women get social

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Isn't it funny

Isn't it funny how you can pick up a conversation with someone that you don't get to see very much? My friend from Jasper, Al. is just like that. Last night we talked for three hours on the phone. I've known this person for many years and it doesn't matter how much time goes by, we can still have lots to talk about.
She's one of my closest friends.
I have another friend like that that I have known for almost thirty years and we are the same way. We don't get to see each other often, but we always manage to be able to pick up the conversation quickly.
Those are the types of friends that will stick by you through thick and thin. I feel so blessed to have them in my life. They both bring so much to me.
Of course there are those friends that are more acquaintences than anything. You know those who you talk to but are not real close to anymore. I don't know why we keep those in our lives. I guess it's because there is some allegance towards them. Who knows?
I've never been one that has a multitude of friends, I just keep the ones I have. You could call that being a bit closed minded, but it works for me. But those who really mena something to you can brighten you days and give you a sense of hope. I am very fortunate.

Saturday, July 30, 2011

The end of a trip

Well my family gets back from their vacation today. I bet they had alot of fun. I wonder if they all have tans since it was raining there alot.
For the past two hours I have been reading online a book that one of my friends is writing. She's written one other book a few years ago. She hasn't had these published, but I think she should. She's very gifted and talented. I just read the first five chapters and I am wanting to read another five. It one of these stories that you just can't put down.
It's funny she's been saying that she and her husband are going to win the publishers sweepstakes. I asked her to remember her poor friend if she does.
I couldn't even imagine winning anything like money. I don't even know what I would do with extra money, maybe pay off my credit card, my mortgage and give the rest to my family. It's hard to imagine since I have never had extra money to play with.
Maybe one day...

Friday, July 29, 2011


You know I often wonder if our dreams mean anything. If their a close up of our lives or what should be our lives. And how funny it is to have a friend in a dream. I guess some would think do they mean something, is someone trying to leave us a message? Most people think that it's just our brains sputtering out mundane pictures, but others tend to agree that there are lessons to be learned from our dreams.
I think the later. There too precise to not be.
And what about those dreams that come true in real life. How do you explain that? I've had that happen to me more times than I can remember. You dream of an event and it happens in the exact way you dreamed it. Even colors are the same and what is spoken the dream is the same.
Thats kind of spooky.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

A Cold

I started getting sick last night. I have a bad cold, but  I have also been sick to my stomach. I know I caught this at the library with all those kids running around. Thats what sucks having diabetes, my immune system is comprimised and I'm more apt to catching things. Plus, I'm not around a whole lot of people as I used to be and I catch things quicker.
My Dad called this afternoon from Florida. He said it has been raining everyday and they haven't had alot of sun time. Theres a tropical storm brewing near the Texas coast and it has produced bad weather to the east of it. Thats exactly where they are. But I think they still will enjoy their time there because it's in Florida and it is so beautiful there. Plus it's by the ocean which just relaxes me. The sound of the ocean just makes me want to sleep and lay around.
Maybe next year I'll go with them. If they go that is.
Nothing much more going on here. Talk tomorrow.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A Birthday call

I did remember to call my brother today for his Birthday. He's an odd egg. He never celebrates his Birthdays. I offered to take him to lunch or dinner and he didn't want to. He said he was just working today and was not going to do anything.
I guess I still look at my birthdays like a little girl. I always want to go to my parents house with my family around me and cook out then have birthday cake. Of course my birthday cake is sugar free. I look at it as my "special" day.
My sister is the same way as my brother. But maybe since she is turning 50 next month she'll want to celebrate it. I hope. We might go to Highlands Bar and Grill or we might just celebrate it at someones house. Either way, we should celebrate.
We always celebrate my parents birthdays. I don't think anyone has to be too old to do that. My brother says that all the time that we're too old to celebrate birthdays. Not me. I'll do that til the day I die.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

