women get social

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Nothing New

Nothing new to report. When I took my walk this morning I noticed Rob out and about. He was getting in his car to go to work and he turned around and waved at me. This is a normal occurance now in the mornings.
I got back and did some gardening. Put out my old bird feeder too. This bird feeder was given to me by my brother about ten years ago. I just love it.
My blood pressure was high all day yesterday for some reason. I also felt out of breathe a little. Now my blood pressure is back to normal. I think I have unexplained blood pressure spikes. I try to cut down on the amount of caffeine I drink and have cut down on the amount of nicotine gum I chew.
Both of those make my blood pressure high.
It seems that I have to have a constant check on every bodily function these days. I check my blood sugar 4 x a day. My blood pressure once or twice depending on if it's high. I take my medicine in the morning, then at 4:30pm, then at 5pm. At 6:30pm I take some more medicine and at 7:30pm I take more. My doctoe tells me it's better to have the same routine each day with my medicine.
I remember the days when I only took tylanol every now and then.
Boy, if I had known that in just a few years, my life would change completely, I would have enjoyed myself more.

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