women get social

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Blessed

You know, I think we all take for granted the things that we have. And it's not until it's pointed out to us that we feel blessed. Growing up, my sister and I weren't friends. We didn't know each other well and we didn't try. For whatever the reason, we just didn't connect.
But I can say now for the past 5 or 6 years, we have become the best of friends. I just couldn't imagine not having her in my life now. We both accept our faults and insecurities. Each time we have a moment where we do spend time with each other, our bonds continues to grow. I feel  blessed to have her as my sister.
My brother on the other hand is a tough nut to crack. But I do feel blessed to have him also. I would like to somehow develop a relationship with him. But it takes two people to do that. Maybe one day it will happen.
Of course, my bond with my parents has never been so tight. I've never thought of my parents getting old, but I was recently reminded that they are. So, I hope we will have many more years with them.  One thing that I want to work on in the new year would be to reconnect with my nephew. He's such a special individual. He's bright and a very loving person.
Of course where would we be without our friends. The ones that I have have been through thick and thin with me and I have known them for many years. I think our lives would be dull without them.
I guess the last thing that I am blessed with is my health. Even though I do have diabetes, I have been able to keep it in check most of the time. And the fact that I have awfully good doctors. I'm going to work on my self image more this coming year so I feel better about myself. You know those blues that seem to weigh you down? I seem to not want to get rid of them. So they linger around. Who can help me with that is me. I need to take better care of myself both physically and spiritually. I need to be more comfortable in my own skin. I think we all feel that way sometimes. There's always room for improvement.

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