women get social

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The end of the month

I can't believe that tomorrow is the 1st. of June. This year has just flown by so far. It's hot as ever with a heat index of 112. So, after I volunteered today, I came home, put down the blinds on my patio and hunkered down. I got really dehydrated today.
Since I've been home I have already had three 32 oz. water. And I'm still thirsty. I ate a good lunch though.
Of course my cat is doing her usual thing, sleeping.
Well that all my news. Nothing exciting today.
Stay cool ya'll.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Memorial Day

It's finally here. There are so many things we should be grateful for. Number one is our armed forces. Without them we are just ducks in the water. We have been able to leave in a freedom free country for many generations. We need to give thanks for all of the men and women who has sacrificed for us.
It's also a day for families I believe. To be grateful for what we have and to pass that love to others.
I plan on spending the day with my parents today. Since I don't get to see my father very often, I'm hoping today will be one of those days to catch up.
Number three it's a day of reflection. Reflect back on the past and move forward with a ray of hope. There are so many suffering from battles of the past. It's time to relieve those and set new goals for the future.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could end all wars. I mean all wars around the world. Have a unity of peace?
Maybe one day the people of earth will see true freedom as a symbol. A symbol acting as a tool for all to live together peacefully. No hate or greed.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Oh, Yea!

Boy, I think I slept at least five hours last night. I can't believe it. It's been so long since I slept a night without broken sleep, so I don't know what to compare this to. It makes a big difference on how sleep makes you feel.
Anyway, I have been really lazy today. I've been glued to the TV cause it's just to damn hot outside to venture out. I think it was suppose to get in the mid to upper 90's today.
I did talk to an old friend today which was nice. It always makes me say, "good to be alive " when I get to converse with a friend I don't get to talk with often.
It's so funny, my cat has been asleep for about six hours this afternoon. She gets up to eat, go potty then she's off to her favorite dark hiding place. What a life. She has it made. She's got me just where she wants me. Afterall this is "her" place and I just clean after her, feed her and give her hugs and kisses. She's the queen!
I think I may have someone tuning in on my wireless hookup. I keep getting these messages on my system that my preferred networks are not turned on. With the names Kylie and Stephanie. I used to keep my computer on the sleep mode and it would just turn on by itself. Now I do a shut down every time I'm done. So, hopefully no one can crack into my system.
I swear there are so many dishonest people around. The bad neighbors that live next to me wanted to use my computer the other day. I've blogged about them before. When I said no, they got mad.
I figure, if you want to be online, then get a computer and get online yourself. I don't trust these people at all. They used to wake me up late knocking on the door to use my phone because they locked themselves out of their place. I let them a few times, but then it became routine. So, that quickly ended.
I think it's a bonus when you buy a place and get a good neighbor. I was lucky on that point because I did get a really good neighbor upstairs that has become a great friend of mine.
All the other neighbors are either renters who do  what they want and disrupt the place or drunks. It seems like all the men in my immediate location [bldg.] drink. It gets really bad sometimes because it becomes noisey.
Maybe the drunks will move out and we get quiet older people here. That would be nice.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Memorial Day weekend

I can't believe that it is already memorial day weekend. Of course I'll be watching the marathon of Star Trek today on the Scify channel. Yes, I'm a treky. I grew up watching Captain Kirk and Spock. Those are the oldies but goodies.
All of my friends have plans this weekend so it's just me and my cat. Thats how it usually works out on holidays. But thats fine. I enjoy watching movies and hanging out.
I did get up and plant some new flowers on my patio. I hate to say this but I do like to work in the garden like my mother and sister do. Their yards are always so pretty.
I also plan on going to the park near me tomorrow. If I had a camera I would take alot of nature shots.
When I was younger I would be at the pool all day. Our pool just opened at our condos, so maybe I'll take a dip. There's usually alot of teenagers who go there. So I might walk over there to see what the crowd is like. My skin is so horrible to look at that I might chicken out. I don't know.
Maybe I'll be able to spend some time with my Dad. I know he's off this weekend.
But anyway Happy Memorial Day!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Today has been a busy day. Even though I'm tired for not sleeping I washed and waxed my floors. Then I dusted my entire house plus the walls. I washed towels and my bedroom curtains. My curtains needed a good wash. They were starting to look like a cream color when they are white.
I took a pleasant walk this morning. It was just gorgeous outside and had a cool breeze.
I've spent some quality time with my cat today too. I think she has felt neglected since I rarely play with her anymore. Her favorite game is fetch. I think I've blogged about that before, but she fetches as good as a dog can do. She has this real ratty round mouse that she carries it in her mouth wherever she goes. The rescue center where I adopted her gave that to me. SO, she's had this thing since she was a kitten. Anyway, I throw that and she retreaves it then brings it to my feet.
She's so funny. She is exactly 1 yr. and 5 months old. I still have to somehow get her into the crate [ which she hates ] and get her rabies shot done. She should have gotten that done in April, but I still couldn't get her in the crate. I think I'm gonna have to sedate her.
Well thats about my news today. Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Sleep Deprivation

