women get social

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Job Hit

Well I got a lead on a job that was actually located down the street from me in Hoover. It was with Alacare Home Health Services for a Case Worker position. All of my experience is in case work but on the social sciences side. When I looked it up online the position called for an RN case worker.
Oh DRATS!!! The only other positions they had were Home Care Aides. These included lifting patients, cleaning them and changing out their bed pans. YUK!!! You couldn't pay me money to do that.
So, it's back to the drawing board for me. I guess if I had my Masters things wouldn't be so hard, but I don't.
I just saw on the news last night that Alabama's unemployment rate is higher than the national average now. The national average is 9.1%. Alabama's is 10%. And they say the economy is bouncing back. I don't think so. Heck, the city just laid off 200 people with the transit authority yesterday. Fewer buses will be in service now. And Jefferson County just laid off 800 employees.
When will it end?

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