women get social

Thursday, August 2, 2012


I can't believe it's already August. I got up early today and did my stuff. When I got home, I took a long walk. It was nice because the sun wasn't shining and it had not gotten hot yet. I then made some phone calls and am now washing clothes. Nice relaxing day.
I remember when I used to work, how I would be pressed for time when it came to chores. Even though I volunteer, it isn't nearly the amount of time as I used to be away from home. But I'm glad I do it.
Oh.. I hear the rumbling of thunder outside. Everything is so green outside because we have gotten a steady stream of rain these past couple of weeks.
I saw this same old raccoon outside last night with a crooked tail. My neighbors leave out bread crumbs for the wildlife. Not only does this feed this raccoon, but it also attracts all sorts of rodents. Their country folk, so they don't see the harm in it. I've named that raccoon big Ben. He's a pretty good large raccoon, but looks old as well. And he's not afraid of people. This can be a bad thing. He's even tried to scratch on my kitty door in my front door at night before. So, now I have that sucker taped up, so I'll know for sure he can't get in.
Not much more going on around here. Except, since it's summer the kids are out playing in the mornings when I want to sleep in. I don't sleep in often, but I have found lately that they wake me up.
Kids will be kids.
Well thats about all for me today. I hope everyone has a good weekend.

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