One day until a birthday

I have to remember my brother's birthday tomorrow. I don't even know how old he'll be. Maybe, lets see, he'll be 43/yrs. old. He is three years younger than me, I think. Gosh, I am so bad with ages.
My sister will be 50 next month. My mother will be 73 in December and my dad just turned 72. My baby nephew will be 16/yrs. old next month.
Gosh, we're all getting old. You know I thought that I would be married by now. I really haven't worked on that at all. I have always felt I have all the time in the world for that. But time is creeping by fast. I need to get my butt in gear.
I need to lose weight, grow my hair longer, polish my teeth and grow my nails again. I sound like a horse don't I. Very ATTRACTIVE!!!!
Of course I could call a guy I grew up with who I know is not married yet. No, I don't want to go down that road with him again.
I know what will happen. I'll just kiss that old frog and have my prince instantly.
Yea right...

Monday, July 25, 2011

What to write

Sometimes when I blog, I think what do I write about today. Even though I've had a busy day, it's sometimes hard to put it down or even think that anyone would be interested in what I write. So, thats when i say, write about how you feel, what you think about and how you see the world around you. Well here it goes...
I was watching the ongoing news segment about the debt crisis in our nation. About the meetings between the democrats and republicans. It seems to me that one one wants to accept responsibility for this crisis or want to work together to find a solution. It has been said that Obama is just worried about his reelection and not the nation. I do believe this. Obama promised lower taxes and  better healthcare. He has not done any of this. It's not him personally that I dislike, he has no experience under his belt to run a country. He does however has this stance about him that says, I'm in charge so you follow my lead.
Enough about that. I'm sure you guessed it I'm not pro Obama.
If we look at Birmingham's debt crisis too, it's been said here that we will be the first city to file for bankruptcy. Hundreds of jobs will be cut to insure that the sewer debt problem is resolved. Who pays for politicians mistakes. Or the mistakes done in the higher positions of business.
These debts are a lot alike. The money has not been there for a long time and we keep borrowing money, thinking that one day it's going to be paid off. Extensions are given, while we get further into debt. I think there should be a cap on the amount of money that can be borrowed. If there was, then maybe these debts wouldn't be so prevalent.
Personally, I will never get another loan. With all of the interest you pay, you actually end up paying double for the amount of money you owe.
Maybe thats the problem too. I may be one out of thousands of people that think this way, but I do. Stop using credit and only use the "cash" money that you have. Don't live beyond your means. This is sort of what our government and Birmingham has done.
Well, I warned you that I was wondering what  I'd talk about today. Was it informative or just a lot of babble. I think a little of both.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Cloudy Sunday

Boy when it's cloudy outside all I want to do is sleep. I've had to motivate myself to wash clothes today. I talked to Dad earlier this morning and they all made it safely to the beach. So, thats good. It's almost 1pm and I just made up my bed. I am dragging today. I may just stay in my sleep pants all day today. WHo cares?
Not much more going on today. Not much to say. So, I guess I will log off. Talk more tomorrow.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Vacation time!

Well today my entire family is going to the beach, all except for me of course. They'll have a great time, get all brown and come back over joyed that they made the trip. Me, I'll be volunteering and watching after my [ anti-crate ] cat. I tried to get her in her crate again this week and again it was like I was caging a wild animal.
I envy my family being able to take long walks on the beach and laying out in the warm sun. Dad said he was going to take my nephew and his friends to go fishing. Last year Dad fell in the water slipping off the dock. Hopefully, that won't happen again this year.
I hope they get good weather while they are there, because I know it's suppose to get pretty dicey over here next week. Well thats about all my exciting news.
Talk to you again tomorrow...

