women get social

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Best vs. The Worst

You know it always happens like this. In disasters, there's always the saying that it brings out the best in people. I have seen it always brings out the worst in people also. An example is looters.
Yesterday, 4 men were caught by neighbors in Pleasant Grove, Al. for stealing copper wiring and other momentos from several houses. The neighbors called the police and these 4 men were arrested.
Now it's one thing for criminals to steal, but it's an entirely different story when they steal from people who have lost everything and are suffering. You just have to accept that their are those, who try to profit on misery. It just makes you want to shake these people and ask how could you do this?
This has happened in every disaster known to man.
These type of criminals don't deserve a second chance. They all need to be in prison for life for taking advantage of those who are suffering.
In a sense, Charlie Sheen who visited Tuscaloosa yesterday needs a good kick in the pants as well. I guess he assumed that the residents and political officials would just drool over his presence there. He was there to further his career. Not for the intended to raise money for the town. He's just as bad as these thief's. He's arrogant to think that people would just pause in their grief because he's "Charlie Sheen." Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm getting on my soap box.
Now the best side are those who have volunteered their time and money to sincerely help the storm victims. All sorts of organizations are bringing free services to them and there are national guards who have come to make sure the residents are safe. That is the best.
So, I guess it's always going to be good vs. evil wherever you go. More often than not the good seems to always come out a little ahead. Thank Goodness!!!!!

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