to hear about those changes from other people.
I have been afraid of everything most of my life that I have isolated myself from the world. I don't know when this began, but it's been going on for a long time. Maybe it's been going on since I was a child or maybe some event happened that has made me so afraid. All I do know is that I've got to get out there again and trust that everything is going to be ok.
I've lost the commitment to be a healthier person both physically and mentally. I guess what I've done is built barriers around me and not let anyone in. I've had disappointments that have lasted a lifetime that I'm afraid of other people.
But one thing that I need to do is just to let go of the bad things and move forward towards the good things. I have to believe in myself and have confidence in myself.
I think at some time during people's lives, you loose sight of whats really important. This is easy to do.
You can't help getting lost within yourself and your problems. So, the most important thing you need to concentrate on is improving yourself and you life. With a little effort, I think I can do this.

Sunday, September 2, 2012


Well it's finally September. Can you believe it? This year has just flown by. Have you ever noticed the football flags on peoples cars? I swear, over here where I live most of them are for Alabama. It seems like Alabama fans decorate everything they own.
I'm gonna talk about my neighbors again. We have a few new neighbors whose cars a decorated and also their decks and patios. They've got all of the common things like banners and pompoms. They even have scary stuffed animals sitting on chairs with little Alabama jerseys on. I can see across the parking lots and their are red and white lights strewn across someones condo.
During the games I can hear people yelling at their TV's and people honking their horns.
Auburn on the other hand, theres not a lot of Auburn fans over here. And I rarely see Auburn decorations up. I see a passing Tennessee fan every now and then also a Florida fan. But the rivals of Alabama and Auburn fans keep coming.
I could watch football every now and then. but I'm not a huge fan of football. I do like to see the men running back and forth across the field in those little tights they wear. Thats funny.
I don't even know who won last night. I guess I'll hear it later.

Friday, August 31, 2012


Sure enough, my blood sugar levels this morning were over 180 due to me drinking that crystal light all day yesterday. So, I have to drink a lot of water today.
Also, a few days ago I pulled some muscles in my lower back lifting up my dryer. Last night I went to the gym to try to stretch out my back. I tried walking on the treadmill and riding the bike. No luck.
SO naturally this morning when I woke up just moving in my bed aggravated my back to sheer pain. Just moving around this morning has made pain shoot straight down my back into my legs.
I think going to the gym was a bad idea. Obviously.
Now I will have to nurse it for awhile. That means when I do go back to the gym, I'll have to work even harder to get back where I was.
Even though I'm not up to par this morning, I am bound and determined to have a good day.
And I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


I swear, those of you who don't have diabetes wouldn't understand how much of a pain it is sometimes. I don't mean to complain, but sometimes it just sucks. An example is this. I went to the store and got a new brand of crystal light. This powdered drink is usually sugar free. So I bought some. It is a green tea that has peaches and melon flavor in it. So I drank like three glasses of it last night and my blood sugar reading this morning was 166. I have high sugar levels sometimes so I didn't really think about it.
I keep drinking it all day today. Dad called and asked why it was so high this morning. [ I call him each morning with my levels ]
Anyway, I then looked on the bottle and sure enough it has 40 calaries per 8oz with 5 grams of sugar. I have drunk at least 1/2 of gallon of this stuff all day so now I'm sure my levels are gonna be high tomorrow morning.
Even low fat yogurt has 80 cal. with 2 grams of sugar. Cottage cheese [1/2 cup ] has100 cal. and 3 grams of sugar. These are two "powerfuels" that I eat everyday.
To have a healthy maintenance of your blood sugar, you have to literally watch everything you put in your mouth. Sometimes it's easy, but other times it's a drag. And it's really hard when I go out to eat to make smart choices.
I've been diagnosed since November of 2009. I keep learning everyday about how to eat and what to eat. I just wish I could take a vacation sometime from eating the right things all the time. But I do have to say that I like to go to the doctor when I know I have controlled my blood sugar levels.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Well the news has forecasted that we won't be getting the amount of rainfall and winds that they earlier predicted. Thank goodness. But those poor souls in New Orleans are gonna be hammered by Hurricane Isaac. Tomorrow marks the 7th. anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Remember that one? 1,800 people died in that storm. I hope the new levees that they have built will protect the city.
But a lot of people have taken sense of the warnings this time around and have evacuated. We sure don't need a whole town full of folks staying around for another hurricane.
The news did a segment on the animal shelters transporting dogs and cats to area shelter here in town. I'm glad they thought of that. Who knows how many animals died the last time. The last time people had to leave their homes and just left their animals at home. Most of them thought that they would be back in a few days, instead of a few months.
But I think we have learned a lot of lessons when it came to Katrina. Hopefully many more lives will be spared this time around.
Well those are just a few thoughts I had and wanted to share. Stay safe everyone.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Little Gestures

You know, when someone says or does something nice to you it just makes your whole day. This morning I had this stranger that I was walking by say "hey pretty lady." Then this afternoon another guy helped me back out of my parking place. He was parked next to me in a SUV. I was having a hard time seeing around it so he got out of his car and motioned me out. I just thought that was so nice.
So today was a good day.
I've been watching the news this afternoon about Hurricane Isaac. They still don't know for sure if it will stay in a westerly route or turn to the east. Regardless, I think we will get some winds and rain. My mother was telling me that the east winds of a hurricane are stronger. SO I don't know.
I just checked my batteries and my weather radio just in case.
Well thats about all my news for the day. Have a good week everyone!

Sunday, August 26, 2012


Neill Armstrong died yesterday at the age of 82/yrs. Fox6 did a story on him. He was born in 1930 and at the age of 20 he was flying jets for the air force. He joined NASA in 1962 and was in space just four years later. After landing on the moon, he stayed at NASA until 1974, where he left and started teaching. While out in public he never agree to an autograph. This was interesting since he was such a popular figure. Since he never got into the public image of his celebrity he was able to walk into the grocery store without being mobbed. He died after a long illness which he was surrounded by family.
Can you just imagine what stories he was able to tell? I would have loved to interview him. They said that he was very "down to earth." A "simple man."
This is one of the reasons why I like older people. They have so much to contribute. Both in history and experience. They've seen so much.
Maybe when I get that age, I'll have a lot to share to others.

Friday, August 24, 2012


My sister's birthday was yesterday. I am so glad that her best friend kidnapped her for a drink last night. I'm so glad that she celebrated it because last year she didn't. Some people don't celebrate their birthdays at all. Like my brother. My brother has never wanted to recognize his birthday. I think thats sad because a birthday is your own special day.
I have always celebrated mine. When I was working , I would always take that day off. Sleep in late and be lazy.
So I think birthdays should be celebrated. If not to spend them with family or friends, to reserve that day for yourself.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Can't Believe This

Don't you just hate it when someone moves and don't take their pets with them? This has happened in my neck of the woods. These people moved away and left their two kittens behind. I saw them walking around yesterday. They can't be more than a few months old.
I don't want to leave food out for them, cause I'll never get rid of them if I do and plus I don't want to attract any critters around here. So I left water out on my patio. At least they'll be able to have a drink.
I can't stand to see this happen. What goes through peoples minds when they do these things?
Maybe if I had my crate with me I would trap them and take them to a shelter. One of them is very friendly, but the other one won't let you get close to it at all.
You know this is why we have so many stray dogs and cats roaming around. Well I don't know that for sure, but it makes sense.
I just saw on the news the other night that a woman from Mississippi drove to Parrish Alabama in Walker county near Jasper to feed and pick up stray dogs to take them back to her home to the shelters. Apparently there is not a shelter in Parrish. I was really sad because a lot of these dogs had been hit by cars or they were bone thin.
I just wish all people would take care of their pets so we wouldn't have these troubles.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

A New Day

When I woke this morning, yep actually woke up from 4 hours of sleep. Hippee!!!!!! Again, when I woke I had a much better outlook. After  I walked this morning, I felt like everything was going to be ok. And when I got home today I planned out how I was going to be more happy.
We all get down in the dumps sometimes. Whats important is how to get out of the dumps and how to keep a positive attitude. What also helps is being around positive people. That is that helps me.
One way is to accept that there are things that you can't change. That you have no control over.
And secondly, try to appreciate your talents. Don't be so critical over yourself and others. Weigh the pros and cons of a simple task that you might find difficult. And always believe in yourself.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Monday Continued

Hey, well this is the second time I've blogged today. I ended up going to the gym. I walked on the treadmill and rode the bikes there. I feel much better. Got my energy back.
I guess you have to make your own "positives" everyday to keep a good outlook on things. It's easy to get down, but much easier to see the brighter side in life too.