Friday, July 22, 2011

New Insite

Well since yesterday was a big day for me, today is a new beginning. It was recommended by my father who is a cardiologist, to buy a blood pressure cuff and start taking my own blood pressure. I did this morning and my blood pressure was normal. I was Rx a large dose of medication from my diabetes doctor for hypertension. But my dad said I should 1/2 that dose and take it at night. I'm gonna wait a few days to take it so I can give my dad a record of my blood pressures for the next five days.
I'm still going to follow my diabetes doctors orders, but I'm going watch to see if this lower dose will be right for me.
Going back to yesterday. I just would never have imagined that I have to take so much medication now than before. I remember that I used to think taking an tylonal daily was a lot. Now it's 15 fold. But enough of yesterday. I'm not going to eat the foods I'm not suppose to anymore. I'm going to be as persistant as I was with food and exercise when I was  first diagnosed.
I just have to believe that I can do it. I hit a stumbling block before [ which is common ] and now I'm going to be living my life with health on my mind. It looks like a big hill in front of me, but I know I can climb it.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Results from Doctors appt.

Well, for the first time I have to be on blood pressure medication. My doctor emphasized that it was nothing I did that caused my blood pressure to be up, it's just the diabetes. He said that 9 out of 10 people with diabetes has be on blood pressure medication. That diabetes causes high blood pressure. "It's just part of the course."
I'm disappointed. That just means to me that now instead of 14 medications I take daily, it's now 15. My blood sugars were OK, my cholesteral was good. From 206 to 123. My good cholesteral was only 46, where good is 50 or above. My A1C was up from 7.7 last month to 9.7. This is bad. I told him when I got there that I knew my A1C would be higher because for a month or more I ate  alot of fruit. The kind of fruit that I'm not suppose to eat like oranges and grapefruit. My weight was the same, so that was good no weight gain.
The overal "feel" I had today was poor. It's my fault about the A1C. I just have to not dwell on this and pick up fresh tomorrow. I have to beef up my  diet plan. I've been on the Six Week Body Makeover, so that been going good. I know I can do better. But I did tell him that instead of 6/mo. checkups I need more structure to keep me on track. So, now there going to be 4/mo. check ups.
I can only go up from today. I know I can.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Disturbing News

Although it's early in the morning, I did sleep pretty solid last night. The night before, I didn't sleep. So, it's really a hit or miss with me.
You know, it seems like every day when I watch the news now there is a new murder or violent crime that has happened. It's very disturbing. Especially when you see a 8/yrs. old boy who was murdered then dismembered. Or you see a teenage boy that murdered his parents then threw a party right after he did it.
You often wonder what goes through these peoples minds. I think it's just pure evil.
Rarely do you see happy news on the TV.
You also see alot on break ins. I remember my grandmother would tell me that when she was young, they never locked their doors.
Hek, even if I go outside to water my plants, I lock my doors. I couldn't imagine not locking my doors the way the crime is now.
There seems to be hate between each other. Maybe if people saw kindness in others and practiced kindness then there wouldn't be so many hate crimes happening. I just don't  know.
Where is the humanity? Stop the madness!!!
Ok, I got a little deep there. Sorry.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Boy, you always feel like you have a hangover when you don't sleep. I've had sleeping problems ever since I can remember. Lately, I have been able to sleep, but last night was awful. It was about 12:30am that I fell asleep. Up at 2:00am then up again at 4:30am. This is after I took my normal sleeping aide.
Thank goodness I don't have to be at a job this morning.
I can remember when I worked at UAB, I had to be there at 7:00am. Not sleeping the night before was rough.
So, I've been watching the news since wee early and surfing on the net. My day is not going to be as busy as it was yesterday, so hopefully I'll be able to settle down later on.
Of course my cat was up when I was. She sleeps all day and then is up all night. She's good now about not waking me up at all hours to play.
Well, thats about all for me today. Talk later...

