women get social

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Open my Eyes

When I was volunteering this morning, I saw a new batch of baby squirrels being delivered to the center. They were so young they had their eyes closed and they didn't even have fur on them. The baby raccoons that were delivered last week were the same. I realized what chance did these animals have without the intervention of the dedicated staff of volunteers at the center. None. It sort of opened my eyes to the responsibilites of people to take care of creatures who can't take care of themselves.
This goes to people too. I stopped by the grocery store on the way home. There's  been this old man hanging out in the parking lot who has always looked dirty and hungry. So, I went into the store and bought some bread,water,cheese and apples. I had an old bag in my trunk and filled it with the food. Then I gave it to the old man. He thanked me and said "bless you."
I've seen this man for a couple of weeks now and wondered if anyone took the time to help him. At least he'll have something to eat for a few days.
Some of these people that are in need don't go the shelters or missions for help. When I was a case worker, I used to help these people with the basic necessities they needed. And I know that some don't seek help at these agencies because of pride. It's a good lesson to learn that you should be thankful for what you have because there are others who don't have a roof over their heads, daily food or hope. To have hope is everything.

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