women get social

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

It's been a few days

It's been a few days since I blogged. I missed doing this since I usually blog everyday. I have been volunteering non-stop. There's been alot of people on vacation so I've had to pull some extra hours. Now, I've got to get busy online in the job search. I did get a message yesterday from my old co-worker telling me that our old prgram director is just about finished writing a new grant. Since she did put in my name for hire, I curious if I will hear from him.
We had an awful storm psss through my neighborhood early this morning. I was up around 5:00am, turned on the news and there were numerous tornado warnings posted. The wind actually blew my chime off the wall on my patio. But it subsided by 10:00am. I remember how bad it would be trying to drive to work in a storm and I was thankful that this morning I didn't have to do that.
Well, that my news for the day. Talk later.

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