Monday, July 18, 2011

Doctor's Appointments

Does it ever seem to you that doctor's offices seem to overbook. I swear, each time I go I have to wait at least 30 min. for my appointment. This is not the only appointment I have this week, I have to go again on Thursday morning. I guess they overbook because some people don't show up, I don't know. It's just spo irritating.
I was pretty busy after my appointment today. I went over to my parents to get a check, went to the bank, went to the pharmacy for more insulin and then I got gas.
I was late eating so I was powerful hungry by the time I got home. Tomorrow I'll have to go to the store and also buy three birthday cards and one sympathy card.
A person that used to be a friend of mine, ex- father in law died last week and the memorial service is tomorrow. I won't be going,  but I thought I would send the family a card.
Got to go do my chores. Talk later....

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

Well it's the end of a week and I am filled with alot of energy. I've been eating protein alot these past few weeks and it has energized me. Sundays are good days to watch movies. It's kind of cloudy outside so I think a nap would be nice, if I could sleep.
My sister and nephew are back from their trips. It's nice to have everyone home. Next weekend they all leave out again for the annual trip to the beach. I'm not going, but I know they'll have a great time.
All my chores are done so I think I'll go through my picture box to organize some pictures. Or maybe I'll do a little cross stitching. Who knows.
Butter is in rare form today. I couldn't find all of her toys, but when I looked in her cat bed there they were. She sleeps with her toys especially her booboo. Her booboo is a round rat that she takes with her everywhere. This was a toy that the rescue center included in her crate when I got her. Apparently she's had this toy since she was a kitten. It doesn't matter how many toys I buy her she's always got that rat. I'm afraid to wash it because it might fall apart. Plus its got thread coming out of it from where she has held it in her mouth. She's a spoiled girl.
Well thats about all for me today. Have a nice relaxing Sunday.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


I went out early today to the grocery store so that I wouldn't get caught in traffic. Wouldn't you know they were doing road work by my store and I got caught up in the hustle and bustle. This one moron thought he could drive on the shoulder of the road and miss it. He ended up crashing into a utility truck. Boy he was mad. And here comes the police because the man was shouting and causing a disturbance.
You see all kinds of people on the road. Some are nice while others are not. I believe that road rage happens. This guy was a good example of it.
Especially in Hoover, Al where I live. I see more accidents in Hoover than anywhere else.
So, my trip to the store took about 1hr. and 45 min. I usually takes me 1/2 an hour to get there and back.
I guess the next time I want to make a quick trip there, I'll look online to see if there are any construction projects going on,so I can take a different route.
But I'm back home now and I'm planning on not going anywhere else this weekend. Time to relax and do chores. Plus, I think it's gonna rain today.
Talk later.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Things I miss

You know it's so hard to watch TV now seeing all the yummy foods that are out there. There are a few things that I do miss eating because of my diabetes. Like ice cream, pasta, bread and chocolate.
I can remember that I used to get ice cream all the time. And oh a nice piece of apple pie would be soo good right now.
Of course they make no sugar added desserts, but these still have the fat and carb. counts in them. So you have to be very careful when you eat these selections.
Having diabetes doesn't mean that you have to completely give up on all desserts. You just have to create new ones if you still have a sweet tooth like I do. I inherited my sweet tooth from my Dad. My mother always tells me that "your father always wants something sweet."
So, what I do is freeze a banana, then put sugar free cool whip on top of it. Yogurt is another sweet thing you can eat. I've gotten used to eating sugar free pudding. Now, I can eat sweet things that are good for me.
Pasta is another weakness for me. Now if I want something like pasta, I'll eat white rice. You have to limit your intake of rice since it is a starch, but it has the consistency and the bulk feeling of pasta.
I've gotten used to eating alot of protein now, whereas before I would only on occasion eat meat.
Bread. I would love to toast bread then put lots of butter on it with jam. Ohhh that was so good. Now I have bread very sparingly maybe once or twice every two to three weeks. But no butter or jam now.
So, I guess the best rule of thumb for a diabetic is  eating in moderation. You eat smaller amounts of food. You can still feel satisfied.
But I do have to say that having diabetes is something to get used to. You have to stop having a relationship with your food. You have to find a new outlet of entertainment rather than eating all of your favorite foods.
That is if you want to be healthy.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Cleaning Day

