women get social

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


It was nice to be back at my volunteering place. I like hanging around the house, but this lets me get out of the house and makes me feel like I'm doing something to help others. It's been raining all day so far, so a walk is not possible today. It's been so warm these past couple of days . I'm hoping that it turns cold and stays cold for awhile.
I have been sleeping fine for about a week now. Don't know why, but I'm not objecting.
I saw as I was leaving this morning, that my hillbillie neighbors left large pieces of bread out in their front lawn. I guess their trying to feed all the rodents in the neighborhood again.
Their always feeding some sort of animal. No wonder my birdhouse is always raided, because all the bird feed is gone most nights.
I've asked them before about that and their answer is always, "we used to live out in the country."

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