I should have known better than to think that I would get as much sleep as I did the other night. I know I have been talking a lot about this, but when you don't get enough sleep you struggle the next day. On Saturday night I got 11 hours of sleep, but last night I got 3 hours of sleep.
I didn't stay long at volunteering today and it's now too hot to walk. Tomorrow regardless of how much I sleep, I'm going to get started early and walk then volunteer. I can't let this sickness get the best of me.
I was able to get my chores done yesterday. So I have a nice clean house and clean clothes to wear.
It just seems like when you're not feeling well everything just goes by so slowly.

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Under the weather

Hey folks. I've been a bit under the weather for the past three days. I haven't slept much. I probably have gotten 9 hours of sleep in three days. My folks and sister have been calling to make sure I'm ok. It's nice to hear from them. I haven't walked, volunteered or done much so I've got cabin fever. I've watched a lot of movies and my favorite show MASH, but I haven't really done anything.
I haven't had the energy. So I'm hoping I will be back to my normal self next week.
It's times like this where the "time" really goes by slowly. I'm also hoping that I will get caught up on my sleep.
So I thought I'd do something today like blogging. You know, when I first started blogging I was worried that I wouldn't be able to choose subjects well. That I'd run out of things to say. This journey of mine has been more or less a place where I can say my peace and have a working log on what I talk about. I wonder how many people really read my blog. That used to be on my mind, but now I really don't think about it anymore. This is a chance for me to open up and share my inspirations and life with others.
I've always been on the shy side and not really outgoing. Sometimes I wish I were more outgoing cause I think it would improve my communication skills. But I've always had my few set of friends and my daily functions which keep me busy. I don't really think about whats beyond "my little world." I think we all are like this. We all get so caught up in "our" problems and "our" life that it's hard to look at other things. And we all think that we are the only ones going through barriers.
I think if we stop in our tracks and look at the broader view, we might be able to be more open. Sounds good, but are we ready to do that.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Yesterday, was my nephews birthday. He turned a whopping 17/yrs. old. I still can't believe he's that old or that he will be in the 11th. grade. It was just like it was years ago when he was a little boy. This triggered me to go through all of his pictures growing up. How dependent he was on all of us and how much of a joy he was at that age. Don't get me wrong he's still a joy to be around, he's just not a little boy anymore. It also makes you think how old you are. And I bet my sister, his mother feels the same way.
He's the only grandchild in the family, so you can just imagine how much time was dotted on him. I can remember when I was in my 20's, how I wanted five boys. Just boys, not girls for some reason. I thought for sure I'd have a lot of children because I was with a man that I had been with for years and I just knew we would get married at some point. But as people change, that never happened. Of course, I've dated on and off for the past fifteen years, but they were never like my first true love. I don't know if I have meant to compared them to that man, but that magic moment seemed to never happen again.
So, now I'm 47/yrs. old. No children, no husband. Don't get me wrong I am very happy in my life, but things sure didn't work out the way that I thought they would.
I think you just have to take life as it comes. Do the best you can, have a positive attitude and think of each day as an adventure. And if you run across an obstacle like a health problem [ my diabetes ] then you just have to live with it. Make the best of it. And not let anything run your life. Because it's up to you to make that "miracle" happen.

Thursday, August 9, 2012


Today we got some fierce rain. The storm came through around 11am this morning. Thankfully I was already home. My power went out a few times and the front lawn flooded. We needed the rain, but not this much. I saw on the news that parts of downtown Birmingham flooded. Idiots were driving their cars through these flooded streets. You won't catch me doing that. I did that one time when I had an SUV and I ended up flooding the engine. But I was driving through a flooded bridge in north Alabama. It was covered with water from a stream. Bad idea. Believe me I learned my lesson then.
I went to workout a little while ago. I just joined this gym. I figure it can't hurt. Walking is fine every morning, but it's just not toning me up. So, I went in and rode a bike for 30 minutes then I worked out with the weights. There was an attendant there who showed me the proper way to lift weights. If you want to hire a fitness instructor they only cost 80 dollars an hour. Whew! Too rich for my blood.
Since I've been home, I've just sat around. Didn't feel like doing much. It's going to be a lazy day from this point on.

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I can't believe it's already August. I got up early today and did my stuff. When I got home, I took a long walk. It was nice because the sun wasn't shining and it had not gotten hot yet. I then made some phone calls and am now washing clothes. Nice relaxing day.
I remember when I used to work, how I would be pressed for time when it came to chores. Even though I volunteer, it isn't nearly the amount of time as I used to be away from home. But I'm glad I do it.
Oh.. I hear the rumbling of thunder outside. Everything is so green outside because we have gotten a steady stream of rain these past couple of weeks.
I saw this same old raccoon outside last night with a crooked tail. My neighbors leave out bread crumbs for the wildlife. Not only does this feed this raccoon, but it also attracts all sorts of rodents. Their country folk, so they don't see the harm in it. I've named that raccoon big Ben. He's a pretty good large raccoon, but looks old as well. And he's not afraid of people. This can be a bad thing. He's even tried to scratch on my kitty door in my front door at night before. So, now I have that sucker taped up, so I'll know for sure he can't get in.
Not much more going on around here. Except, since it's summer the kids are out playing in the mornings when I want to sleep in. I don't sleep in often, but I have found lately that they wake me up.
Kids will be kids.
Well thats about all for me today. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

Monday, July 30, 2012

Dentist Continued

Well I went back to the dentist this afternoon. This is my 12th. appointment since the end of May. Again we did the same thing we did two weeks ago. Taking impressions and xrays. I put my foot down and said that I will not be coming back for more xrays or impressions. Also I told the dentist that I will not be letting them pull my last tooth on the back lower jaw and putting in implants. The dentist did confirm today that each implants costs 4,300 hundred dollars. Not the estimated 2,300 as told before.
This dentist didn't like me telling her that I wasn't going to do something. But enough is enough. I just needed to put a stop to this.
Hopefully I won't be scheduled again for a long time. If they do try to schedule me in soon, they will be questioned as to the procedures that need to be done.
I think I deserve a gold star.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


