women get social

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

You know, I've never been one to sleep in on the weekends or have slept eight full hours. But lately, I have had bad insomnia. I go through these spurts where I get about three to four broken hours of sleep. And I might say that when this happens it catches up with you like a brick. I've noticed that when I drive I'm not as alert or focused. My appetite changes and I'm usually tired all the time. I am experiencing that now.
I've tried everything. A hot bath, taking ambian [which I am allergic to] and taking unisom. Or even drinking that sleepy time herbal tea. Nothing seems to help.
It also makes my health problems spike. I envy those that can get a good nights rest. To help my systems I try to walk everyday and drink plenty of fluids. You would think exercise would do the trick. Nope.
My doctor told me that due to my nerves and sleep deprivation I have this shaking to my hands. I really don't notice this unless I look directly at my hands.
I wish there was a magical potion that would enable me to sleep. What usually happens is that I start settling down around 10pm. I'll go to bed about 10:30pm-11pm. I'll lay there for two to three hours. Sleep maybe one or two hours. Up at 3am. Up at 4:30am. Then rise around 6am. So, I'm tired after each night.
Maybe one day this will change. I hope it would because I would have much more energy than I do.

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