women get social

Friday, September 30, 2011


I slept better last night due to no irritating music going on. Hopefully my neighbors got the message that that is not cool late at night.
I've been home all day. Doing nothing special. I've watched HGTV all day. I get so inspired to redecorate when I watch these segments. I love classic design with a modern touch. I have this old bachelors chest from the 20's that I use to put my winter clothes in. Hey, when you live in a 648 square foot condo, your limited on space. I even have an old dresser in my dining room that I use as a buffet table.
Even though my place is small, I like it. It's less space to clean up.
The only thing thats a headache to keep clean are the hardwood floors. With a cat and huge dust balls, it's a challenge to keep clean.
I'm a clean freak anyway. I have to have everything in it's place.
Oh, my favorite decorator is Vern Yip. He was one of the original decorators on that HGTV show Trading Spaces. I just love his designs. I think I would have liked to be a designer too. You know in my other life. That life where you're making a lot of money, get to eat out all the time and you have a toy poodle in your purse. What a dream!!!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Loud Neighbors

Have you ever had neighbors who are too loud, in whatever they do? I've blogged about this before. I have these neighbors who live next to me that talk real loud, play their music loud, keep their TV up loud and argue loud. Their self proclaimed red necks.
Well last night was no different. It was about 1:30am and I heard music playing. They were out on their patio playing country music for all to hear. I calmly walked over there in my pajamas mind you and asked that they turn down the music. They said " oh darlin did we wake you up?" Dah....
I asked them to please be mindful of the loud music at night. All I got was "we're sorry, we're sorry."
So I guess that means, we'll turn the music down tonight, but we'll play it loud tomorrow night.
If it's not my red neck neighbors, it's others that have their radios up loud in their cars or someone is shinning their headlights in my bedroom window.
Oh joy, joy...

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Well it's all set for my interview with the Social Security Disability. Their doing a phone interview with me on Friday. I think I'm prepared. I talked to my doctor today and he told me what to expect.
Not much more going on. I volunteered today, ran a few errands and came home.
Since I have to leave my house early, I've been walking earlier in the morning. Ahh.. I just love this fall temperature in the mornings. One of my neighbors has this pit bull dog that just roams around the property instead of being on a leash. So, when I got home this afternoon, I called the management to report it. This dog seems to be aggressive towards other dogs, but not people. But still.  The dog is just roaming.
There's a lot of people that break the bi-laws around here. I figure, if I have to follow the rules, other people are gonna have to.
It seems that the renters of these condos due the most things. Because the owners know the rules and follow them. But I guess that happens wherever you live.
I guess I'll just have to ignore the rest or get used to calling the management.
With me, I'll ignore it, unless it effects me.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

SSI Call

When I'm about to get dressed this morning the phone rings and it's the Social Security office. I have about 45 minutes before I have to be at my desk. To save time, they decided to offer me a telephone interview instead of waiting months for my office appointment. So I said great and it's scheduled for this Friday afternoon.
I have to get some documentation ready : names of doctors, medications, hospital admittances, checking account routing number, balances on securities I have, etc. So I'll be well prepared for my interview.
My  day went OK. I saw the funniest thing driving to my volunteer job. There was this man on the side of Hwy 31 with a sign in his hands "will work for shelter." That wasn't the funny thing. What he had on was a cheese hat [ you know the ones that are all orange and a cheese slice ]  and stripped red and white socks that he wore with his purple shorts. I guess he was trying to get peoples attention. He sure got mine. I quickly locked my doors.
When I got home today, my cat had thrown up three times on my coach, my bed and the bathroom floor. So needless to say, I've had the cleaning stuff out trying to get the stains off. So, it's been a crazy day.