I have been going to this one dentist now for about two months. In that time, I have had at least a dozen appointments to do the same thing. And 90% of those visits I've had xrays done. You would think that they have all the materials they need to repair my teeth. Again they called this morning for me to come back in and have new impressions done. Two weeks ago, I had an hour and a half worth of impressions [a mold of your teeth] done plus xrays again.
I just don't know what to do. When I try to ask why is this needed, they give me the brush off that the dentist ordered it.
Two weeks ago the dentist mentioned that she might pull some teeth and put implants in. Oh, that got me hot and bothered. First off, pulling teeth is not the answer. And secondly, one implant costs 4,300 dollars. And I think she wanted two teeth pulled.
Now I have to go back next week to do the same thing I did two weeks ago? Augh....!!!!
I may just stop going to this fool all together.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I came home early again today. I definitely have a cold. Still have a cough, sore throat, running nose and sneezing now. Summer colds are the pits.
Along with my cold, I'm trying to get over withdrawals symptoms from nicotine. I've been chewing nicotine gum on and off for about eight years now and it's time to stop it. I realized that I'm using more than the prescribed amount daily. Also it's only suppose to be used for a six week time period, reducing the amount of gum each week.
So, by quitting smoking back in 2009, I just switched one form of nicotine intake for another. I knew that I was chewing too much, but I guess I just needed a "wake up call" to jerk me into realizing that I need to give it up. In a way I was minimizing my nicotine habit.
You know it's funny. I was a substance abuse counselor for 16/yrs. I remember that countless of my clients would always say that I didn't know what I was talking about since I had never had a problem with drugs. But I can honestly say now, that I understand. After all nicotine is a drug. It may not be a major one, but it's still habit forming.
My sister and I had a long conversation about this on Monday and thats when I threw away all of my boxes of this gum. I felt funny at first throwing it all out because it costs 30 dollars a box. But I knew that if I had simply shoved it to the side and kept it, I would eventually chew it again. I had to get it out of my house.
So I said a farewell to it and threw it all in the trash. Last night I was having major cravings. I stuck ice in my mouth and that seemed to help. And the first thing I wanted this morning was a piece of gum.
I did do some research online about this and it said that sometimes quitting nicotine products is harder than quitting anything. The  cravings can be severe. Your body can not only physically crave it,but mentally as well.
I also think that a big part of it is the "chewing." Since I have been on Nutrisystem, I am eating less and the nicotine gum was taking the edge off of my hunger. I remember when I was smoking, I would smoke when I was hungry. I was still over weight, but it helped me for not "over doing it." I guess the gum psychology did the same. I have been chewing trident gum now, just to keep that sensation going. Eventually I'll ease up on the trident and not have to use anything. I just have to get through these next couple of weeks. At least that's what I think it will be to get over this.
So, the best rule of thumb is, when you stop smoking don't grab a substitute that contains nicotine cause it's very misleading.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


I came home a little early today. I feel awful. Yesterday I woke up to drainage and a cough. Today I have a sore throat, runny nose and a headache. No matter how many omega 3's and vitamin c tablets I take I still catch bugs easily. This is just one of the joys of having diabetes.
Enough about me. My friend is sick again. She had surgery a week ago on her arm, neck and stomach and she has caught a staff infection. I feel so helpless. There is absolutely nothing I can do for her to make her feel better. Because of her kidney disease she develops so many complications. Not only does she have to dialyze every other day, she has bad asthma and arthritis. I've tried to think what I could do to bring a little happiness in her life. But I guess the only thing I can do is to be there for her.
I hate to see anyone in any pain. Things like this really make you think of what is truely important.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


I went over to my parents house this morning to see them. I hadn't seen them since May. It was nice catching up. I guess thats pretty sad that I live in the same town as my parents, but I don't see them often. I talk to them, I'm just not around them much.
I woke up this morning without having to take Lucy out and you know what? I missed it. This was a test last week for me to see if I really wanted to get a dog. I think the companionship would be great, but having to take them for walks a couple times a day and have to take them out to do their business all day is just a little too much for me. As my Dad says, "it's like having a baby to take care of."
And I know I don't want another cat for awhile. So, I guess I won't be having another pet for some time. Plus I like coming home and not taking care of anything. I've kind of gotten spoiled with that.
But I would like pets to come for a visit, like having Lucy when I did. Cause I'll be giving them back.
What else.... I had a really good walk this morning. I walked right when the sun was coming up. Thats when I usually walk. It's nice and cool at that time.
I hope everyone had a nice weekend. It's not been as hot as it was. Those triple digits really do a number on me.
Oh and what about the killings in the news in Colorado. I think it was 12 people who were shot to death? By a 24 year old man. And what 56 others were injured? It seems that there has been an higher amount of violent crimes lately. This is to add to the shootings in Tuscaloosa. No one died thus far, but still. Crazy folks walking around with guns. It makes you think about what this world has come to.

Friday, July 20, 2012


Well, I've had my sister's dog Lucy since last Friday night. And I thought I would like to get a dog. No more. The companionship would be great, but not having to keep taking out a dog to walk and do it's business. Granted Lucy is house trained and she doesn't require to be taken out but four times a day. Actually she's been sitting in front of the front door about every three to four hours. She's made friends with one dog but can't stand two others that are yorkies.
Last night, I had taken the trash out of the trash can. I had the bag sitting on the kitchen floor. I went out last night to pick up the poop. When I came in, Lucy wasn't in the livingroom. I walked in the kitchen and she was in the trash bag with trash scattered all over the floor. I had left a half eaten bowl of spagetti in the trash and she had spagetti sauce all over her whiskers. All I had to do was to look at her. She then crawled out of the bag and sat on the floor just looking at me.
She knew she had done something wrong so no yelling from me was necessary. Plus, it's my fault to leave a bag full of food scraps on the floor. Too much of a temptation.
Although she did get into the trash last night,she's been a complete joy here. She's slept with me every night and has loved her walks in the morning. We haven't walked too far, just out in front of my condo. And she loves to roll around in the grass and lay out in the sun on the grass.
She knows my routine now. I will be giving her back to my sister tomorrow. I think I will keep her again. Maybe not for as long, but I'll keep her again.

Friday, July 13, 2012


I wonder what it means to have the same reoccurring dream. I swear for the past eight to nine months I've had this dream. It's always at night and I'm outside. My car is never where I parked it. I'm always looking for my car. As I'm looking, all cars, I mean all cars are white in color. I look down rows and rows of white cars. Then I'm walking down this path in a wooded area. Thats when I wake up.
Strange, huh?
When I was younget I used to have dreams that actually came true. I remember one time I dreamed that a lady in a pink sweater was riding down the escalator at the mall. Not a few weeks go by and I see a lady with a pink sweater riding down an escalator. Isn't that weird?
I have a dream book around here somewhere.

Thursday, July 12, 2012


I'm sooo excited. I'm going to be keeping one of my sisters dogs for a week. She's one of the sweetest dogs I've ever known. She's an old lady of 12/yrs. A cross [I think] between a poodle and a beagle. Her name is Lucy.
I pick her up tomorrow evening. This is also going to be a test for me to see if I want to get a dog or not. If I do get a dog, I'm going to be looking for a small or toy dog. At my condos, we can't have a dog that weighs more than 30 lbs.
They even have specific areas that are dog friendly. Most dogs that I have seen around here are yorkies, beagles, poodles and that little taco bell dog. I can't remember the breed.
Anyway, I'm excited...

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A Sad Thing

I saw the saddest thing this morning. A dog ran out in the middle of the road and was hit by a car. I stopped my car because it looked like the dog was dead, but then it got up dragging his leg. The car that hit him stopped too and the guy started walking towards the dog. Then the dog just ran across the street again into some woods.
I knew not to get close to this dog because you really don't know what an injured dog would do to you. The guy walked over to where I had pulled over and said that he tried to get close to the dog to take him to the vet this guy uses. I told him him that I thought that was nice of him to do that. And I saw that there was no way that this guy could have missed hitting this dog because the dog just ran right in front of his car. I was coming the opposite direction so I saw the whole thing. When I told this guy that he said that it didn't make him feel any better. He did walk back over to the woods where the dog ran but couldn't find him.
There's not a whole lot of people who would have stopped like he did after hitting an animal.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hamy downs

