women get social

Thursday, July 5, 2012


My neighbors are such freaks. Last night they were shooting firecrackers in beer cans and watching the cans fly all over the parking lot. How they did this, I don't know. But they were doing it. If that's not bad, then they were putting sparklers on the carpeted patio floor. Are they idiots or something?
They could have burned down the entire building. So, this morning I found beer cans all over the front lawn. I knew if I didn't pick them up then they would just be there until the garbage man came on Friday.
These people are in their mid sixties, so you would think they would know better. They both smoke. I'm afraid that they are going to fall asleep after drinking with their cigarettes lit and burn the building down. Who knows what could happen?
Last week, they left their car doors open all night. Cause when I was leaving one morning, I drove past their car with both the front seat doors laying wide open.
Enough about them.
I will share with you what happened to me this morning. I went to the grocery store. While I was walking to the car with my groceries, I saw this guy trying to jimmie my car door open. I yelled at him and he ran away. So, I pushed the cart back into the store and asked if a male associate would follow me back outside to my car. I didn't want to be out there by myself with that guy around. I was told that there had been a lot of car break ins in that parking lot lately.
It kind of scared me. Where are cops when you need them?
This just goes to show you that you never know whats going to happen and that you need to be careful around your surroundings.
I hope the rest of my day gets better.

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