Usually on  Thursdays I do my house cleaning. So, today I have vaccumed, dusted, cleaned the hardwood floors, cleaned the kitchen and the bathroom. I still have to vaccum the curtains. If I don't dust and vaccum weekly, then I have dust the size of softballs on the floor and cat hair everywhere. This is one of the joys of having a long haired cat.
My volunteering is going good. Haven't found any hints on the job search. I'm looking for a PT job because I plan on filing for disability. Jobs are hard to come by still. And the economy is still in poor shape. I hope I don't upset anyone, but Obama really needs to get out of office. He is proclaiming to raise taxes to pay off the 9 billion dollar debt in our nation.
Yea, it's always the tax payers responsibility to get the country out of debt because of politicians spend much more than is in the bank.
Don't get me started. Thats why I hate politics.
Back to my cleaning.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Volunteering your Time

You know what helps me stay connected to the outside world? Volunteering. I've had so many pleasant experiences and will remember all of the good people I've worked with these past few years. I also think it makes you feel good to "give back." You never really realize how blessed you are until you see others who do not have the things you do and who struggle everyday just to keep food on the table.
I think everyone needs that lesson. We all get too wrapped up in our lives to even notice others around ourselves.
 Even if I disability and a part time job, I think I will continue to volunteer. Of course I will be volunteering indoors. Right now the heat is so bad outside. I tried to volunteer when the 4/27 storms came through. But it was located outside and I couldn't handle that. I felt really bad about walking away from that. But I have heard that they have enough volunteers for that now and are looking for carpenters to help with the rebuilding.
So, the next time you have some free time on your hands, volunteer somewhere. Free time- whats that anyway.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


You know it's so important to get nutrients in your body while you are counting fat. I'm sure you have seen this diet on TV. It's called the Six Week Body Makeover. It has alot of protein and vegetables. You also eat fruit. Having diabetes, it's important to eat protein. So that is fine. But the fruit part, I have to limit this to apples and pears only. With diabetes you can only eat "hard" fruit. No oranges, grapefruit, berries or grapes. These have too much sugar in them.
So, I eat a salad for breakfast, with a little bit of cheese and dressing. Then I eat chicken,vegees and sugar free pudding for lunch and lastly I have turkey or chicken for dinner with two egg whites. If I get hungry again before bed, I'll have more protein.
I'm getting in the caleries I need with less fat. With the makeover plan you have to eat six times a day.
So, if you are a diabetic, you can follow this program. You just have to tweek it a bit.
This keeps my blood sugars in check. One of the misconceptions of crackers is that their loaded in fat. In alot of diets you can eat crackers. Not me. Thats just like eating bread and bread is a no no on a daily basis for diabetics.
Since I have been diagnosed with diabetes, I have learned alot about food. Also, this helps me keep my weight down. Which is always good. :]

Monday, July 11, 2011

A Neat Trick

You know since I have had diabetes, my skin has been in poor condition. I'm apt to getting these sores on my body. They have left scars all over my arms and legs. So, I went to buy some Vitamin E. I got it in liquid form and have been applying it to my skin. And you wanna know something? Their disappearing.
Before I tried all sorts of ointments that did nothing.
Also my cat has scratched me and this has left marks too. When you have diabetes, it takes you longer to heal from scrapes and infections. It's just part of the course.
I know it's gross talking about infections, but this is the ugly side of diabetes. Your immune system is slow. Whats also good is drinking alot of fluids. Keeping your skin well hydrated.
You also get bugs alot when you have diabetes. I'm working with kids right now. For about three weeks now. I have had a cold twice. It's so funny when I'm out, I always carry an anti-bacterial wipe with me. I try not to put my hands on anything that I haven't wiped off first. I was never germaphobic before I had diabetes. Every little bit helps.

