women get social

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Neat Trick

You know since I have had diabetes, my skin has been in poor condition. I'm apt to getting these sores on my body. They have left scars all over my arms and legs. So, I went to buy some Vitamin E. I got it in liquid form and have been applying it to my skin. And you wanna know something? Their disappearing.
Before I tried all sorts of ointments that did nothing.
Also my cat has scratched me and this has left marks too. When you have diabetes, it takes you longer to heal from scrapes and infections. It's just part of the course.
I know it's gross talking about infections, but this is the ugly side of diabetes. Your immune system is slow. Whats also good is drinking alot of fluids. Keeping your skin well hydrated.
You also get bugs alot when you have diabetes. I'm working with kids right now. For about three weeks now. I have had a cold twice. It's so funny when I'm out, I always carry an anti-bacterial wipe with me. I try not to put my hands on anything that I haven't wiped off first. I was never germaphobic before I had diabetes. Every little bit helps.

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