women get social

Friday, November 16, 2012


Well, well, well. This neighbor of mine has finally flown the coop. She called the police on another neighbor for feeding her cat. I know that doesn't make much sense. But here it is. She's a person who is renting her condo who has all of these pets. She has two cats that just roam around the complex [which I might add is not allowed] and she has a couple of dogs which she just lets loose to do their business. They are never on a leash. Which living here you have to have your dogs on a leash at all times.
Anyway, she's had a "tough time" lately supposively. She's a self proclaimed recovering alcoholic. She's been going around to different neighbors asking for beer and asking for depression medication. [ which is illegal] Anyway, she has these two cats which are always looking for food.
My next door neighbors started taking in one of the cats and feeding him.
In one of her fits, this woman called the police after the neighbors feeding her cat. She not only did that, she filed a complaint with the police office too. So everyone are walking on egg shells here because we don't know what she's going to do next.
She even yelled at me one day. I was enjoying my coffee out on my patio one morning and she was yelling at some guy out in the parking lot. She turned around and yelled "what the hell are you looking at" to me. She then started walking towards me and I hightailed it in my house. I thought she was going to beat me up or something.
So, what do we do? File a complaint with the management? WHo knows?

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