women get social

Monday, May 7, 2012

What a Nightmare

It's 2am and I wake up fully alert. I turn on the TV and then fall back to sleep. At 5am I wake up from a horrible nightmare.
Picture this: We're all kids and are living in a safe house. But the safe house is a condemned building.
There are rats crawling around everywhere. There's even this dog that has magets all over it and it's still walking around alive. We didn't have any money for food. So, we go around town stealing money or food. We don't even have shoes on our feet. It's in the winter and we all are freezing.
The despair and heartache we feel is overpowering.
We somehow get shoes that are either too small or too big for our feet. We have frostbite on our toes and pain just radiates through our bodies.
We have stolen some food and that's when I wake up.
I haven't had a nightmare in so long that I had to make sure that I was home safe and sound. This was one of those dreams that seemed so surreal. And the funny thing about it was that I was starving when I awoke.
I'm sitting here enjoying my coffee and wondering how starving children get through their own nightmares. Are there those who don't know where shelters are or are they just too proud to get help. In any sense, I'm lucky to have a roof over my head and food to eat. And I never take that for granted.

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