women get social

Thursday, April 26, 2012


I got the news from my friend Brian that the vet had to put her down at 3pm today. It wasn't due to any behavioral problems; it was because she was in kidney failure. Her kidneys were shutting down.
This explains the constant hiding these past few months and her temperment.
I feel so responsible. If only I had known that there was a problem. She had been eating well [three times a day] and drinking lots of water.
The vet said that she probably always has had a kidney problem. And the shelter that I adopted her from should have never put Butter up for adoption.
This still doesn't make me feel any better.
My friend assured me that she wasn't in any pain yet. The vet told him that she would have been crying and not eating if she was in any pain.
She had such a short life only 2 1/2 yrs. old. I don't even have a picture of her.
Brian brought Butter to his house and buried her in his back yard. I'm glad he did this because it would have been awful if she had just been discarded.
This makes two cats that I have had that had to be put down due to illness.

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