women get social

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Ok, Ok. It was 2am and all of a sudden I heard someone yelling. I get up and looked out the window and my hillbillie neighbors are out on the front lawn yelling at each other. Things are being thrown out in the yard. Usually I would have gotten dressed and walked over there to ask them to quiet down, but I didn't want to get in the middle of things.
Just as I was about to call the police, they pull up in the parking lot. Obviously someone else called the police. I continue watching and the police were there for a good 1/2 hour.
Then I don't hear anything. The police left and I tried to go back to sleep. It's now 3:45am and I am still awake.
These people may be nice, but they are way to loud all the time. I think their both half deaf with the way they talk to one another. And their poor dog must be up all the time. I know I would.
I guess sleep is not in the cards for me today. Maybe I'll drift back off in a couple of hours.
I think it's about time that I notify the management of the noise that is constantly being heard next door.
Somethings gotta give.
If it's not the noise next door, it's all the cigarette butts all over the ground. Or the beer cans left all over their patio. I wish these owners of these condos would screen people better before they rent their condos out. The guy that lived there before them, would blast his stereo up at these hours of the day. So, as long as I've owned my condo, there has been noise over there.
We'll see if I go back to sleep, very doubtful...

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