You know, I've never been one to sleep in on the weekends or have slept eight full hours. But lately, I have had bad insomnia. I go through these spurts where I get about three to four broken hours of sleep. And I might say that when this happens it catches up with you like a brick. I've noticed that when I drive I'm not as alert or focused. My appetite changes and I'm usually tired all the time. I am experiencing that now.
I've tried everything. A hot bath, taking ambian [which I am allergic to] and taking unisom. Or even drinking that sleepy time herbal tea. Nothing seems to help.
It also makes my health problems spike. I envy those that can get a good nights rest. To help my systems I try to walk everyday and drink plenty of fluids. You would think exercise would do the trick. Nope.
My doctor told me that due to my nerves and sleep deprivation I have this shaking to my hands. I really don't notice this unless I look directly at my hands.
I wish there was a magical potion that would enable me to sleep. What usually happens is that I start settling down around 10pm. I'll go to bed about 10:30pm-11pm. I'll lay there for two to three hours. Sleep maybe one or two hours. Up at 3am. Up at 4:30am. Then rise around 6am. So, I'm tired after each night.
Maybe one day this will change. I hope it would because I would have much more energy than I do.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Doctor day

Well today I met with one of my doctors. I have been dealing with this certain condition that has been hard to accept.  Now with a determination on my part and frequently talking to my family, I have been able to work through it. This was also a day to inquire the possibility on filing for disability. My doctor said I have a good chance of getting it, I'll just have to see what attorneys my parents are thinking about to help.
My diabetes is doing fine. Of course I have the occasional spike in blood sugars and problems with eating my snacks everyday, but I think I manage my diabetes well.
I blogged a few days ago about how my skin has been managing. Still have these darned rashes, but I think I can clear these up with drinking more water or even seeing a dermatologist.
I feel so fortunate that I have a good network of doctors. Because I know alot of people don't. It would be nice if I had health insurance to pay for these visits. So, every little bit helps.
The important thing for me is to continue to go to my doctors appointments even if I don't have the money for them.
What I have learned is your health is everything.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


You know, companies now a days are trying their best to come up with new gimmicks for you to pay higher prices. I have never liked my cable company. Whenever you get one of their agents on the phone their usually short tempered with you and are rude.
I'm a classic movie fan. You know old black and white movies. Anyway I noticed last night that I wasn't getting that channel anymore. I already pay 68.00 dollars for my basic channel. In order for me to get that one channel back I would have to pay for a digital box which would cost me 15.00 extra dollars. And if I got another TV such as a HD TV, then I'd have to get another box costing more. So, I can't see paying extra for one channel. I am disappointed because I usually watch that channel.
Oh talking about gimmicks. When gas prices go up when the seasons change. It seems you pay for more for fuel in the summer time. Since I am on a fixed income, it gets expensive to fill up your tank. So, now I'm having to go into my grocery money to fill up my tank.
I guess I would be more frustrated about this if I was working. My friends who are working haven't gotten a pay increase while the cost of living has increased. But I do remember how that felt.
Another gimmick is food prices. You always see, buy one and get one free? Well that is a farce. The price for the item is pushed far up, so you're actually paying more.
It would be nice if prices stayed the same and no "special deals" were out there. These "special deals" are not saving you any money, but only making feel that you are.
Everyone is out for a buck these days.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Nothing going on

Well today is just another day for me. I didn't volunteer today, just stayed home. I did get alot done. I'm starting to clean out and shred my filing papers. Some of these documents I've had for more than ten years. Of course, I'll keep all of my tax papers, but I'm having to go through each item one by one. We all do this at some point. It's just easier to say you're going to do it by putting off, but it's an entirely different story when you have to get into it.
I also try to do "spring cleaning" twice a year. I sometimes hang on to things like my father does. Then I think to myself "where's all this clutter from?" I always have to have things neat and tidy.
My condo is so small that if it wasn't neat and tidy it would resemble a tornado came through.
To change the subject. I have noticed that since I have had diabetes, my skin gets super dry. It's so easy now to scratch a place on my skin and it bleed. I have soo many places on my skin that looks like I have been through a battle or something.
What I need to get is vitamin E. This helps to cover up scars. So I've heard. Well, thats about all my news for the day. Tune in tomorrow for "as the world turns." Thats funny. I quess I can sound like a broken record. It's not as bad as it reads, but sometimes it just gets boring to talk or I might say write about my life. Maybe I'll meet a handsome fella, who lives on a boat in the ocean. Or maybe I'll just kiss that frog in the backyard....

