women get social

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Divine Intervention

Sometimes you hear stories about true miracles. Well, I heard one this morning. A friend was telling me of a story about one of her relatives. She said that this person was diagnosed with a mulignant tumor the size of a gratefruit. The doctors told her that the day after Thanksgiving [last year] they were going to try to cut it out.
When they went in, there was no sign of the tumor anywhere. Like it just disappeared.
She had been going to constant prayer at that time. And the months after this new diagnosis, there was still no sign of cancer.
I had heard of another story about this other woman whose cancer was past the point of any chemo therapy and the doctors had given her a few months to live. She started going to church and prayed diligently. When she went in to have a recheck, the cancer was gone.
I sometimes think that if I didn't start having eye troubles, I would have never known I had diabetes. In a way, I think that was a miracle. Because my doctor told me I could have had a diabetic coma. One might say that I was lucky. But as I learn more about God's grace, I feel that I was given a gift.
I've always believed in God, but I would only pray when something was wrong in my life. I never really understood that you must have a personal relationship with God. Now I am beginning too and  the funny thing about it is that I'm not so scared of things anymore. I feel that someone is watching over me. I don't feel alone anymore. Now I believe that things don't happen by pure chance; they happen for a reason.
I understand now. This has also given me a sense of hope. If you look around, the miracle of God is everywhere. I am truely blessed.

1 comment:

  1. You are right about being blessed! God's Grace is so big and never-ending. I'm so happy for you Allison. This Thanksgiving will truly be a great day! I love you and I'm really proud of you. Wow, now this is my favorite post!

    Your Sister :)
