women get social

Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year

Well it's now the last day of 2011. This is a time where we all look back at our lives and move towards the future tomorrow. What is it? New resolutions? All I want for myself is to become a happier person. This can be done by losing weight, getting more interactive with people and working on the relationships I have now.
I remember a year ago all I wanted was to quit smoking and become healthier. I still want to become healthier. Any celebrations tonight? Me, I never go out on New Years Eve because the traffic is awful and plus theres always a drunk or two on the roads. So, I celebrate at home. With what you ask? With my cat and usually a diet coke.
To all those that go out tonight, stay safe. And don't drink and drive.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Sweet Pie

For the past month or so, I've had this cat follow me when I'm walking. I've noticed it before around the property. It's a little gray cat. He's real friendly, so I know he's owned by someone in the neighborhood. Each time I see him, I just want to pick him up and carry him home with me. But my cat wouldn't appreciate that. And I know not to feed this cat because he would be a permanent fixture around my house.
But he's just so cute. You know as I've gotten older, I have become more of a cat person than dog person. I think I like them more because their so independent. And each one has their own  personalities. They let you know when they want to be held and cuddled and will also let you know when enough is enough. You don't have to lavish them with affection all the time. You feel comfortable about leaving them home for longer periods of time.
Mine, well she gets into to things if I'm not there at night. She'll poop on the bed or on the floor if I go away for more than a day. So, I guess there all different, but basically they require less attention than dogs.
My cat has been a handful at times since she came from a shelter. She had problems with biting people and scratching. I know if I hadn't adopted her she probably would have been put down. She's gotten a lot better, more trusting. But still at times she still goes for the ankles. I've talked myself into thinking that she's just trying to get my attention. Whenever she does go for me, I hold her down to the floor holding up her fur behind her neck. She seems to know that it's bad to do that, but she continues. Any ideas anyone?
But I'm still glad I have her. One cute thing she does when she's sleepy is roll on her back. I rub her belly and she loves that. So, I guess with cats you just need to give them their space and play with them at the same time.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

How Blessed

You know, I think we all take for granted the things that we have. And it's not until it's pointed out to us that we feel blessed. Growing up, my sister and I weren't friends. We didn't know each other well and we didn't try. For whatever the reason, we just didn't connect.
But I can say now for the past 5 or 6 years, we have become the best of friends. I just couldn't imagine not having her in my life now. We both accept our faults and insecurities. Each time we have a moment where we do spend time with each other, our bonds continues to grow. I feel  blessed to have her as my sister.
My brother on the other hand is a tough nut to crack. But I do feel blessed to have him also. I would like to somehow develop a relationship with him. But it takes two people to do that. Maybe one day it will happen.
Of course, my bond with my parents has never been so tight. I've never thought of my parents getting old, but I was recently reminded that they are. So, I hope we will have many more years with them.  One thing that I want to work on in the new year would be to reconnect with my nephew. He's such a special individual. He's bright and a very loving person.
Of course where would we be without our friends. The ones that I have have been through thick and thin with me and I have known them for many years. I think our lives would be dull without them.
I guess the last thing that I am blessed with is my health. Even though I do have diabetes, I have been able to keep it in check most of the time. And the fact that I have awfully good doctors. I'm going to work on my self image more this coming year so I feel better about myself. You know those blues that seem to weigh you down? I seem to not want to get rid of them. So they linger around. Who can help me with that is me. I need to take better care of myself both physically and spiritually. I need to be more comfortable in my own skin. I think we all feel that way sometimes. There's always room for improvement.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tis the Season

Boy, it's Christmas eve. It just seems to be too early this year. But I've had a good past couple of days. This week I have spent time with all of my friends and family. Last night all of the family met at this restaurant called Highlands. We all dressed up and met for my mothers birthday celebration. The food were wonderful and the wine was great. I usually don't drink alcohol, but last night I did. I did drink plenty of water too so I didn't feel any of the effects this morning.
What does your family do on Christmas? Mine, we meet in the morning for a big southern breakfast, open up gifts and spend time together. Then later in the day we go over to my sisters house to do the same. My sister is a great cook and she'll have a yummy meal waiting for us.
This is my favorite part of the holidays. All of us together.
I think this is the first time I have put up all of my Christmas decorations on Christmas eve. I took down my tree this morning and all of the trinkets around my house. I've had everything decorated since the weekend before Thanksgiving, so I was ready to pack it all up again. Plus, my cat has been driving me crazy with the Christmas tree.
One of my friends have given me cat proof ornaments of her mothers. So next year, hopefully my cat will not be able to break any while she's batting them off the tree. Last year, Butter did knock the tree down, but never played with the ornaments. I guess this year she thought they were her toys and had a ball knocking them down.
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Christmas. God bless!!

