women get social

Friday, December 31, 2010

The end of a year

Well this year has been full of dissappointments but also joy. Lets see I'm still looking for work. I can safely say that I am now a seasoned interviewee. Countless of missed opportunities.
I regained my eyesight back with  eye surgeries.Got stable with my diabetes. I lost my beloved friend Molly to an unknown illness. I had to put her down this past summer. Got a new cat whose very ramducious and free spirited.
Started cleaning homes to make extra spending money. This was good since before I didn't have a dime to spare.
Volunteered with some needy organizations.
Spent time with my family which is always a treat.
So all in all I think it's been a good year dispite to job situation.
I hope the coming year brings me good luck.

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