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Saturday, April 30, 2011

Helping the storm victims

With all of the news coverage that has been in Alabama, it's hard to figure out what you can do to help. There's the Red Cross, the Salvation Army and your local EMA team. I logged onto to
handsonbirmingham.org . The volunteer division has my name and email address so they can tell me where I'll be most needed.
A recap- this is in response to the tornadic weather that came through Alabama on 4/27/11. Whole towns were just wiped off the map.
I believe the death tole has now risen to 258. This will change. There's been notifications in the paper and news that each town finds more fatalities as the days go by.
You can also log onto myfoxal.com. This will give you all sorts of numbers in relation to the different counties affected and to where volunteers are needed.
The state also needs money, so alot of people have been donating cash to the Red Cross. Every little bit helps.

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