women get social

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What a Day

Picture this, I'm out volunteering this morning, then all of a sudden I start getting sick to my stomach. I mean I ran to the bathroom and didn't come out for a good 1/2 hour. Then I had to come home. So, the rest of the day was a wash out for me. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything today.
I will share something interesting yesterday. I took a drag off of a cigarette of my neighbor and I did not get the desired affect that I wanted. I actually didn't enjoy it. This last time I quit smoking, I have been able to remain a non -smoker for awhile now. The fact that this "drag" gave me a headache was a good sign to me.
I've always enjoyed the taste of a cigarette and just liked the process of smoking.
So, now I'm a more confident that I will never smoke again. No slip ups or desire to start again.
My body has finally shown me that smoking is not part of life anymore. It's also good because of my diabetes. Did you know that you are 4 x more likely to develop heart desease with diabetes if you smoke? Than if you didn't smoke. It's always 4 x more likely if you have diabetes. So, maybe I'll live a lot longer now. I sure hope so.

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