Sunday, May 22, 2011


Boy, it's so hot outside. It was in the low 90's yesterday. YUK!!! I have been having my normal spell for the last 24/hrs. I think it's the insulin and all the medications I take. Since I have been on all of these medications, I have these spells. My stomach gets all messed up. These are the times that I drink my glucerna shakes and eat these glucose tablets so my blood sugars don't spike.
This all is just one of the beauty's of having diabetes.
I think I'm also coming down with a cold or something. My friends granddaughter was sick with a cold yesterday. She's 7/months old. Of course I had to hug her and kiss on her. She's so adorable.
I didn't take my daily walk this morning, so it's back to the grind tomorrow, if I feel better. I'm just now getting up and around to wash clothes. So, I've been pretty lazy today. My blinds are down on my patio, and my curtains are closed to keep my house cool. But it's funny. Usually on Sundays I get real lazy. Watching movies and doing my nails. I quess it could be a day of slumber too.
Well that's about all my news for the day. Hope everyone has a good Monday tomorrow.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


We had a family Birthday party for Dad last night. He's a young 72 year old. I was so nice to see him blow out his candles and to laugh all night. You know, it's times like this to appreciate what you have.
When I got laid off, then diagnosed with diabetes, my Dad has been there for me 100%. Not only with financial help, but with the emotional support that I need. He's always done that for those he loves.
He's also been there for his partners at the hospital and his staff. Whenever I go somewhere and someone asks me if I am related to Dad, they always say what a nice man he is.
I feel so blessed that he is my father. I have learned a great many things from him. I quess in a funny way he's my mentor. I always strive to be honest and have a good character like my Dad.
He's the best!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011


You know everyone has been talking about how much structural damage was done due to the recent storms in Alabama, but it's also about the lack of food as well. My friends who live in Walker, County lost a whole freezer worth of food. Since they are on a fixed income, they couldn't afford to just go out and replenish their freezer. They got on a program through FEMA called SNAP. I don't know what that stands for but it's an organization that gives money to those in desperate need. They got $400 to help in restocking their freezer.
The news has also been informing people of special food banks set up within the damaged areas to help. It's unlikely that the average person would even know what it is like to go without food. We take it for granted that we can just walk into the kitchen and grab something out of the refrigerater or cubbard.
So, it's good that these programs are out there because people are going hungry right now. Especially those with limited funds.
Also, keep donating food to these organizations. Although three weeks has passed since the devastating storms, continued help is needed. FEMA is estimating that it could take months to relocate and feed all of those affected. If you want to help, one good resource is the news. I went on myfoxal.com. It gave me numbers to organizations that I could volunteer to and to donate goods and food. Another link would be handsonbirmingham.com. You could even google the 4/27/11 storms and it will take you to various web sites.
These people need our help and support. Get involved!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


You know, children are so funny. Especially the ones that are between the ages of two and five. I went to a restaurant by myself today, yes by myself. I went over to Cracker Barrel to have their club salad. This salad is so yummy. It has all kinds of fresh vegetables and home baked turkey on it. It was yummy.
Well when I was sitting at my table this little boy kept walking by. He had to have been no more than four years of age. His parents table was just across the isle from me.
He finally came over and asked where everyone was. I told him I was there by myself and then he just plops down on the chair and says "I'm here." His mother came over to get him and I said he was fine. So, while I ate I listened to him talk about his favorite toys and he introduced me to his stuffed bear he was carrying with him.
After I was done, he gently gets up and says "bye."
I thought that was the cutest thing. Children seem so sensitive to others around them.
His name was Nate. I'm sure it was short for Nathanial.
So, I had a good lunch.

