women get social

Monday, July 25, 2011

What to write

Sometimes when I blog, I think what do I write about today. Even though I've had a busy day, it's sometimes hard to put it down or even think that anyone would be interested in what I write. So, thats when i say, write about how you feel, what you think about and how you see the world around you. Well here it goes...
I was watching the ongoing news segment about the debt crisis in our nation. About the meetings between the democrats and republicans. It seems to me that one one wants to accept responsibility for this crisis or want to work together to find a solution. It has been said that Obama is just worried about his reelection and not the nation. I do believe this. Obama promised lower taxes and  better healthcare. He has not done any of this. It's not him personally that I dislike, he has no experience under his belt to run a country. He does however has this stance about him that says, I'm in charge so you follow my lead.
Enough about that. I'm sure you guessed it I'm not pro Obama.
If we look at Birmingham's debt crisis too, it's been said here that we will be the first city to file for bankruptcy. Hundreds of jobs will be cut to insure that the sewer debt problem is resolved. Who pays for politicians mistakes. Or the mistakes done in the higher positions of business.
These debts are a lot alike. The money has not been there for a long time and we keep borrowing money, thinking that one day it's going to be paid off. Extensions are given, while we get further into debt. I think there should be a cap on the amount of money that can be borrowed. If there was, then maybe these debts wouldn't be so prevalent.
Personally, I will never get another loan. With all of the interest you pay, you actually end up paying double for the amount of money you owe.
Maybe thats the problem too. I may be one out of thousands of people that think this way, but I do. Stop using credit and only use the "cash" money that you have. Don't live beyond your means. This is sort of what our government and Birmingham has done.
Well, I warned you that I was wondering what  I'd talk about today. Was it informative or just a lot of babble. I think a little of both.

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