Monday, September 26, 2011

A good day

I had a good day today, busy, busy, busy. I like it when I'm busy. I filed a claim today with the Social Security Disability Administration. They told me it could be 3 to 4 months before I can get an interview. Everything is backed up. So, I'm going to continue to volunteer while waiting on SSI.
I talked with a lot of nice people today on the phone where I volunteered.
I did stop by Publix on my way home and got some fresh flowers. It makes me feel good to have them and they look so pretty. Thats a simple way to decorate.
I had the best dinner last night. I bought some salmon and I steamed some vegetables. I felt so energized today.
All day, I had a smile on my face and was amazed how many people greeted me today. I guess if you show how happy you are to others, then this makes those gravitate towards you. It's all in the way you hold yourself and treat others.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fresh and renew

I just took a long hot shower. I had to get my hot water heater worked on again for the umtenth time. Some days I have hot water, while others I don't. So, I'm going to make my Christmas list early this year for a new water heater. I've been pretty good this year, so hopefully I'll get one.
I've been watching musicals this afternoon on TCM. I feel like skipping doen the road with my favorite tune. HEHAW that would be funny.
I went to my parents house this morning to say my hello's. I'm embarrassed that I don't see them as often as I should being in the same home town.
Tomorrow after I volunteer, I'm going to call an attorney to get started with my disability application. It's my plan to get on disability then work PT plus volunteer PT. So, we'll see how it goes.
Gotta wash clothes, take out the garbage, water the plants outside and vaccum.
Needless to say, I haven't done any of those chores yet today. I guess I'm just lazy.
Well better get started....

Saturday, September 24, 2011

What a Beautiful Day

Gosh, it was pretty today. Yesterday was the first day of fall and today there was a cool brisk in the air with the sun shinning. My walk this morning was good. The leaves are starting to change and there's a spring in my step.
I had lunch out today at a place called Dale's. They have the best grilled vegetables and catfish. It seems the the entire neighborhood was celebrating today. There were people all over the place.
I got home and was really sleepy. So I settled down to watch an old movie and got a call from one of my dearest friends that I don't get to see much. It's always nice to talk to her. Her health isn't great, but she's got a heart of gold.
 If you haven't checked out the ngage website lately, go to it to find out whats new this month.
There's also alot of pictures that the ngage team takes and posts.
Well, have a good weekend.

Friday, September 23, 2011


Well I've had my first week of volunteering at the American Diabetes Association. I have learned alot of new things that I haven't encountered since being diagnosed with diabetes myself. It has made it easier for me to talk with people about this disease because I have it to.
You know I think we take it for granted when we aren't ill because when we do it sick our lives change so much. I never had it so good when I only had to take an aspirin once in a while before I was diagnosed. Now it's like I'm taking enough medication to kill a horse. It's part of my routine now so it doesn't weigh fully with me anymore, but I know that if I don't follow a schedule with my medicines then it could get real bad pretty quick.
So, it's all about pacing yourself. Try not to get too wrapped up in your illness and enjoy each day that you have. Enjoy the little things in life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


I wish I could say "another day another dollar." But volunteering doesn't pay. I wish it did. Thats why so many companies and organizations look for volunteers to do the work and not get paid. But I'm not complaining. It keeps me busy.
I tried to put my cat in her crate this afternoon, but she bit me again. I even tried to put her in a pillow case and she clawed right through it. I'm worried about her because she has been spitting up what looks like mucus. I don't know what to do. I've got to get her to the vet. I thought about calling the vet to get sedatives to give her. I guess thats about all I can do. Lets just hope she doesn't take a bite out of me when I shove it down her throat. This is going to be interesting.
I don't mean to sound like she is still feral, she's just a cat that doesn't like to be messed with. Even after a year of patiently caring for her, giving her treats, rubbing her belly. When she doesn't like something, she lets you know fast.
Boy my other cat that died was so laid back. She was so easy to train and was generally happy to be around people. This cat, Butter, hides whenever someone comes in the house and doesn't come when I call her. No I take that back, she comes if you say "treats." I'm afraid she's got me wrapped around her little paw. She's training me.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rainy Day

