women get social

Thursday, October 27, 2011


I've been having the same trouble with my blood sugar for a week now. It's low before I go to bed and high in the morning. I've doubled checked my medication dosage with the pharmacy, checked my insulin injector, made sure that I am well hydrated, etc...
But nothing seems to be causing this unless the insulin I inject is not holding me. So, I'll call my doctors office today to find out if I need to inject more or later in the evening. It's been a mystery since it's been happening.
I may seem that I am over reacting, but high blood sugar levels are dangerous to your organs. Thats why it is so important to make sure your fasting blood sugars are in check.
I have noticed that I am more tired than I usually am and I have had stomach pains for a week.
It just may be something that I can easily correct, but we'll see.
This is just another example of the trials that you live with when having diabetes.

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