women get social

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Late night

Try to picture this. I'm sleeping, dreaming of dreams and all of a sudden I hear this loud bang.
My cat had knocked off my alarm clock along with some books. She was trying to get my attention because I shut her out of the closet. She had spent two days in the closet and wouldn't come out to eat or use her litter box.
For two days. So last night I was able to grab her without her ripping my arm off and get her out of the closet. She kept hackling and meowing from 1:30am to 4:00am. I finally let her back in the closet to shut her up. After she did eat.
So now, I can't even pry her out again. She's been pretty bad lately, scratching me and hissing at me. And when she wants to she tried to bite me a few times.
I just don't know what to do. I'm very good about washing my scratches with hydrogen peroxide so I won't get any infections. But this takes the cake. Any ideas everyone?

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