women get social

Monday, June 25, 2012


Well this is the fourth day that I've had this stomach bug. I started eating a little bit today. So now I've got this mess coming out the other end. I was told that this is just part of the virus.
This is a perfect example of how diabetics take a little while longer to get over things.
I've stayed at home again today. Haven't done much. I think on Wednesday I'll get back to my routine.
Since I've been home for the past four days, I have noticed that my neighbors are really noisy during the day. Playing their music all morning. I did ask them to keep it down for the next few days, so we'll see if they will be quiet tomorrow.
I feel so out of shape cause I haven't exercised while I have been sick. So thats going to be chore to get back into. I'll be huffing and puffing.
I will say that one week ago I had the opportunity to smoke. I didn't. When I smell it around the complex it just gives me a headache now. Plus I wouldn't want to get that head rush again.
Well thats about all my news for right now. Hope everyone has a good week.

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