women get social

Monday, December 6, 2010

Best friends

I heard from my best friend today. She lives in Jasper with her husband. It doesn't matter how long it's been between the time that I speak with her, we can always pick up like it's been no time at all. Man, she's really a survivor. She has been dealing with this rare kidney desease that has completely taken over her life. She has numerous doctors visits and she has to dialize 6 x a day. She had to quit her job a fews years ago. She also had to quit school. At the time she was getting her PhD.
 We've kept in touch by writing long letters and calling. Due to her health, I haven't gone up to see her. She's sort of been quarenteened in her house because of germs. She is able to go out here and there with her husband, but not often.
Even though she has been battling for her life, she seems to keep a positive attitude towards life. She's always telling me that I need to live each day to it's fullest. Don't shut anything off and always look towards the future. It's hard to imagine having her situation and being able to look at the brighter side of things. Even after finding out that she wouldn't survive a kidney transplant. I believe her doctors told her that she had only a 30% chance of surviving surgery. After a few ups and downs, she has been able to accept the way her life is.
She has a wonderful, supportive husband, family and friends. Now she does her dialyzing then concentrates on her crafts, her animals and writing. She's always thinking of others. She loves makes quilts for baby gifts, baking cakes for festivals in town and making aprons for her friends.
When I think of my problems, they seem so dismal compared to my friend's. She's such an nspiration to me. She gives so much of herself to others. It's easy now to appreciate each day as a gift.

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