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Sipping Tea

I had a really nice visit with my Dad yesterday. We just talked and talked drinking hot tea by the Christmas tree. Sometimes I wish Dad would retire so he would be more available to me. I know that's selfish, but I just don't get to see him a lot. So when I do it's extra special.
Mother was busy planning and preparing for a dinner party their having tonight.
I also had a good time seeing my friend too. I'm so happy for her because she's got a new boyfriend now that appreciates her and treats her well. Before she was with a guy for 19/yrs. that took her for granted.
Maybe one day it will happen to me. I just need to socialize more than I am doing right now. It's so easy to get stuck in a rut. So, next year, I'm going to concentrate in meeting new people.
I don't want to grow old by myself.
Tomorrow is going to be fun. I'm having some out of town company that will probably stay the night. So it will give us a chance to really spend quality time with each other.
I just love the holidays!!!

Monday, December 19, 2011


Today I had a busy day. After I got home this afternoon, I washed clothes, dusted, swept the floors and cleaned my kitchen. I'm getting ready for friends to come over this week for the holidays.
Tomorrow afternoon, I'll be spending time with one of my friends that I don't get to see very often. Then I'll be spending time with my father who is off on vacation this week. I'm really looking forward to that.
I don't get to see him much because he's working all the time and when he is home, he's usually really busy about town.
Also this week is my mother's birthday. So, we're all meeting at this really nice restaurant on Friday night.
It's a chance for all of us to play dress up and have a few cocktails. I just love this time of year.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Holidays

You know whats nice about the holidays? Theres always some sort of Christmas program on TV. I'm watching the Wizard of Oz right now. Last night on TCM they had Miracle on 34th. Street, The Bishops Wife and Christmas in Conneticut.
This month I've watched all of my favorites like A Christmas Carol, A Christmas Story and Scrooge.
Now when you drive around the neighborhood, most mail boxes are decorated and theres Christmas trees shining through the windows.
I can't believe Christmas is just a week away. This year has just flown by.
Another good thing about Christmas is spending time with your family and friends. It seems that everyone is in a cheerful spirit. It would be nice if Christmas was year round. That is the "feeling" of Christmas.
Each year I feel so grateful for what I have. A roof over my head,  great doctors, my friends and a wonderful family.

Friday, December 16, 2011

This was pathetic

Picture this, I'm out a Walmart this morning grocery shopping. I'm in the dairy section when all of a sudden these two men started yelling at each other, then a fight began. They were right in the beer and wine isle, knocking over several wine bottles where there was wine just flowing on the floor. They continue on even while three Walmart employees are trying to stop the fight. Then you see two police officers run past to subdue these men. It was an ugly scene. I looked around and all the children were watching in amazement. Thats not the kind of thing kids should see. But you know people. Everyone is going to stare. I got my milk then walked off to check out.
It's Christmas for goodness sake.
Then on the way home I saw someone ahead of me shoot a bird at someone else in traffic. His finger waving high outside his car window. What's gotten into to people.
I guess with the holidays, tempers run high. It's just such a shame.

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I had a nice surprise today. I got a call from some friends of mine who were in town for the day and I met them for lunch. I get to see them about once or twice a month. Of course we met at our old hang out, Cracker Barrel. I guess since it's close to Christmas, it was so busy today. We had to wait to get a table.
But it was a nice visit. And it's so hot outside today. I think it was suppose to get up in the 70's today. It sure doesn't feel like winter.
Not much more to report for the day. I hope everyone has a good weekend. Talk later...

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Party

We had our company's Christmas party today. The lemon squares I made were a hit. Everything there was made by diabetics for diabetics. I had a really good piece of cake that was made with splenda. It had a bit of an aftertaste to it, but it was still good.
The room that the party was in was decorated so nicely and it seems everyone had a good time. And we all got gift cards too. They were only for 20.00 dollars, but that was a nice thought.
When I got home today there were more ornaments on the floor, so I'm going to take all the ornaments off the tree so maybe Butter won't be so tempted to bat them off. My sister suggested that I spray her with water when she does this. I did, which helped, but she usually does this when I'm not here or asleep. So the past few nights I have closed her up in my bedroom with me at night.
Does anyone have any other ideas?

