women get social

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

No Air conditioning?

Whew! Today has been a busy day. I volunteered at the Salvation Army today. This morning it was fine ,not too hot. But by 11:30am it was miserable. The warehouse does not have air conditioning. No air moving, so it was like a sauna. I have a real problem with heat.
So, I kept having to leave the warehouse, go to my car and sit in the air conditioning. My car was parked under some trees. Then I would go back to the warehouse.
I must have packaged 40 boxes of non perishables and clothing. Even after two weeks since the storms came through, there is still alot to do.
I have met some of the nicest people. Surprisingly, alot of the volunteers are older people right now. Schools are open now and most college students are back in class. Whats been nice is that the Red Cross employees bring water to the volunteers working. Everyone is working together on the same team. Everyone's spirits are high. Everyone is working towards the same goal. I feel like singing "Coom ba yae."
Or that Michael Jackson's song "We the people." That's funny. It just makes you feel good to help others.
Tomorrow is going to be the same. Maybe I'll drink a gallon of water before I go. :]

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