I have been saving my money. Putting a little bit aside each month to buy my friend a new coat. He basically has only pennies to rub together and he hasn't had a coat for as long as I have known him. So, I decided this spring that I would get him one.
But good news. My Dad is gonna be cleaning out his closet and has a few coats or jackets that might fit my friend. I am so thankful. If these fit him then I'll just buy him a hat and gloves. My best friend, his wife just went to a garage sale and boat a "new" coat for five dollars. She said that when she looked in the pocket the tag was in there and the coat was worth 355.00. So, thats a steal. She says that it looks like the coat was just stored away and never worn.
It's amazing what you can find at garage sales. I used to be an avid garage sales shopper. I remember I got six plates, six bowls and six glasses for only 10.00. Thats when I was just starting out on my own and those things came in handy.
Back to my friends. They need so much that I want to help them. These are the kind of people that would give the shirt off their backs to help anyone. Their always thinking of others. So if I can give them little things that they need then it would really make a difference to them. Their awfully proud, but we are such old friends that they will accept things from me. Plus, I have been pretty fortunate to have parents that could afford to buy me what I needed throughout the years that I want to pay it back.
Or what is it called "pay it forward?" I think there was a movie about that. Anyway, I just want to take care of those I love.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Bad News

Last night I got a call from my best friends husband. They had a bad day at the doctors office. I've blogged about my friend before. She's the one thats in renal failure. She has to dialyze 5 x daily at home. Well she's had an staff infection three times where the lining of her stomach is infected. She has tubing in her stomach and the doctor believes that the infection has attached itself to the tubing and this is why she has continued to get sick. So, she has to start going through hemo dialysis instead.
This is where she is hooked up to a machine in a dialysis clinic for four hours 3 x a week. Next week she'll have surgery to put a portal in her neck. She'll also get new tubing in her stomach for when she's able to go back to pariteneal dialysis at home. She'll be on hemo for the next 3 to 6 months. The hemo dialysis will allow for that infection to heal.
The big deal about the hemo is that she'll have to dialyze away from home and her energy levels will be really low. She said that when she was first diagnosed she was on hemo and it was so depressing. She had a hard time just feeling normal.
But she says that if she has to do this, she'll have to do it because it's whats keeping her alive.
This makes me think that all my problems are insignificant compared to what she has to deal with day in and day out. She just had a birthday. And she reminded me that each birthday is like crossing a milestone for her because she is still alive. When you think about this it's scary. It's scary because we just don't know how long she can survive with this disease.

Thursday, July 5, 2012


My neighbors are such freaks. Last night they were shooting firecrackers in beer cans and watching the cans fly all over the parking lot. How they did this, I don't know. But they were doing it. If that's not bad, then they were putting sparklers on the carpeted patio floor. Are they idiots or something?
They could have burned down the entire building. So, this morning I found beer cans all over the front lawn. I knew if I didn't pick them up then they would just be there until the garbage man came on Friday.
These people are in their mid sixties, so you would think they would know better. They both smoke. I'm afraid that they are going to fall asleep after drinking with their cigarettes lit and burn the building down. Who knows what could happen?
Last week, they left their car doors open all night. Cause when I was leaving one morning, I drove past their car with both the front seat doors laying wide open.
Enough about them.
I will share with you what happened to me this morning. I went to the grocery store. While I was walking to the car with my groceries, I saw this guy trying to jimmie my car door open. I yelled at him and he ran away. So, I pushed the cart back into the store and asked if a male associate would follow me back outside to my car. I didn't want to be out there by myself with that guy around. I was told that there had been a lot of car break ins in that parking lot lately.
It kind of scared me. Where are cops when you need them?
This just goes to show you that you never know whats going to happen and that you need to be careful around your surroundings.
I hope the rest of my day gets better.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 4th.

Happy Birthday America!

Sunday, July 1, 2012


I can't believe that it's July 1st. Boy this year has just flown by.
I went to my once a month diabetes meeting held for diabetics as a support system. I've been going to these meetings for about six months now and they really are beneficial. But I will tell you that theres one person in particular who is a walking time bomb. He's in his 30's. Weighs easily 400 to 450lbs. can barely walk with a cane. He has heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney stones. The reason I know all of this is that he talks about all of his medical problems when he goes. Anyway, he's always walking in with a coke and potato chips. He doesn't have a chance. And yet he believes that going to these meetings, going to his doctor and taking his medicine is going to help him.
It's just kind of sad. We all look at him in amazement that he's still alive.
It makes me want to be a healthier person even more. Things could go down quick when you have diabetes. Even having diabetes causes your organs to work harder. You've got all of these cards stacked against you that it's important to exercise daily,eat smart and maintain a positive attitude. So going to these meetings has allowed me to get a reality check about my health. Of course there are those who have had part of their feet amputated. These are folks who usually have had bad maintained diabetes for years. So as long as I keep educating myself on the dangers of diabetes, I become a healthier person.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Dream Boat

Who says dream boat anymore? Me. This is so funny. I can't believe I'm blogging about this. But I have the HOTS for my Fed Ex man. The same guy delivers my nutrisystem food each month.
I feel like a teenager. With the biggest crush. He's probably twenty years younger than me, well maybe ten.
This is such a neat feeling. I remember crushes when I was young and they were always fun. I guess this goes to show me that I still can have these things even at my age. I wouldn't say I'm over the hill, just older.
But heck. "Ain't it great!!!"

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Oh My Gosh!!!

It's 4am and I just had the most awful dream. I think what woke me out of my dream was me screaming. Here it is.
I was with some friends in this college town and we were going to I think a seminar somewhere. We went there and sat down and listened. Then I think we got bored and left. We were driving around this town when we stopped to get something to eat.
For some reason, my friends ran ahead of me and I couldn't follow. I tried to run to, but I couldn't. So I just followed the best I could. I walked to where we had left the car and my friends were gone. No car, no friends.
I then looked around me and everything was different. Nothing looked familiar. So I retraced my steps thinking that my friends are just playing a joke on me. I got back to this college, but it was like I had stepped into the future. I began crying, crying out because I knew that I was in a different time now. I was truely alone.
Everyone I knew, everyone that I ever loved were gone now and I was alone. How could I survive this? I kept walking around in circles trying to remember what my life was like, trying to remember where I came from.
I then woke up. I swear this dream was so surreal. I had to walk around my condo touching everything making sure I was safe and at home. I even walked outside in the darkness to see if my car was there and I was where I should be.
Of course my neighbors were yelling at each other.
I think what my biggest fear is : being alone. Totally alone.
This dream represented that and I didn't like what I saw.
It's so good to be safe and around all of my familiar things.
I hope I can drift back off to sleep this morning cause it's way too early to start my day.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


Gosh, I'm finally feeling back to normal. I did go out today to run some much needed errands, was a little tired when I got back. So, I think that the worst is definitely over. I hate being sick. It throws your whole life off. And I have major cabin fever. So, tomorrow it's back to the grind.
If you live in Alabama, especially in the Birmingham area, it's been hot. I mean hot. I was watching the news tonight and they said for the next five days starting on Thursday it's going to be in the triple digits with the heat. Augh... I guess I won't be going to the park this weekend.
It's funny my neighbors next door have had all of their potted plants strewn all over the front of the building. It's like a jungle out there. They act like their the only ones living here.
Oh I'm reading the best book. It's called "Miss Julia Speaks Her Mind." Ann Ross wrote it a few years ago. It has all of the old southern speech in it and it's about a widow woman who finds out her husband wasn't the "god fearing" man that he portrayed to be. She gets caught up in small town gossip and has to make some hard decisions. It doesn't sound funny, but it is. This is one of those books that you just can't put down.
I love those types of books. You get so involved in it.
Oh and I ran into the same old woman in the grocery store this morning that has stopped me before telling me how good it is to see me and how are the kids??? She did the same thing today.
I think old people are great. When I say old, I mean like 80yrs. old and above. This lady comes with her maid in tow. She's always touchy feely. Like touching my arm or patting my hand. She walks slumped over with a cane. And she's always dressed up with large earrings on. I guess when your're that old, looking your best is the golden rule.
I wonder how I will be at that age. Knowing me, I'll be in jeans, a teashirt and flip flops. I love my flip flops. I shouldn't wear them because I tend to fall over myself all the time. I'm not what you call graceful.