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Something Funny

If you own a cat, then your much more likely to understand that they can get into things that their not suppose to. Well my cat is no different. Last year when I put up my Christmas tree she tried to climb it almost knocking it down. She's not doing that now, well not yet.
Now, she's batting the ornaments off the tree. I've been finding them on the floor,  on the coffee table and under the dining room table. I noticed yesterday that the bottom of the tree looked sparse from ornaments.
I hadn't seen any around so I didn't pay to much attention to it.
Then this afternoon I found a hook. I thought this was weird. When I started looking under the furniture I realized that there were about five different ornaments in one pile under the couch.
So, she's been collecting them and storing them in her dark corner.
Instead of getting mad, I just started laughing. So, it's back in the bedroom tonight with the door closed.
Hopefully she'll get the message, but I doubt it. She just has this "who me?" look on her face.
You can't help but cuddle and kiss her.

Monday, December 12, 2011

A Good Gift

You know we always talk about volunteering at charities or organizations designed to help those who can't help themselves. But we rarely ever think about homeless animals or animals that are neglected. A good organization that you can make a pledge to is the ASPCA. For only $18.00 dollars a month you can help those animals that need it the most. I happen to have the number #1-888-633-0777.
I've made contributions there for the past few years and it makes me feel so good because I know that the money is used to help save an animal.
Another organization is The Wildlife Rescue Service. Their located out in Oak Mountain State Park. You can either volunteer there or even send money. Of course theres local shelters that always need attention.
I know that times are hard right now for everyone, but these organizations really need your help. A dollar goes a long way.
I hope you can help.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

A Party

This coming week, I'm going to my first diabetic Christmas party. It's where I volunteer and most all of the people have diabetes. So, I went online to find recipe's to bake with splenda. I believe all of the food will be made with splenda or natural juices.
It's kind of funny that we're all diabetics and the menu will be for such. I've decided to make lemon squares. I just have to buy all of the ingredients,but I'm confident that I can swing it.
It's getting closer and closer to Christmas. Thank goodness I'm done shopping. I don't have to deal with all of that last minute shopping. People grabbing things off the shelves.
To change to subject, I watched Scrooged with Bill Murray the other night and it was hilarious. Have you ever seen it? It was on AMC, so maybe it will be shown again. And of course the old classic The Grinch was on also. As a child that was my favorite.
Well gotta to go finish my chores. I hope everyone has a good week.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Christmas Cheer

You know, I sometimes find it hard to get in the Christmas spirit. One thing that has helped me is watching holiday movies. Like A Christmas Carol or a Christmas Story. Or even Miracle of 34th. Street. I think we just get so used of our hustle and bustle lives that we loose that spirit.
Christmas is still a magical time for me as it was when I was a child. It's not about getting gifts, but giving gifts and spending time with your family and friends.
I make the mistake all the time that I have all the time in the world to do these things, but actually time flies by. Have you ever heard the expression of keeping Christmas in your heart throughout the year? Well, I think it means just that. Keep connected to those dear to you.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

A Sad Note

If any of you are die hard MASH fans, one of the actors died yesterday. The actor that played Col. Potter, died in his 90's I believe. Harry Morgan was his name. I grew up with that show and I'm still a loyal fan. Harry Morgan was also in a lot of movies in his younger days. On a special note he did fight in World War 11. And he was an avid fisherman.
Just wanted to let folks know.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Don't Forget

During the holidays it's easy to forget charities. Right now local news stations are sponsoring Toy for Tots. Applebee's have boxes in every location for this organization. Their running a special now. For one bought toy you can feed your kids for free.
Lowe's also have drop off's for these toys.
Next week, UAB is sponsoring a blood drive from Tuesday thru Saturday. So, if you have time go give blood. You just need to call UAB's main number to find out where you give.
Also, the Salvation Army and the Jimmie Hale Missions have volunteers to work in their food kitchens. Dispersing food to the homeless. I usually do this on the holidays.
So, you can get involved to make this Christmas a little cheerful for those less fortunate.
It not only makes you feel good, but it also helps those in need.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011


