women get social

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Don't you just hate it when you have an impatient driver behind you. You know the ones that ride on your tail and then end up passing you on a non passing road? I had that this afternoon. I wish there would have been a cop lurking around to give that guy a ticket.
It seems that when it's hot people's tempers are high. Well it seems that way to me.
I volunteered today and much to my dismay we didn't have the amount of kids at the camp today that we usually do. The Library's AC was on the blink, so it was literally hot all day.
You can always tell when you've had heat exhaustion because you're real tired, queezy and confused when you get home. Whats really bad is when you get into your hot car. You know that feeling that the air is really heavy and you feel your skin is gonna peel off. Yea, that feeling.
I just think about those people having to work outside all day. How do they do it?
Well thats about all my news for the day. Stay cool out there..

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