women get social

Monday, May 16, 2011

What to write about

Sometimes I have real slow days. Like today, I'm not volunteering, so I have elected to get some house work done. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon searching on the web for job sites. Again no luck with that. I did take a long walk this morning. It's been great these past couple of days because it's been cool outside. I do much better when it's cool instead of hot. I think I need to live somewhere that is about 70 degrees year round.
I just put the first wax on my hardwood floors. Am waiting for the to dry so I can buff it out. Then it's on the cleaning out the vent in my dryer. I have to go outside for that. Then I thought I would plant some flowers in my planter boxes that I bought about a week ago.
My Dad's 72nd. Birthday is coming up on this Friday the 20th. I bought him some really cool stuff. I got him a martini shaker, a knife set to cut up vegetables [ he's been on this salad kick for awhile ] and two boxes of assorted nuts. One is pecans and the other is almonds. I thought about getting him some chocolate hershey bars, but I wanted to stay in the healthy mode. We're all planning to meet at my parents house for a grill out. He loves to do that.
Well thats about all my news. Talk again tomorrow.

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