Monday, June 25, 2012


Well this is the fourth day that I've had this stomach bug. I started eating a little bit today. So now I've got this mess coming out the other end. I was told that this is just part of the virus.
This is a perfect example of how diabetics take a little while longer to get over things.
I've stayed at home again today. Haven't done much. I think on Wednesday I'll get back to my routine.
Since I've been home for the past four days, I have noticed that my neighbors are really noisy during the day. Playing their music all morning. I did ask them to keep it down for the next few days, so we'll see if they will be quiet tomorrow.
I feel so out of shape cause I haven't exercised while I have been sick. So thats going to be chore to get back into. I'll be huffing and puffing.
I will say that one week ago I had the opportunity to smoke. I didn't. When I smell it around the complex it just gives me a headache now. Plus I wouldn't want to get that head rush again.
Well thats about all my news for right now. Hope everyone has a good week.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


I have been sick with some kind of stomach bug since yesterday afternoon. Can't keep anything in my stomach. Been throwing up. This morning I woke up with a fever. I had heard that there was a bug going around, so I guess I got it.
We thought it was due to the heat yesterday, but since I had it again today along with the fever we know it's a bug. The one weekend I'm in bed, my cable goes out.
I've tried to be more cheery,opening the curtains. But it's just blah... today.
Hopefully tomorrow I'll feel better.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

What a Day

A weird thing happened to me today. After I volunteered, I went out to lunch with this guy whom I used to work with. He's the one I blogged about recently. Anyway, when we got to the restaurant and sat down at the table the waiter came along. He was a very nice waiter and he and I started laughing because he told a joke.
Thats when the guy I used to work with said he wanted a female waitress. Our waiter said that all attendants had specific tables to wait on and if we were going to sit at this table, we would have him. Makes sense to me.
I looked at the waiter then back at my friend and then my friend said "You're not going to talk to another guy while I'm here." I was so surprised that I just stared at him for a minute. I thought to myself how weird. Then I looked at the waiter and said "I won't be ordering because I'm going." So I got up and left.
That was so "not right." And it scared me a little.
Years ago I used to date a guy who was like this. I remember one day my boyfriend told me that I wouldn't be able to defend myself if I pissed him off again. That was a huge red flag to get out of that relationship. So needless to say, I didn't want to hang around today with this guy who reminded me of that old relationship. It kind of makes you think.

Monday, June 18, 2012


I can't believe it's already the 18th. of the month. Anyway, I talked to someone today that I haven't spoken to in years. At my volunteering job, in walks my friend. Well I say he's my friend because we used to cut up in court all the time. He was the probation officer assigned to the courtroom that I was.
He has recently been diagnosed with diabetes and has been real sick ever since.
He wasn't able to keep up with the work load of his job and was out sick all the time. So, he's on disability like I am and is now going to volunteer at the center I work at.
For hours, we caught up with our lives while he was being trained. It's just so good to see a familiar face.
He is single, newly divorced with no children. Not that I'm interested it's just good to know. Cause who knows what can happen.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Skin Infections

This is a gross subject. People with diabetes get more skin infections than the average person. I don't  blog a lot about my diabetes, but sometimes I just have too. Diabetics get whats called diabetic ulcers all over their skin. I have been prone to this since I have had diabetes.
I just recently had an ulcer in my nose that took three days to burst. I know its gross, but it's true. I get them a lot on my legs, arms and stomach. There's really nothing preventative that you can do to keep yourself from getting this. The bad thing is that diabetics are also prone to getting infections from the simplest cuts or scratches. So I'm always putting antibiotic creams on everything.
I have to be real careful about hand washing too. Along with skin infections, diabetics catch viruses real easy too. I'm 2 x more likely to catch bugs than the average person. So I try my best not to be around sick folks. And after catching these viruses, diabetics take longer to heal from these bugs.
You might say that there's nothing much a diabetic can do from catching things. But there is. You just need to be mindful or germs all around you.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Ok, Ok. My sister urged me to blog today. I had a pretty busy day, then I had to go back to the dentist once more. I've been to the dentist three times in the past three weeks. What can I say? I have neglected my teeth for too long. Now I'm paying for it. I've got a lot of work that needs to be done. So it's gonna be regular visits for me for awhile.
What else is going on with me.... I've been on this diet now for just about 10 wks now. It's from Nutrisystem. I still get hungry now and then. I usually stuff almonds in my mouth which ties me over. I did have someone last night ask me if I had lost any weight. Thats always good. Those of you who diet like I do are always motivated more when people start noticing weight loss.
I'm still considering on getting a small dog instead of another cat. This is a dog neighborhood over here. I always see people out walking their dogs.
What else... I emailed my friend who lives in Alaska and she is going to be passing through Birmingham in the next few weeks. Hopefully I'll be able to see her. You know I think thats one of the nicest things. To catch up with old friends. Most of my friends either live out of state or out of town so when I do get to see them it's a treat.
I will share something funny with you. I went out last night to take my trash out and my neighbor's husband was just sitting outside passing gas. Not a care in the world. Unfortunately when I walked past their patio, it scared him and he said "excuse me." I hate to have caught him doing that. If it had been me, I would have been super embarrassed.
Passing gas is just an "old shoe" for me. I'm probably one of the most gasiest person you would want to meet. I always have been. I remember driving to the beach when I was little. Whenever someone "cut gas" in the car everyone yelled my name. No joke.. So you can see that having gas is just second nature to me now.
I don't know how I got off on that. Well I think I'll go now. Now that I have put my foot in my mouth.
Have a good week ya'll.

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Yesterday I heard a word that I haven't heard in a long time. Skeedaddle. Is this how you spell it? What does it mean? Go away or something? Older people have the funniest vocabulary. There's another phrase. Why don't we go truck farming? I found out through some die hard country friends that this means going to a produce market when the produce is on trucks. So instead of going to the farmers market, people go truck farming. I bet you haven't heard that one. Neither had I.
Of course theres going over yonder. Which translates to going over there. I'm sure there are a dozen or so more, I can't remember them.
So even though we all speak english, we all speak it in different ways. I guess you just have to grow up speaking what was taught to you.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday Cont.

Well, Well, Well. They finally showed up. Three hours late. Come to find out my air conditioning was filling up with water and freezing. I bet this will be another couple of hundred of dollars. Gotta go cause their here.


Ok, Ok. There's a question about being patient and being done. I'm done. Once again my air conditioning company has not shown up. They have cancelled on me twice and now they simply did not show up.
It's time to find a new company.

Monday, June 4, 2012


You know what I love to do? After it rains, I just love to sit outside and smell the summer air. It seems that all of the fragrances such as flowers, grass and trees are amplified. This morning there was a bad storm and before I left this morning I drank my coffee out on my patio. It was nice.
When I was sitting out there last night I saw lightning bugs which reminded me of summers when I was a child. Did you ever collect lightning bugs in a jar?
We would, that is my brother and sister. It also reminded me of sucking on popsicles and running through sprinklers.
What one learns through the eyes of a child.

Friday, June 1, 2012

Not Again

You know what really gets me? This is the second time that my air conditioning man has cancelled on me. Granted it's just a maintenance call, but thats not the point. I guess it saves me from paying 99 dollars today. It's just the principle of the thing.
Apparently their just too busy to make the call. My question is, if you know you're more busy on one day then why schedule it.
Or then I just love when they don't give you a specific time and you end up waiting all day.
I know others feel this way too. This is just my way of venting.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


You know I haven't been to a dentist in about 5 to 6 years. I got my teeth cleaned today along with an extensive oral exam. My teeth are so sore from being prodded. The good news is is that I don't have any early signs of gum disease that comes along with diabetes.
I was there for three hours today. And last week I was there for 3 1/2 hours. I have some work that needs to be done,but it's just going to be minor.
I blogged a few days ago about everything happening in threes. And how money does not grow on trees. I wish it did. No matter how much money you save, you're always spending the money.
Even when I worked, I didn't have dental insurance.
Hopefully I'll be able to get what needs to be done and then only yearly checkups will come. Along with twice a year cleaning.
Boy, dentists really rack up.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Expense Again

I swear, I must have a zero on my back because I have to spend more money today. My AC stopped working and that will be another 100 dollars or so that I will have to spend today. This must be a record on huge bills this week.
Things seem to always happen in three's. First it was my car, then the dentist and now this. Hopefully I won't have anymore additional expenses to take of for awhile. Cause my bank account is getting smaller by the minute.