Boy it's been raining all day. I guess we needed it. Just got home for the day and I'm unable to get my emails. So, I called AT-T and after some trouble shooting, the agent tells me that the Yahoo server is down. It won't be until 24/yrs. til I'm able to get them.
Today was a so so day. Surprisingly I had a few ill tempered people to deal with on the phone today. And I'm just a volunteer. I'm not even getting paid to listen to them. But I guess you have people of all types that you have to deal with.
But I did have an overall good day. I've been battling a cold these past few days and I think I've given it to my cat. She has spit up this mucus of sorts this afternoon. If it continues I'll have to take her to the vet. She's still due for her rabies shot. The only problem about this the last time I tried to get her into her crate it was like I was fighting with a wild animal. She was a bit farel when I got her, but she has calmed down alot. So, we'll see.
Well I'm off to do my evening chores. Talk later...

Monday, September 19, 2011


Today was a busy day. I have a new volunteering job with the American Diabetes Association. They have an office in Alabama. It's where I help answer the phone and direct people to get testing supplies and doctors. Also to tell callers about the organization and topics.
You might have noticed that I have been volunteering at a number of different programs and charities. I thought this would help me get my name out there for prospective jobs. And also I like it. I always feel like I am doing something worthwhile in helping those who need it.
I also left my resume at a cleaners. This isn't a glamor job, but it's work. It's in a good location, not far from where I live.
Then I came home and had to play with the kitty who was wild. She loves her play time. Boy she does have enough to play with cause she gets a new toy every other week it seems.
I like being busy again, makes my days go by faster.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


I can't seem to get going this morning or should I say this afternoon. I did go see my parents this morning for about an hour. Since I've been home, I've fallen asleep twice. I'm getting a cold, so I guess I'm just in that sleepy stage.
I have chores galore, but I probably won't do them. I didn't even walk today. It seems that when it's cloudy like this, it's hard to motivate myself. I'm sure you're like that too.
So, I've been watching movies on TCM while I've been tucked away in my bed. Ahh.. Its so nice to be lazy. Theres one movie thats on right now called Suspicion. With Cary Grant and Laretta Young. I just love suspense movies.
Well thats about all for me today. Maybe tomorrow I'll have something exciting to talk about. Hurray!!

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I had the best walk this morning. When I was out walking I saw this little girl, who couldn't have been more that six years old walking her cat on a leash. She had dressed the cat up in a dressed and hat talking to it like it was another friend of hers. She said " ok Sofie, it's time to go to the tea party." I walked over to her and said that I just loved the dress the cat was wearing and she said that her cat had two more dresses. SHe was so cute. I looked over near the building and there was a blanket on the ground with dolls on it.
I can't beleive that that cat was so easy going with those clothes on.
She probably plays dress up with her cat all the time.
I remember that me sister and I had dolls and dresses to match our own dresses. My mother had made them. I think theres even a picture of us holding our dolls with the matching dresses. I would have loved a cat to play with.
Kids are so fun.

Friday, September 16, 2011


You know, life is funny. Months ago I blogged about an incident that happened to me. I lost a dear friend, well a friend that I thought was dear to me. One day, this person just told me that they didn't want to be my friend anymore based on location. She told me that her girls and her had been talking that you should never be friends with neighbors. She actually told me that.
Well today, I was out on my patio reading and I heard her upstairs on her deck. I can remember the countless of times we would be out there laughing and talking. Sometimes it just rips at my heart because even though she was cruel, I still miss her. I had even given her something special of my grandmothers just a few weeks before she said she didn't want to be my friend anymore. I gave it to her because her friendship meant alot to me.
I guess it's still hard to get over, since I had never had that happen before. I talked about this to my sister and my sister told me that I shouldn't waste anymore time over this. My sister also told me that no friend, no matter if their mad at you would ever do that if they are a true friend.
I don't mean to sound that I'm dwelling over this, I'm not. It just still bothers me.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Today has been a boring day. I'm still sick to my stomach, so I couldn't do any of my things that I had planned today. I really get tired of getting sick all the time. It seems that I feel good only for short periods of time. I don't know if it's all the medications I'm on or if it's just par for the course of having diabetes.
Who knows?
Even though I've been sick today, I've done chores around the house all day. I wanted to feel busy. I always feel that I'm wasting a day when I don't leave the house.
Plus I think those feelings are in the air today, since it's been cloudy all day. No wonderful sunshine. Oh, and have you noticed? It's like fall weather outside. I'm looking forward to this heat going away. Well, that about all for me today. Tomorrow is Friday. A start to the weekend.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What a Day