Monday, May 16, 2011

What to write about

Sometimes I have real slow days. Like today, I'm not volunteering, so I have elected to get some house work done. Yesterday I spent most of the afternoon searching on the web for job sites. Again no luck with that. I did take a long walk this morning. It's been great these past couple of days because it's been cool outside. I do much better when it's cool instead of hot. I think I need to live somewhere that is about 70 degrees year round.
I just put the first wax on my hardwood floors. Am waiting for the to dry so I can buff it out. Then it's on the cleaning out the vent in my dryer. I have to go outside for that. Then I thought I would plant some flowers in my planter boxes that I bought about a week ago.
My Dad's 72nd. Birthday is coming up on this Friday the 20th. I bought him some really cool stuff. I got him a martini shaker, a knife set to cut up vegetables [ he's been on this salad kick for awhile ] and two boxes of assorted nuts. One is pecans and the other is almonds. I thought about getting him some chocolate hershey bars, but I wanted to stay in the healthy mode. We're all planning to meet at my parents house for a grill out. He loves to do that.
Well thats about all my news. Talk again tomorrow.

Saturday, May 14, 2011


You know, I don't know what life would be like without friends. There are those that you grow apart with for whatever reason, but there are those that are by your side through thick and thin.
I'm fortunate to have those few that will be my friends for life. I'm also including my sister whose friendship means so much to me. I have the best worlds there. For I have a close sister relationship and a sister that happens to be a friend as well.
Theres one that i have known for twenty eight years that I wouldn't part with. There is one that I have known for only four to five years that I am blessed to have.
And there are two that live in another city, that I am humbled to call my friends.
I have always wanted to find a connection with my brother, maybe that will happen in time. Of course my parents I hold firm in my heart for  I am very close to.
So even if i don't have a job, good health or money, I feel that I have all that I need to be happy.

Friday, May 13, 2011


You know when this journey began, I thought to myself that blogging would become a chore. But now, it's addictive. I look forward in blogging daily. It gives  me an opportunity to express my feelings about the most mundane subjects.
Writing about my diabetes gets slow sometimes, because you end up writing about the same thing. But each day you experience something that you want to share. I wonder if I look back at all my blogs this past year would I be surprised at what I have selected to write about or not.
I will let you know, that I am pondering about applying for disability. I know it means alot of paperwork, but I think I could master this with the help of my doctors. Just think, if I am awarded this, I would have health insurance. I haven't had health insurance for three years. I always fear that I will get sick or be in an accident and not have health insurance. What would I do? I don't have the kind of money to pay hospital fees. So maybe something good will come out of applying.
I'm planning a trip to go to Jasper,Al. to see some friends. Jasper was damaged in those bad storms, but my friends did get their power back on. I'm just going to be there for a day, because I have a kitty at home that has seperation problems. I don't want to come back to poop all over the house.
Well thats about all my news. Have a good weekend!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

What Did You Say?

There was this rude old woman in the post office this morning. She was rude to the post woman helping her and rude to the people in line waiting. I was about the third person near the counter waiting. She came in and said that due to her age, she needed to be the first one up to the counter. Before anyone could say a word, she just pushed herself through ahead of others waiting.
She said that she was in a hurry and the post woman needed to get her black --- in gear.
The post woman didn't know what to say and just looked at the old woman. Well, I'm real good at instances like this one. I walked up and told this old woman that she was rude and that others were waiting before her. She was about to say something when the post woman told her to get at the end of the line and wait her turn. I was standing right next to this old woman. She looked at me, looked at those waiting in line and then she walked out of the post office.
I felt bad for the post woman to suffer this outragious racial slur. She said it was ok because this same woman does this every time she comes in. Also, this old woman has not been allowed in a few times also.
Well I felt better after that. I went back to my position in line and waited to be helped. The others waiting in line started clapping their hands together and said "way to go."
When I went out to get in my car, that same old woman was sitting in her car talking on her cell phone. I got out of there not wanting another confrontation.
It's amazing how people behave.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

No Air conditioning?

Whew! Today has been a busy day. I volunteered at the Salvation Army today. This morning it was fine ,not too hot. But by 11:30am it was miserable. The warehouse does not have air conditioning. No air moving, so it was like a sauna. I have a real problem with heat.
So, I kept having to leave the warehouse, go to my car and sit in the air conditioning. My car was parked under some trees. Then I would go back to the warehouse.
I must have packaged 40 boxes of non perishables and clothing. Even after two weeks since the storms came through, there is still alot to do.
I have met some of the nicest people. Surprisingly, alot of the volunteers are older people right now. Schools are open now and most college students are back in class. Whats been nice is that the Red Cross employees bring water to the volunteers working. Everyone is working together on the same team. Everyone's spirits are high. Everyone is working towards the same goal. I feel like singing "Coom ba yae."
Or that Michael Jackson's song "We the people." That's funny. It just makes you feel good to help others.
Tomorrow is going to be the same. Maybe I'll drink a gallon of water before I go. :]

