women get social

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Difficult People

I swear, there are some people that won't take no for an answer. My dentist is just one of those people. I've been going to this new dentist for about five months now and every appointment I have made it clear to her that I am not interested in surgery or implants. Well today she again proposed this. She even went so far as to insist that I go see a oral surgeon for an evaluation of a implantation. It didn't matter how adament I was in telling her again that I was not interested in this proceedure.
Her response was that it was her responsibility to "make" me understand that if I don't do this then I could loose those teeth anyway. Very doubtful.
So when I was walking out she told the receptionist to schedule me an appointment with this surgeon. I looked at this girl and said no. Then I walked out. In frustration I called my mother who goes to the same dentist and explained what had happened. Mother agreed with me stating that my mouth was my business. That "I" was in charge of that and that I did not need to be intimated to do anything.
This is not the first time that I have had a run in with this dentist. But this is the last time.
I'll get my teeth cleaned there in November, but thats it. No more.

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