women get social

Friday, November 4, 2011

A Face Too Familiar

When I was at the grocery store this morning I saw an elderly lady who had the same face as my grandmother. I kept running into her on each isle. I finally said to her that she has brought back a good memory for me. I told her that she resembled my grandmother. She said that she has people all the time saying to her that she looks like someone they know.
My grandmother has been dead since December of 2006. For the life of me, I haven't been able to remember what she looked like until now. Sure I have pictures of her, but their all packed away. Before I bought my condo, I used to live by her. I can remember going to her apartment, drinking tea and hearing stories of her youth. I really miss her sometimes.
I haven't been back to where her ashes are, but I'm going to make a point to do that very soon.

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