Sunday, July 10, 2011


I think the next time I see something like this, I'll tell my Dad first. When I went over to my parents house today to pick up something my mother had left me on their front porch, I saw this guy sitting on a chair in my parents front yard. Of course it startled me. When I said Hi, he just walked away. A few hours had passed and I called and told my mother. She got really worried. I told her to call my Dad to talk to him about it before she decides what to do. She did, then she said she was fine.
She sounded really worried about it when I had spoken to her,so I should have gone through my Dad first.
Lesson learned. Plus, I told her that I didn't think she had anything to worry about. She has a security system at the house. And I didn't think this guy was "casing" the house.
It all worked out and she was calmer. I guess if that were my home, I would have been worried too.
I went to the farmer market yesterday and bought some vegees. One of them were black eyed peas. When I ate them last night, my blood sugar was high. So thats that. No more black eyes peas. I think it was the starch in them. I swear I have to be so careful all the time. I was eating alot of fruit, because I had a sweet fix months ago. This was also affecting my blood sugar. I hope my A1C has not been affected. If it has, another lesson learned. Oh well....

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Lucky Dog!!

My sister is going to a resort in Mexico today for a whole week. I envy her. But she does deserve a good vacation by the way she works. She must put in about 70 hours a week for her job.
Then at the end of the month, my family is taking their annual trip to the beach. I thought about going but my cat would hate it at the vet and I don't even know if I could get her in her crate to take her to the vet.
It's like having a child. Always have to clean up after her, feed her, don't leave small things on the floor because she'll eat them.
I don't need a vacation since I don't work. But still, it would be nice to take a walk on the beach. I'm going to be glued to my TV today. There running all of the Indiana Jones's films today. I shouldn't stay cooped up inside, but it's going to be triple digits degrees outside today. So, inside is where I should be.
Well thats about all for today. Talk later....

Friday, July 8, 2011

A Day in History

Well today the space shuttle will launch it's last flight. They say that the U.S will not fly again into space for another 50 to 70 years. But there will be trips to the space station by means of a Russian shuttle. The launch is suppose to happen at 11:26am this morning. Alabama time would be 10:26am. I'm definitely going to watch it. This is like the 60's when John Glenn flew the apollo space craft. I saw on the news that a classroom full of students from UAHuntsville will be there. I wish I was a fly on the wall.
There may be a delay into todays schedule. The weather station has predicted strong winds and storms in Florida. Maybe they'll be able to launch anyway.
Not much going on here. I'll be going today to volunteer again. I'm expecting the kids will be all excited because we're suppose to have a police officer there discussing safety tips. Kids always like police officers and firemen. This officer is suppose to be giving out badges to the kids today. I can just see their little faces.
Have a Happy Friday!!!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

A Sweet

While I was out at Cracker Barrel with my friends today, one of my friends told the waitress that when we were there for my Birthday I never got my free dessert. So, what do they do? They bring me a large piece of chocolate cake. Unfortunately I couldn't partake, so that friend ate it instead of me. I think he told the waitress that so he could have a free sweet. Poor guy, he's not allowed to eat chocolate very often. So the sweet was on me. Thats funny.
I know it's summer time, but the degrees outside sucks. It's soooo hot. Whats really bad about the south in the summer is the high humidity. You sweat even if you're in the heat for just a few minutes. Or at least I do. Thats why I am more active in the colder months.
I brought some of my chicken home today and at first Butter didn't know what to do with it. She smelled it, batted it around then she ate just a small piece of it. She would much rather have her cat treats than anything.
Well thats about all my news for the day. Friday is tomorrow and the weekend begins. I wonder how much trouble I can get into this weekend. Probably just watching movies.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011