Monday, May 9, 2011


Well yesterday went well at my parents home. The food was great and we all had a good time. My sister and mother liked their gifts. It was kind of fun too when the conversation was about old times. It's funny what each person remembers from the past.
I'm not volunteering today, so I'm going to be researching for jobs today. I am going to be contacting my doctor to see if I can meet with him to talk about applying for disability. That would be nice, but we'll see.
I bought some flowers Friday to plant in my planter boxes so I may do that today too, if it's not too hot.
According to the weather station, this will be the first week this year that Birmingham will have 90 degree temperatures.
Alabama always has really hot summers and cold winters. I wish it would stay an even 70 degrees year round.
Well thats about all my news today, Happy Monday to everyone.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day

I hope all of the ngage readers have a Happy Mother's Day. As a tradition, this day is one of those days to is filled with love. A family's gathering to celebrate mothers. It's nice that husbands get involved with their spouses on this day. I know alot of husbands don't celebrate it with their wives and this is unfortunate.
But of those who do, I think it can be a gift of thanks for being the mother of their children.
Today, my family will meet at my parents house. My father and brother and I are planning to grill out steaks. We're also having a nice salad, baked beans, fries and roles. Not being the cook of the family, I have picked food that is easy to make.
You know as I think back, there were times that I wanted to be a mom myself, but it didn't work out for me. I always thought I had enough time for motherhood. I wish I had settled down earlier and had a few kids. That will be my greatest regret. I guess I could adopt, but now that I'm 46/yrs. old, I don't think I want to be running around with a 2/yr. old at my age. So, I enjoy being an aunt and god mother.
Afterall, today is a day to be with family. And to be grateful for what you have.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Oh Really?

I have these neighbors, who are self proclaimed "rednecks." Their in there 60's, drink heavily and stay up all night playing their radio out on their patio. I went to Walmart last night and bought these flowers to plant in my planter boxes. I also bought this coconut mesh and potting soil.
I had left it on my patio for a couple of hours. When I came out about 12:30am to get the stuff, the woman was opening up the Walmart bags to see what was in them.
I was so surprised that I said " oh! "
She turned around with her hands in the bags saying that she just wanted to see what I had bought.
Now, I know this doesn't sound like a big deal, but it flew all over me. This is the same woman who "borrowed" one of my potted plants just a few weeks earlier.
I told her that she didn't have any business on my patio, much less have any business going through my belongings. She finally stepped back and went back over to her patio.
Man, there are just some crazy people out there. I feel like she had gotten in my personal space. Lesson learned. I will never again leave anything out on my patio that I don't want prying eyes and hands on it.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


You know, since I've been volunteering for different organizations around town it has given me so much. It makes you feel good to help others in need. It also gives you a chance to "give back."
Since I have so much time on my hands, it also helps keep me busy. I think I would go nuts at home day in and day out.
I love my cat, but I need to be around people. I think I have mentioned it before since the storms came through Alabama. The best way to get information on volunteering for the storm victims is go to myfoxal.com. This is the website for Fox6 news. On that page you will be given numerous numbers and websites to volunteer, donate money and donate food.
I have also volunteered for a local animal shelter in the past. So I try to balance my time there also.
It would be nice if I had a job, but this is nice also. By volunteering , I also get the feeling of self worth. You can loose this if you feel you're not contributing. Plus, you're helping others.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Best vs. The Worst

You know it always happens like this. In disasters, there's always the saying that it brings out the best in people. I have seen it always brings out the worst in people also. An example is looters.
Yesterday, 4 men were caught by neighbors in Pleasant Grove, Al. for stealing copper wiring and other momentos from several houses. The neighbors called the police and these 4 men were arrested.
Now it's one thing for criminals to steal, but it's an entirely different story when they steal from people who have lost everything and are suffering. You just have to accept that their are those, who try to profit on misery. It just makes you want to shake these people and ask how could you do this?
This has happened in every disaster known to man.
These type of criminals don't deserve a second chance. They all need to be in prison for life for taking advantage of those who are suffering.
In a sense, Charlie Sheen who visited Tuscaloosa yesterday needs a good kick in the pants as well. I guess he assumed that the residents and political officials would just drool over his presence there. He was there to further his career. Not for the intended to raise money for the town. He's just as bad as these thief's. He's arrogant to think that people would just pause in their grief because he's "Charlie Sheen." Oh my gosh, I feel like I'm getting on my soap box.
Now the best side are those who have volunteered their time and money to sincerely help the storm victims. All sorts of organizations are bringing free services to them and there are national guards who have come to make sure the residents are safe. That is the best.
So, I guess it's always going to be good vs. evil wherever you go. More often than not the good seems to always come out a little ahead. Thank Goodness!!!!!