Thursday, May 24, 2012


You know there's always those times where you have to spend a lot of money. These past two days I have broken the bank.
Yesterday, I took my car in because of a recall. I wasn't expecting to spend any money. But the guy helping me came back to tell me that not one but all four tires had dry rot on them. Now keep in mind these were the original tires from when I bought the car 7 yrs. ago so I guess they needed to be changed. So I spent over 800 dollars buying four new tires.
Then today, I went to the dentist to have a crown glued back in that had popped off. I had decay in that tooth, so I had to get it filled and a new crown made. Plus I had to get all of these xrays.
I don't even know how much it came to. I'm gonna have to ask my parents for help on that.
So, you see it doesn't matter how much you scrimp and save; you are always gonna be hit with a big bill sometimes.
What is that saying? "Does money grow on trees?" I wish it did, cause I could use the help.

Monday, May 21, 2012

A Birthday

Last night, my family all met at my parents house. It was my Dad's 73rd. birthday. We cooked out hamburgers, potato salad, baked beans and a salad. Of course since I'm on Nutrisystem I ate my own food. But I did have a salad and half of a hamburger.
We then opened presents and had brownies and ice cream. I had sugar free candy. So I didn't feel that I was being "forbidden" to eat anything good.
My Dad had a great time and as always was so appreciative to everyone. It's easy to do nice things for him because he's such a great person. I hope when I reach his age I will have as much wisdom as he does. I love him dearly.

Friday, May 18, 2012


Today has been a relaxing day for me. But this morning when I was out for a walk I saw this man whipping this dog. I normally wouldn't get involved but I did. I started shouting at this man and threatened that I would call the police. He stopped when another person walked over. He then started waving this belt at me and the other person.
This other person had their phone and called the police. The dog had been tethered up with a leash so it was just laying on the ground. We walked a little ways down the road to wait for the police. When they pulled up the man was still outside threatening us. The police told us to leave so we did.
I don't know what happened, but I had hoped that the police took care of the dog. This guy needed to be arrested. I had never seen him around the complex until today, so I don't know which condo he lived in or if he was just here visiting someone.
I felt so sorry for that dog because the way he was acting I'm sure he has abused that dog before.
There are just some crazy people out there.

Thursday, May 17, 2012


Today I talked to a neighbor about Butter. [ my cat who had to recently be put down ] I thought I was over all of the sadness and regret, but I guess I'm not. A few days ago I felt this overwhelming anger. Angry because she deserved so much more out of life.
Even though it was apparent she had this kidney problem all her life [ from the Xrays ] she still was only 2 1/2 yrs. old.
And to top it all off, she was so scared all the time is this was the reason for her biting and scratching. She simply had been in too many homes at a very early age. Not to mention her being abused as a kitten.
So, I guess I'm just saddened that she didn't get the loving environment that she deserved all of her life.
I do think she did get a loving environment for the two years I had her.
I just don't think it's fair. And it's sad that other people thought she was vicious. The last vet she was around thought that.
I just wish that there was more I could have done.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


You know it's so nice to get together as a family and go do stuff. For Mother's Day this year we all met at the movies. We rarely as a family go do stuff together. We do get together at each other houses, but we just don't do activities much. So this was nice.
Have you ever thought that some people just look old all the time as compared with those that have a youthful face? My Dad's Birthday is coming up this week. He does not look 73. This also goes for the rest of the family.
But I've known people that have seemed old all their lives. It's like they were born with an old soul.
We're lucky in my family. We all look younger than our ages.
I think a lot of it depends on your outlook towards life and if you live your life to it's fullest. Instead of sitting at home being pestimistic with no cares in the world.
With my family, we each have busy lives and we each embrace our lives with a hopeful heart.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Doctor Day

Yesterday was my doctor day. It was really good. All of my counts were much better. My A1C was 7 down from 8.4. 7 is the normal range for diabetics. I've lost 18 pounds. My blood pressure was 110/79 which my doctor said was perfect. I got a cholesteral measurement done that I will find out today what the level is. My doctor said I may be able to go down on my cholesteral medication.
So, since I've been on Nutrisystem all of my numbers have been great. I'm on my 7th week on this diet. This was the first time in over 6/months that all of my levels have been right on target.
And the best thing of all is that I don't have to go see him again until November. That would have been the longest I have been to see my doctor.
I just need to keep it up. WHo knows what me numbers will be in 6 months. I'm planning to be at least 30 to 40 pounds lighter. Maybe I can even get my A1C to 6. That would really be a miracle.
All in all, I had a good day yesterday.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Pet

You know I have been thinking more and more about getting a small dog instead of another cat. In school I had a dog that I had eventually have to give away. She was the perfect size. The condos where I live now will not permit a dog over 30 pounds. So, I'm thinking of getting a "toy" breed. My sister has this adorable toy yorkie. I've heard though that yorkie's are hard to potty train.
I don't know about that. I think it takes about the same amount of time with any dog. Plus, getting a dog will keep me motivated to walking everyday. It's always the same old same old when walking. This way, I'll know I have to go out and walk the dog.
But I'm still in that transition where I don't want another pet for awhile. I've enjoyed not having to feed or clean litter boxes everyday. And that I just have to take care of myself.
So, whenever I do get another pet, I'll select the perfect time to do that.

Monday, May 7, 2012

What a Nightmare

It's 2am and I wake up fully alert. I turn on the TV and then fall back to sleep. At 5am I wake up from a horrible nightmare.
Picture this: We're all kids and are living in a safe house. But the safe house is a condemned building.
There are rats crawling around everywhere. There's even this dog that has magets all over it and it's still walking around alive. We didn't have any money for food. So, we go around town stealing money or food. We don't even have shoes on our feet. It's in the winter and we all are freezing.
The despair and heartache we feel is overpowering.
We somehow get shoes that are either too small or too big for our feet. We have frostbite on our toes and pain just radiates through our bodies.
We have stolen some food and that's when I wake up.
I haven't had a nightmare in so long that I had to make sure that I was home safe and sound. This was one of those dreams that seemed so surreal. And the funny thing about it was that I was starving when I awoke.
I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and wondering how starving children get through their own nightmares. Are there those who don't know where shelters are or are they just too proud to get help. In any sense, I'm lucky to have a roof over my head and food to eat. And I never take that for granted.

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Oh Gnats!

