women get social

Monday, November 7, 2011


My blood sugars have been right on target this past week. I went up 4mgs. of insulin because my blood sugars were a little high. I also have been really strict with what I eat and it's funny that I'm not as hungry anymore. Of course, I'm walking everyday but Sundays. So, I think I can say that I have been feeling really good for awhile now.
I just love these cold mornings. It always wakes me up in the morning walking to my car. I slept really well last night. It's a hit or miss with me with the sleeping as you can quite imagine by now.
There's nothing much more going on with me today.
I think I'll sit back and watch an old movie.
Butter as always is sleeping in my bed under the covers. What a life to be able to sleep, eat and sleep again with no cares in the world. Boy, she really has the life. She gets at least one new toy every few weeks and gets to play when I get home.
Although she is short tempered, she's been a really good cat. If I can just calm her down with the scratching and nibbling at my ankles it would be a lot better.
I bought her a scratch pad to help my furniture out, but she still goes for one chair in my living room. And I've learned to cover my bedspread with an old blanket so she won't tear it up. She's just too old to get declawed now. It's better to do that when their under a year old. She'll be two in December.
I catch myself thinking of my other cat that I had to get put down. I miss her all the time. She was my first cat I had ever owned and she was a good one. Sweet and well tempered. Even though this cat is a little hellion, she still likes her belly rubbed when she's sleepy.
I will tell you something funny. About two weeks ago I was taking a bath and Butter kept walking back and forth on the rim of the tub. I told her that she was going to fall in and wouldn't you know, she fell in. I have never seen a cat jump so high.
Since then, she won't come near the tub.

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