women get social

Monday, August 22, 2011

He's Hot

For the past month I have seen this guy jogging by while I am walking in the mornings. He's really cute. Well, he's different from what I would have normally though was cute,but now I'm noticing guys who have grayish hair. Anyway, I got up the courage to say Hi. He actually stopped and introduced himself as Rob and said that he has noticed me walking while he's jogging. Ah.... He noticed me!
Apparently he's just bought a condo in the complex which is on another street where I am. He didn't have a wedding ring on, so I don't know if he's single or not. I'm so bad with age. He could have premature graying, who knows?
But I'm proud of myself that I talked to him today. The old me would have ignored him totally because I'm shy. So, we'll see if he "notices" me again.

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