I met my friends from Jasper today for a late lunch. I feel like I haven't seen them for so long now. One of them has been so sick that she rarely gets out anymore. So, today was a special day.
These are my closest friends, that I wished they lived by me. It's always a big day of travel for them because of her health. When I think about my medical problems, they don't even measure up to my friend's troubles. Thats why I try so hard to stay healthy.
Today, I did splurge and have biscuits with my lunch. Along with a hashbrown casserole. So, I'm trying to drink plenty of water to balance that out.
Well that's about all for the day. Oh, and I hope the weather doesn't turn bad tonight. Tomorrow their forecasting snow.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Ewww... Gross

Have you ever paid attention to what people talk about on their lunch break? Well today, we were eating and one of the volunteers asked another person what kind of sore he had. He went into great detail about the color of it and how swollen with puss it was. Now keep in mind, I'm trying to eat. I had to literally get up and go to my desk to keep from throwing up my lunch.
Other topics are always about relationship problems, money problems or how the government is "screwing" with people.
It would be nice if one day everyone had something positive to say. I'm one of those who does not talk about my private life to others as a topic of conversation. I just wonder what gets into peoples mind's sometimes.
Maybe those few just don't have anything interesting to say. Who knows?
I think it would be good if the conversation was limited to the office politics.
What do you think?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

A Nice Visit

I spent the day and evening with my parents. I went to their house to help them put together their Christmas trees and then decorated them. My brother stopped by for a few minutes and it was nice seeing him as well. Then we ate homemade chicken soup with homemade biscutts. I was stuffed. Of course I ate practically all day when I was there. So, I'm sure my blood sugar will be higher in the morning.
It's just so refreshing to spend time with the both of them. It kind of reminds me when I was younger. My Dad is busy all the time working, so it was great seeing him.
My mother is probably one of the best cooks along with my sister. Me on the other hand needs a little work. I guess if I had someone else to cook for, I would be better. Don't get me wrong, I can follow a cookbook. I just don't have the nerve half the time. I'm always worried I'll screw it up. But I do try sometimes.
Anyway, I just had a really good day.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

People are Strange

I was out walking this morning and I practically run into this jogger. Or he ran into me. There is this jogging trail near where I live and I just happened to be walking on it. He stopped running and told me that I needed to be walking somewhere else. That this was for runners only.
I just looked at him then went on my way. Can you believe he did that?
I've seen people walk on this trail before. So what's the big deal? That just goes to show you that there are some weird people out there. And not happy ones to boot.

Friday, December 2, 2011


You know, Fridays are my lazy days. I sleep in, when I can and pretty much hang out at home. It's the only day besides Sundays where I have time for myself. I can't believe it's already December. Doesn't it feel like this whole year has just flown by?
Christmas is just in a few weeks, then it will be another year. We all have New Year resolutions. Mine, for the past two years is to stay as healthy as I can. Of course I splurge every now and then on snacks, but generally I stick to a routine.
I would like to get in better physical shape than I am now. I'm thinking about joining a Rec. center near where I live. Since I live in this city, I'll get a 40% discount on membership. That adds up.
Another resolution would be to broaden my relationships. Branch out to meet new people. I've
 sort of been stuck in this little bubble for so long now it's become a habit. I'm a shy person, so I hope that I'll become less shy.
Finally I'd like to stay in better contact with my family. I'm trying to get into the habit of calling my family at least once or twice every few weeks. We all live in the same town and I guess we all get so busy in our daily lives that we loose sight of each other. I bet that's true for a lot of people.
Hopefully I'll stick to my resolutions. I'm sure I can.

Thursday, December 1, 2011


You know there is rarely a time when I see a program on TV that I really like everything their showing. Last night I watched the Alabama Public Television station. They were running a Bluegrass Festival.  One of my favorite Bluegrass artists is Allison Krauss. They also showed this new soloist named
Jackie Evancho. She's ten years old and sings anywhere from Opera to romantic ballads. She sounds like an adult.
My music likes range from country to Bluegrass to opera and celtic. APTV usually has a variety of music they showcase for fundraisers. Or they simply have these artists on for a concert. I'm never disappointed with the entertainment on this channel.
I don't know all of the names of these artists, but I recognize the tunes when they are played. Have you ever noticed that music relaxes you? Well it does me.
I slept like a baby last night.