Picture this, I'm out volunteering this morning, then all of a sudden I start getting sick to my stomach. I mean I ran to the bathroom and didn't come out for a good 1/2 hour. Then I had to come home. So, the rest of the day was a wash out for me. I feel like I haven't accomplished anything today.
I will share something interesting yesterday. I took a drag off of a cigarette of my neighbor and I did not get the desired affect that I wanted. I actually didn't enjoy it. This last time I quit smoking, I have been able to remain a non -smoker for awhile now. The fact that this "drag" gave me a headache was a good sign to me.
I've always enjoyed the taste of a cigarette and just liked the process of smoking.
So, now I'm a more confident that I will never smoke again. No slip ups or desire to start again.
My body has finally shown me that smoking is not part of life anymore. It's also good because of my diabetes. Did you know that you are 4 x more likely to develop heart desease with diabetes if you smoke? Than if you didn't smoke. It's always 4 x more likely if you have diabetes. So, maybe I'll live a lot longer now. I sure hope so.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Well after I have volunteered from 7am-3pm today, I came home. WHile I was out on my patio watering my plants I heard my neighbor talking to a salesperson out on their patio. When this person was done, he came over to my patio.  I immediately told him that I was not interested and to please leave. I kept trying to say that when he interrupted me and said shut up twice.
I looked at him and he said he was from At-t and wanted to know if my cable was furnished in my rent. Now keep in mind, this guy has no clothing on to advertise where he was from, nor did he ever introduce himself or what he was asking questions for.
I said to him that I doubted that he worked for At-t. I also said to him that there was no solicitation allowed on this property and he was being rude to tell me to shut up. I also said that if he did work for At-t, then his company would be very interested in his behavior.
I'll give him persistence. He asked again if my cable was included in my rent. I then said that I own my condo, therefore I don't pay rent. I shouldn't have even said that, because keep in mind I don't know what this guy is after or know who he is.
He then said thank you and left. I felt a little funny after he left. I decided to walk over to my neighbors and ask her what she thought of this guy. She had the same warning signs as me. She asked why would he be asking those type of questions. I told her that she should never give out any information to anyone who simply shows up on your front door step. She agreed.
I know that if I see him again, I'll just call the police.

Monday, September 12, 2011

A day of volunteering

Hello, I feel that I have really given back today. I first went to the animal shelter and did my daily volunteering. Then I went to Jessie's Place to help with food dispersement. Jessie's Place is a shelter for abused women and children. Years ago, I volunteered there while I went to school. I just called last week and set it up for this week.
I've been surfing the web at four different job sites and I still haven't found any hits. So, when I'm not looking for work I volunteer.
It always makes me feel good to give back. The shelter to animals that can't help themselves and to an organization where just a kind word is appreciated.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


Well what do you say about the 10th. anniversery  of 9/11. Thousands lost their lives on that day. There were unknown heroes that helped saved some lives and there were sacrifices made that day.
I do think it's important that we all remember that day.
I've watched a few ceremonies of TV and read a few articles and it just makes me thankful for what I have. My mother was telling me that there was someone from Birmingham that got killed in the pentagon. I often wonder how the surviving families feel on this day. Have they died for nothing? Or is there a renewed sense of hope in our nation.
What is important is to realize that we all should be thankful for the love of our families and never take anything for granted.
We are all children of God.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Before Sunrise

