women get social

Thursday, June 2, 2011


I had to give up my volunteering with the relief effort. Due to medical problems I can not work in the Salvation Army's warehouse anymore. I feel bad, because I feel like I let them down. But since I have anhydrosis along with diabetes it's too dangerous for me to be working out in this heat.
But come fall, I'll be volunteering again. Maybe they'll still need people to help during that time. The news said that it will takes months for the cities effected by the tornados to be in a normal state.
I am still volunteering somewhat at the wildlife center,so that gives me something to do.
It's going to be a scorcher again today. With a heat index of 105 and the temperature of 98. When you go outside it feels like you're walking into an oven. No air is circulating. I'm sure the elderly are really effected by this heat too. If I knew any older people around me, I would be checking on them.
Even when I take my walks at 5:30am, I'm hot. At 7am this morning it was already 89 degrees.
I'm much more active in the winter months. In the summer, I am very limited to what I can do especially outside. Well thats about all my news for the day.
Stay cool!

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