women get social

Friday, June 17, 2011


Boy, we had some bad storms pass through last night. My cable has been out since then. Thanks goodness I shut down my computer yesterday instead of putting it in the sleep mode because our power went out about four to five times. Thats all I need is to have a bum computer.
Not much going on today. No plans.
I tried to reach a friend of mine yesterday to see if she wanted to get out this weekend, but no luck.
It seems that everyone I know has plans made every weekend from the prior weekend. I may hop over to my sisters to visit the new puppy they just got. Or I may just stay home. I know it's going to be another scorching day outside today. I don't even think summer has officially began. We had the upper 90's for about three weeks now. It's probably going to be like this for a long time.
I could call this male friend of mine to see whats going on, but I don't want to put up with his constant desire to go out with me. He's a guy that I grew up with and dated at one time. Whats the phrase? He's not a keeper. So I better leave that alone. I am going to look up the new entry's on the NGAGE website. I would recommend that whoever is reading my blog to do that. It always has lots of helpful information in this area. Well thats about all my news.
Stay cool!

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