OMG!!! I've had a flea problem at my house for the past few weeks, but this morning took the cake. I was about to drink my coffee when I saw three fleas swimming in my coffee. And they were jumping on me last night. So, I set off a fogger and went to my parents today.
It took four hours until I was able to get back in. So far, I've only had two fleas jump on me. They were just swarming. I may have to "refog" again, but it's a whole lot better.
Now, it's been a week since my butter was put down. I miss her, but I know she's no longer in anguish mentally and physically. My parents swayed towards her being euthenized because of her behavior. I just still don't know. She had a hard life and deserved so much better than she got.
But at least she's at peace now.
I've got all next week to myself. not volunteering. I trained others all last week. I think I'll take my car into the shop for a much needed tune up and also get some things done around the house.
I did wash my car today. It hadn't been washed in over a year. I didn't clean inside, so I've still got to do that.
Otherwise my weekend has been relaxing.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Easy Money

I just found out that my sister bought lottery tickets today. You know, I have never bought those. I've wanted to, but never have. I know if she won anything she would share her fortune. I know I would. I wish Alabama would have these tickets.
Have I ever won anything? Let me think.... Oh yes, I won a small fry at McDonalds one time. And a free pepsi. Thats about it. I don't even know what I would do with millions. I mean for myself. I know the first couple of hundred thousands I would give to my family and friends. And probably some organizations in town.
I've seen these people on TV that win millions and it ruins their lives. They become very irresponsible with the money. They either loose it all on buying sprees or every relation they have shows up on their doorstep wanting cash for particular reasons.
I have some friends who always fill out the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes every month. They are really serious about it. Luck seems to follow them.
Maybe some of their luck will rub off on me.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

A Void

You know, when you loose a pet it seems that you have a big void in your life. The first cat I lost due to illness was very hard to get over. I should have taken time for myself instead of rushing off and getting another cat.
But I got one who had behavioral problems from day one. I was very attached to her also. Thats the one who recently had to be put down for kidney failure. I later found out that the vet tried to treat her but she kept pulling out the IV's. After she pulled out the fourth one they decided that they were not going to put her through anything else. She would have died an agonizing death if they hadn't put her down.
I also found out that before they got the kidney test results, they had sedated her to calm her down. Even after sedation, she sent one of the workers to the emergency room with five stitches from being scratched so severely.
She was tempermental with me, but I think that being in a new place and having all of the vet people touching her was just too much for her nerves. I don't agree that she was vicious. She was just terrified. There was no easy way around capturing her and put her in the carrier, then taking her to the vet. I wish I could have held her one last time. She deserved more than what she got.
She didn't have a fair shake of life as it was. Being in three different foster care families before I adopted her. Cats don't adjust well to change. She also was abused by her first owner, so that had to have had an effect on her trusting people. At least I was able to give her two years of hugs and kisses. And boy would she play. Of course I spoiled her with practically a new toy every month. She had this one toy that was a little bird. It chirped when you moved it. I would throw that toy across the floor. She'd grab it then bring it back to me. For hours she would do this. She also had her booboo. That was a round mouse that she carried with her when she was going to sleep or just anywhere she went. I made her a string toy that had a little bell on the end. She loved chasing that around the house.
So, I think she had a good life with me. But to die at 2 1/2 years old just isn't fair at all. I never got any pictures of her until one day I tried and my battery had died in my camera. But then, my friends were arriving in just a few minutes to take her to their vet then their house. I was giving her to them because Butter would only stay in the closet day in and day out. She stopped playing and wasn't interested in anything anymore. Plus, she kept turning on me, scratching me making sores on my arms, legs and hands. I thought she would be happier with a house full of cats and a small dog. Little did I know that she was in kidney failure.
Now, I'm taking the time for myself. No more pets for awhile. Since she has been gone I have felt like I needed to be doing something at night like cleaning out her litter box for the second time in the day or changing her water dish.
Maybe I'll get a little dog next. Who knows...

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I got the news from my friend Brian that the vet had to put her down at 3pm today. It wasn't due to any behavioral problems; it was because she was in kidney failure. Her kidneys were shutting down.
This explains the constant hiding these past few months and her temperment.
I feel so responsible. If only I had known that there was a problem. She had been eating well [three times a day] and drinking lots of water.
The vet said that she probably always has had a kidney problem. And the shelter that I adopted her from should have never put Butter up for adoption.
This still doesn't make me feel any better.
My friend assured me that she wasn't in any pain yet. The vet told him that she would have been crying and not eating if she was in any pain.
She had such a short life only 2 1/2 yrs. old. I don't even have a picture of her.
Brian brought Butter to his house and buried her in his back yard. I'm glad he did this because it would have been awful if she had just been discarded.
This makes two cats that I have had that had to be put down due to illness.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Continued from Today

Well I heard from my friends. They took Butter to the vet and they told me that it took three people with long gloves on to get Butter out of the carrier. The vet was going to keep her over night and observe her tomorrow. He was also going to run a kidney test to make sure she didn't have any problems, since she has not been using her litter box but every other day.
I think as I told my friends that this is all due to her being so scared and also the bug problem I've had a my house. Butter has only been hanging out in the closet for about a month now.
I just feel awful, so awful about the entire thing. I can just see her little face right now. She used to be such a happy cat. I think the "used to be" is sad. I didn't even get a picture of her.
I'm praying that everything is going to be OK for tomorrow and that my friends will be able to take her to their house. I'm praying that she behaves herself enough to let this vet see that she can be a good cat.
I'm just praying.

The Capture

I'm glad thats all over. My friends came and were able to wrangle Butter in the carrier. She was very scared. I gave them all of her stuff and they left to take her to their vet in Jasper.
They did say that they had talked to their vet this morning who said that Butter may be too wild to keep. Her temperment may be too bad to live with. I assured them that I would go along with anything the vet suggested. In other words, she may be put down.
Butter did get a hold of my hand this morning and left a gash. I can see where others may think she is just too far gone to be tamed.
She used to have her gentle side. She loved her belly to be rubbed, loved to cuddle and loved to play. But recently in the past few months she has secluded herself in the closet. She's not interested in anything anymore.
Hopefully the vet will give her the go ahead and she can enjoy a nice relaxed home out in the country. She'll have other cats as company and a dog. Thats where my friends live.
I should be getting the news later on today, so we'll see. I'm just glad she's not cooped up in the closet anymore.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


Well it's all set for tomorrow. My friends from Jasper are coming to get Butter and all of her stuff. Hopefully Brian will be able to get her in her carrier. I'm not even going to try tomorrow because I don't want to get scratched or bit. SHe acts like a wild animal when it comes to getting her in the carrier.
Yesterday I was having doubts about this. Am I doing the right thing or not.
Now, she only stays in the closet day in and day out. She doesn't play anymore and she doesn't even come out to use her litter box but every other day. I do have fleas in my house, so I guess she's just trying to stay away from them. But this is no life for this cat.
Plus my friends have other cats and a small dog to keep her company. And she will have a nice large house to roam around in instead of this tiny condo.
So, if I weigh the odds, she'll be much more happier elsewhere.
I would like to get another cat sometime, but not for awhile.
I'll miss her a lot, but I'll know that she's being well taken care of. Wish us luck tomorrow.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Butter Kitty

Well, today was the icing on the cake. For no reason, Butter, my cat, hissed at me and then misses my eye just a bit with her claws. I've had this cat for a little over two years now and I have tried to win her over with love, kisses, hugs and toys.
But nothing has worked. She still hisses at me, tries to bite me and scratches me. My body is riddled with scrapes. So, today I took the advice of my family and found her another home.
I'll know next week when my friends from Jasper can come and get her. Of course, I'll still have to somehow put her in her crate. But she's got a place to go. My friends live out in the country, have three other cats and one dog.
I think she'll have more space to run around in and she might even get along with the other cats. Because this arrangement is just not working anymore.
I love her so much and will miss her. I just can't keep her anymore.
And I know that if I called the rescue center where I adopted her they would probably put her down. No one else will adopt a cat that is a "loose cannon."
I'll know better next time not to adopt a cat that was abused before. Maybe in time I'll get a kitten. A kitten that I can mold and would be a pleasant cat to be around.
But for now, I'll not be a pet owner for awhile. A part of me thinks I failed as a pet owner. I failed because for some reason this cat never trusted me completely. I just don't know what else I could have done.
And the fact that I am a diabetic who is prone to getting infections. These scratches are doing a number on my skin.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


My neighbors were at it again late last night. They were out on the front lawn, directly in front of my bedroom window arguing. They weren't just arguing; they were screaming at each other. This time I did get up and go out on my patio and told them to take it indoors and shut up.
They woman was like, "oh, did we wake you?" I'm like daa...
The problem with them is that they get drunk and then fight. They couldn't care less if the whole entire complex heard them. Their the ones that I have told you before that they are self proclaimed rednecks. Their in their 60's. You would think at their age they would know better. But they don't.
This is just one of the perks to living in a condo community. You know all about your neighbors bad habits.

