women get social

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


My mother has been really sick this past week. I thought last night that she was going to go to the hospital by the way my Dad was describing her condition. My Dad did call this morning to say that she her lungs sounded better today. But we still might take her to get a chest xray sometime this week.
I'm also on standby to possibly take my Dad on Thursday to get the first of two surgery's done.
I'm alittle concerned about catching this bronchitis that my mother has. I'm used to getting germs easily since I have been diagnosed with diabetes. But if she needs me, I'm there.
I've had the sniffles for a couple of days, so hopefully it's just a cold.
For the past couple of month I haven't contracted any bugs because I have been taking a dose of vitamin C. At least I think it's because of that. I always drink plenty of fluids and exercise daily.
But you know better than me, that if a germ is out there, there's a higher percentage that you'll get it.
But so far, I've been pretty healthy.

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