women get social

Saturday, October 22, 2011


My hillbillie neighbors were out and about late last night. I heard them about 2am this morning, with their beagle out justa howling. When I went out to drink my coffee this morning there were pieces of bread all over the front lawn. I guess there trying to feed the squirrels or something. But it's really gonna attract other creatures as well. I'm not surprised we don't have a problem with rats.
If you can just picture this in your mind. Both these people are in their late 60's drinking beer outside till early in the morning. The wife is a waitress and the man stays at home. Their kids come over with the grandchildren and when this happens "all hell brakes loose." The kids run around all over the place. This past summer, one of the kids came out in the front with no diaper on. I can just imagine how their condo looks from day to day. But with all of this, their very nice people. I haven't had to call the police on them yet. Lets hope that stays that way.

1 comment:

  1. You need to relax! They are probably enjoying life more than some people I know. Don't ever think about calling the police unless someone is in harms way! Come on, just go with the flow . . .

    The Rock
