women get social

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Loud Neighbors

Have you ever had neighbors who are too loud, in whatever they do? I've blogged about this before. I have these neighbors who live next to me that talk real loud, play their music loud, keep their TV up loud and argue loud. Their self proclaimed red necks.
Well last night was no different. It was about 1:30am and I heard music playing. They were out on their patio playing country music for all to hear. I calmly walked over there in my pajamas mind you and asked that they turn down the music. They said " oh darlin did we wake you up?" Dah....
I asked them to please be mindful of the loud music at night. All I got was "we're sorry, we're sorry."
So I guess that means, we'll turn the music down tonight, but we'll play it loud tomorrow night.
If it's not my red neck neighbors, it's others that have their radios up loud in their cars or someone is shinning their headlights in my bedroom window.
Oh joy, joy...

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