women get social

Monday, October 31, 2011


SPOOKY!!!!! You know I have fond memories of Halloween. My dad would take my sister, brother and I out to trick or treat. Then we would have to give up our candy, so that mother and dad could "inspect" it. I remember my favorite costume was either a ghost or a witch. There was this lady in our neighborhood, that would dress up like a witch to give out candy. There would be spooky music going on at her house. Then there was the neighborhood dentist that gave out tooth brushes and tooth paste. His house would be rolled every year.
Here where I live, I haven't had any trick or treaters at my door. There's a residential neighborhood down the street, so I guess they all go there. I miss my nephew being little. I went with my dad once when he took my nephew out. I think he was spider man. No, he had spider man pajamas and went out in those to trick or treat.
You remember the old theme "trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat." I catch myself saying that every Halloween.

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