women get social

Friday, June 15, 2012

Skin Infections

This is a gross subject. People with diabetes get more skin infections than the average person. I don't  blog a lot about my diabetes, but sometimes I just have too. Diabetics get whats called diabetic ulcers all over their skin. I have been prone to this since I have had diabetes.
I just recently had an ulcer in my nose that took three days to burst. I know its gross, but it's true. I get them a lot on my legs, arms and stomach. There's really nothing preventative that you can do to keep yourself from getting this. The bad thing is that diabetics are also prone to getting infections from the simplest cuts or scratches. So I'm always putting antibiotic creams on everything.
I have to be real careful about hand washing too. Along with skin infections, diabetics catch viruses real easy too. I'm 2 x more likely to catch bugs than the average person. So I try my best not to be around sick folks. And after catching these viruses, diabetics take longer to heal from these bugs.
You might say that there's nothing much a diabetic can do from catching things. But there is. You just need to be mindful or germs all around you.

1 comment:

  1. You are right, it is kind of gross but it's great information. You are brave to reveal and I'm sure others with diabetes will appreciate this information and feel less alone. It's great to be part of a community. You know it takes a Village! Great job!