Monday, April 16, 2012


I'll tell you one thing, there are scams everywhere. I've had a cable box through Charter for the past 8/mos. Actually, I've had two separate boxes because the first one didn't work. Now my second one isn't working.
So, I called Charter and they told me that they were gonna have to charge me an additional 55 dollars to come and install a third box. Now I'm only getting this box to watch TCM plus my regular channels.
I thought that it's not fair to charge me to fix their equipment. But no, they have a surcharge to come out again.
So, I decided to not keep a box and asked if they would come out and get this faulty one and not install another. To even come and get equipment the charge is 35 dollars. See, their going to charge you for additional boxes and going to charge you for not using a box anymore. It's all a scam.
I'm going to write the company and complain. I really don't think it will do much, it's just the principle of the thing.
You know, every person that I have talked to that use Charter services have all said the these Charter workers are all rude. I guess Charter is so big now that good customer service is out the window. I guess their motto is get their money not matter if the customer is pleased.
I wish there was another carrier of cable in town.

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Well it's the weekend and I have had one of those lazy days. I got up early, but then went back to sleep and didn't get up until 11:30am. I've gone out to water my plants. Thats about it. I mostly have been on the couch watching the Lonesome Dove series.
I've gotten a few calls from friends, cleaned up the kitchen and thats all. I feel like I have waisted a full day. But it's been nice.
I know those of you have days like this too.
Got a busy week planned for next week, so I guess I'm just hanging out today.
I don't have much else to say, but I hope the good weather continues. Spring is my favorite time of year. Not too hot.

Friday, April 13, 2012


It is so funny what you dream of. This morning I had a doozy. I think it was some sort of disaster and there were people just walking around. I was with my family and a whole pack of folks. We found a deserted home that had all of this frozen food and canned food. I was trying to cook for a lot of people. Using whatever I found.
Meanwhile, my mother and sister were dressed in these long robes and they were going to join a religious cult. I still had to feed these people. We built a fire in one of the fire places and I also had to find food for these three cats.
I was walking outside when I woke up. It was one of these dreams where you have to sit there and realize that you're home and everything is OK.
Last week I had a dream that my mother was riding a camel in downtown Birmingham. That was a topic of conversation at Easter this year. It was bizarre.
I have had dreams that come true every now and then. Those are really freaky.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Late night

Try to picture this. I'm sleeping, dreaming of dreams and all of a sudden I hear this loud bang.
My cat had knocked off my alarm clock along with some books. She was trying to get my attention because I shut her out of the closet. She had spent two days in the closet and wouldn't come out to eat or use her litter box.
For two days. So last night I was able to grab her without her ripping my arm off and get her out of the closet. She kept hackling and meowing from 1:30am to 4:00am. I finally let her back in the closet to shut her up. After she did eat.
So now, I can't even pry her out again. She's been pretty bad lately, scratching me and hissing at me. And when she wants to she tried to bite me a few times.
I just don't know what to do. I'm very good about washing my scratches with hydrogen peroxide so I won't get any infections. But this takes the cake. Any ideas everyone?

Monday, April 9, 2012


Well I didn't stay at my volunteering job long this morning. I'm having knee problems.
But I wanted to share with you about reckless drivers. On my way in this morning I was almost hit by three cars.
One, someone backing out of  parking place when I was trying to drive through the parking lot where I live. This guy just didn't even look before he backed out.
Two, someone running a stop light at an intersection. And three, someone merging over in my lane and I was right there.
I swear, these drivers are the typical ones. The ones that are not paying attention or are in too much of a hurry to care.
Thank goodness I was paying attention to the road today. I sometimes fiddle with my CD player or talk on the phone. I've stopped talking on the phone though when I'm driving. I saw a commercial about this woman talking on her phone and she had a car accident. I can see where your attention would be impaired by doing that.
So, I guess this goes to show you that it's always good to keep your eyes on the road, because you never know what the other car is doing.

Friday, April 6, 2012


My patience is not very good. I've been waiting most of the day for my new shipment of food from Nutrisystem. After it's shipped,it usually makes it to me within three days. I'm almost out of food from my earlier order.
Hopefully I'll get it today. It always seems we're waiting on something whether it may be people, events or purchases. This down time sucks.
Wouldn't it be nice if you could buy something and presto there it is. I mean through the mail.
I did take advantage of this beautiful day this morning. Had a great walk. My knee is still bothering me, but I had a good walk anyway.
It's sleepy time for my cat. Everyday around 3 or 4 my cat gets this "don't bother me look" on her face and goes curls up somewhere hidden and warm. I think it would be great to take a long nap everyday, if you were one of those that can sleep during the day. Me, I can't even sleep at night, so how would I be able to sleep during the day.
I hope you are getting out this weekend. It's suppose to be great weather. Oh and Happy Easter everyone!
I miss getting chocolate for Easter. I miss chocolate at any time. Thats just one of the things I had to give up when I got diabetes. Now I eat something called Carab chocolate. It's sweet in a bland sort of way, same color as chocolate, but not the same taste. It's a poor substitute.
Well thats about all for me today. Talk later....

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

A Sad Thing

Here at the Wildlife Center, we have a fresh water turtle that has become like a pet. It was released back into the park a couple of months ago. It's shell was painted to let the park rangers know that it was treated at the center. Anyway, we were told that it had been hit by a car when it was crossing the street. It died soon after that.
Thats one of the problems when you have wildlife in a park. There are always people who drive fast and who are not well versed on the population of wildlife.
We've had a lot of deer that have also been injured by traffic. And recently we've had a bunch of red tailed squirrel's nests that have been abandoned by the adults squirrels,so we've hand feeding the babies. They sort of look like kittens without fur. Their tiny.
Anyway, I guess it's good to have resources donated by people to treat, house and feed these injured animals.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Just a Little Tid Bit

Just a little news about skin care and diabetics. Since I've had diabetes, I tend to heal slower from cuts or sores. And my skin is much dryer than before.
The bad thing about me is that I have a cat that scratches. Each time she does this, it takes me double the amount of time for my skin to not get infected. I know this must sound gross, but it's a fact.
Also, when I get sick, it takes me longer to get well. So I am constantly trying to stay away from germs.
But for the past few months my blood sugars have been great. Almost to normal. Because of this my immune system has been stronger. But I still need to be careful.
These are just the little things that you have to put up with when you have diabetes.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Whats New

Whats new with me. Well nothing. I'm going through the same mundane days with volunteering then hobbies. I try to do something each day that will enrich my life. So today, I went to the park after work to do some sketching. I'm not very good at it, but I think it's all about what each person sees through their eyes.
It was such a beautiful day today and hot. It seems like we went straight through spring to now summer. And I can't believe that Easter is this week. So far, this year is flying by.
I saw the most pitiful thing on the side of the road today. While I was driving home, I saw this dog who obviously had been hit by a car. There were others that had stopped to help. This poor dog was just dragging his back legs as he tried to run from those who were trying to catch him.
I just don't understand why there are so many unwanted pets out there. It really tugs at my heart.
One sweet thing that happened today was when I went to the grocery store tonight. I was walking out to my car and this older man was carrying this bunch of flowers with him. I guess I was staring at the flowers when he said, "flowers for the sweet." He gave me a flower before getting in his car to leave. I thought that was so nice. It sort of made my day.
Nothing much else going on for the rest of the evening. Just my chores and feeding my ever so hungry cat. Sometimes I feel bad that my cat is alone a lot. But I know she just sleeps all day.
Well thats about it for me today.
I hope everyone has a good week!