You know who your true friends are when they stick with you through hard times and good. I just had to say that because I learned the hard way this past month about true friendship. I'm meeting my close friends from Jasper tomorrow for lunch. You know, as time flies by, there will be certain people in your life, then they won't be. I have a hard time judging character in people. I used to not trust anyone, but as I've grown older I want to see the good in people rather than their faults.
Even though it was painful to be told that someone didn't want to be my friend anymore based on the fact that I lived near them, I've been able to take a step backwards and see how one sided my friendship was with this person. I even gave this person something that was dear to me that was my grandmothers because I wanted to tell them that their friendship meant the world to me. I do regret that because I don't have that gift anymore.
You know it's funny how flighty people are. Well enough about that. So I guess the best rule of thumb would be to continue to trust people, but take certain people with a grain of salt because nothing you will ever do will please them. Thats unfortunate, because their closing themselves off from a good friendship.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Healing Fine

My Dad called this afternoon and told me that his surgeon was happy with his healing. He had surgery on his right hand. He got the pressure bandage off this morning that was replaced with another bandage and a smaller brace he'll have to wear when he sleeps. He said that his hand is a little uncomfortable but better. He said he had 20 stitches in his hand which he will be getting out in a week, I think.
I can't imagine having major surgery on any of my body parts. Being put to sleep scares me. And I hate  hospitals. I wouldn't make a very good patient.
But luckily I haven't had too many proceedures done.
He's learning to use his left hand, which is difficult sense he is a doctor. He'll take it easy in the office for the next couple of weeks.
I'm just glad he's feeling better.

Monday, July 4, 2011


I forgot to blog yesterday. These past couple of days have been filled with good movies, long walks and rummaging through old pictures of friends and places I have traveled to. I have this big box that I store all of my pictures in and I thought I needed to go through them and take out those photos of people that I haven't spoken with for at least 10/yrs. or so.
It was like walking down memory lane. I saw all of the photos of my nephew when he was a youngster and some old family portraits. Even those when I was a child. I wonder if I could store those in a protective plastic to keep those from wearing out.
It's funny to see pictures of yourself from many years ago. How your life has changed from then. I remember when I was in my 20's, I thought being in your 40's was old. But I feel just as young now than 20 years ago. Thats funny.
I saw all of the old boyfriends I used to date, thinking then that "this" is the one. The one that I will marry. Only to find out down the road, that the "this" was not the one.
I suppose I'm alot wiser than I was. Maybe one day, the "one" will appear.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Fight for the Cure

I sent off my checks yesterday for the Susan G. Komen Foundation, United Way and the American Diabetes Association. I hope they find a cure for breast cancer and diabetes in my lifetime.
I can't give a lot, but every little bit helps.
I think it's the duty of all of us to give back to the community. You don't really realize how much you have until it's gone. I'm talking about the United Way. This organization helps feed the hungry and provide assistance to women and children all across the state.
And I know that the money I give to this organization goes directly to the support systems that help these people. It not only helps those in need, but it also gives a sense of hope.
I have always been taught to help those who can't help themselves. Assist those in need. It also makes you feel good.
Just think, if everyone sent in donations to assist others or to help find a cure for a disease then I think the world would be much better. Better in values.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Doing Better

I went to see my Dad today. A day after his surgery. He had a bad day yesterday with all of the drugs they gave him during surgery. He's still a little queeezy, but he said he does feel better. His hand and arm are both in a wrapped brace and it's swollen. I spent a few hours with him this morning while discussing his surgery and my new volunteering post.
I'm so glad he was feeling better, because it makes me nervous when either of my parents are not. Maybe it's due to their age or just that I depend on them so much. Not just for financial support but for emotional support. You never know what you have until you step back and recognize what blessings are before you.
Isn't that always the case. I think people get so wrapped up in their lives that they just expect or take things for granted. Like it's the normal.
Since I have been diagnosed with diabetes, my family has  been there for me. I mean has "really been there" for me. I feel blessed everyday for this and I value their opinions. I feel that my family net is real strong. I'm glad that I was born into this family and will admire their strength and devotion all the days of my life.