Well, this is one of those days where I don't sleep much. Yep, I'm up again at 4:30am. My cat Butter looks at me this morning with a expression on her face like "is it time to wake up?"
She's so funny. She sleeps most of the day, plays late at night then she has to have her full 8/hrs. of sleep at night.
Sometimes I like waking up this early because everything is quiet and still. I usually check my emails then go surfing on the net.
I also woke up to my neighbors having an argument outside on their patio. I've blogged about them before. They are those people who stay up all night, drinking and playing their music outside til the wee hours. When I walked out drinking my coffee, the woman says "you up this early?" I just sort of said yea. She starts laughing and says that they were about to go to sleep for the night. I'm thinking to myself, well it's already morning.
Well thats about it for me this early. Have a good weekend to those who suffer through my blogs.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Falls Comin'

Oh... I just love the weather right now. There's a cool brisk of air in the mornings. Fall is my favorite time of year. It's starts getting cooler at night and in the mornings and it's not too hot. Halloween is also a favorite to me. I guess it's because it reminds me of my childhood. I remember getting so excited when Halloween came around, the dressing up is what I liked. I would either be a cow girl, princess or a ghost. I remember my dad telling me one year that I could go as a leftover.  Wrapped up in foil and tissue.
I thought he was crazy. But now, I think thats funny.
Ooops, Butter just jumped in my lap. Whenever I'm preoccupied with something, she demands to have attention.
Back to the fall. I walk almost every morning and feels so nice outside this time of year. Heck, I think I would like to live somewhere where it's in the 70's year round or even below that. I'm more active now than in the heat of the summer.
I got to see my friends from Jasper, Al. yesterday which was a treat for me. Their down home folks that would give the shirt off their backs to help others. Just good people.
Well thats about it for me. Happy Friday!!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Labor Day Washout

Well it's rained all day long today. We did need the rain, but I don't think this much. Their expecting flooding all across our county.
So, what have I done today? Watched all of the Star War movies. It takes me back. All six of them have been on spike tv today. I remember when the first one came out in theaters. What was that? In the 70's? Late 70's? I can't remember.
It's kind of chilly outside so I've got on my favorite pajamas. Drinking hot tea with my fuzzy socks on. Oh.. Relaxing.
My Butter has been napping all day in her dark spot underneath the coffee table. All is quiet.
I even put my quilt on the bed. Now doesn't this sound so great. Can you picture my little nest?
Thats it for me today. Happy Labor Day!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

It's me

Hello all. I wonder who ever really reads my blog. Oh well. Today. Today has pretty much been a quiet day. My cable man came this morning to install a new cable box I got to see channels now that have recently been dropped by my basic plan. So, now I have to pay extra if I want to watch these channels.
I hate to say, but I'm hooked on TCM. My sister kids me all the time and says "don't you ever watch anything made in this century?" It is funny. But I prefer old movies, black and whites.
I also like the Hallmark channel thats shows alot of wholesome shows like the Waltons. You remember that show? Yumm. With a cup of hot herbal tea and the Waltons on the TV, what more do I need :] And of course the Hallamrk channel shows alot of M.A.S.H series. I'm a dye hard fan of that show. I think I would have been happier as a teen in the 60's. However I was 10/yrs. old in 1975.
Times change. Not much more to report today. Maybe something exciting will happen this next week...
Maybe I'll meet a new man.....
Who knows?

Thursday, September 1, 2011


Augh... I got so mad! My neighbors beagle puppy pooped on my patio. And she has also been chewing on my outside basket. I know it was her because I saw her do it last night. I calmly walked over there today and asked them to watch her more while their out on their patio and not let her come over to my patio.. These people just looked at me like I was crazy or something.
I think it's everyones responsibility who owns a dog to make sure they are not disturbing other people around them and to have manners taught to them. And not just let a dog rome around unattended. There's even a lease law. These people could care less.
Their self proclaimed rednecks, they leave their cigarette butts everywhere, their up late at night with their radio on outside and they have arguements, screaming at each other in front of the parking lot.
These owners of these condos rent to anyone. I'm the only owner beside my neighbor upstairs that live in our condos in this building.
It just frustrates me.