women get social

Friday, December 31, 2010

The end of a year

Well this year has been full of dissappointments but also joy. Lets see I'm still looking for work. I can safely say that I am now a seasoned interviewee. Countless of missed opportunities.
I regained my eyesight back with  eye surgeries.Got stable with my diabetes. I lost my beloved friend Molly to an unknown illness. I had to put her down this past summer. Got a new cat whose very ramducious and free spirited.
Started cleaning homes to make extra spending money. This was good since before I didn't have a dime to spare.
Volunteered with some needy organizations.
Spent time with my family which is always a treat.
So all in all I think it's been a good year dispite to job situation.
I hope the coming year brings me good luck.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Good news

I had an interview this morning with At-t. The manager was really nice. The shift is Monday thru Friday from 8am to 8pm. As a customer service rep. Full benefit package after 6months. And 401k benefits after 1year. It's about 10 minutes from my house, so thats a good location. They'll be making their decision around the second week in January.
I hope I either get asked back to another interview or even get the job. They only were hiring for two positions.
It's been a long haul trying to find work. I went back to my records and I have interviewed with 48 companies since I got my eyesight back in June.
If I don't get this job, I hope that my luck will turn in the coming year. Wish me luck!!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Holiday cleanup

Woosh! I helped my parents most of the day to put away all of their Christmas decorations. I've never seen so much stuff. They fed me breakfast and lunch. Hot tomatoe soup, yum yum.
Well all of the delightful snow is all gone. It was so nice to have a white Christmas. There were a dozen or so snowmen around my parents neighborhood that were still standing.
As part of my Christmas my dad took me down to this store called the Trak store and bought me a decsent pair of tennis shoes. I could have bought 10 pairs of shoes at Walmart for what these cost. I was flaborgasted at the cost. Hopefully these will last for a couple of years.
I enjoy so much spending time with my dad. I don't get to see him often. He is on vacation this week.
I did swing by this morning to see a friend of mine at work. That was a treat. On Thursday I'll get to spend time with another friend who is also on vacation.
Well thats my news for the day. Talk later.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas cheer

Boy, yesterday was so much fun. Santa came and we all got nice things. We had a wonderful dinner and then watched a funny movie afterwards. I ended up spending the night. This morning when I woke up all the roads,houses and land was covered in snow. The weather men said that this was the first recorded snow fall for the Birmingham area on Christmas day.
My nephew had a fun time last night building a snowman. I got back home about 11am. My dad was so sweet to follow me all the way home. The roads were in pretty good shape by then, but there was still some areas that were icey.
It was so nice to spend quality time with my parents, sister, brother and nephews. My neice was unable to come because she had gotten sick.
The was the first time I left my cat overnight. She was so glad to see me this morning that she jumped in my arms and stayed there for at least 10 minutes. There a few ornaments on the floor, but all in all the house was fine.
I have such a wonderful family and love all of them very much.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Day

Well today is Christmas. Kids in the neighborhood woke me up this morning with their playing outside. We're having Christmas at my parents house today. We haven't done that in several years. I'm glad because it feels more like the holidays opening up your presents.
Yesterday I saw about ten trees that had not been chosen this year. It's sad because these trees will never be Christmas trees. I wonder what they do with these trees.
It's funny but I have a small sense of excitment today. I feel like a little girl again.
It's so nice to see everyone in the family. Getting to spend time with my step neice and nephew. Their so grown up now.
I found three more ornaments on the floor this morning. My cat loves to climb the tree.
Well happy holidays!!!!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Two days til Christmas

Most everyone is suffering from a hectic shopping adventure. People are hustling and bustling around. Everywhere you go, the parking is full, there are long lines and kids are crying. Stores are opened 24hrs. a day and the grocery stores are packed full of people purchasing that last minute goody.
The animal shelter that I volunteer for got a Christmas miracle. A few companies in town raised enough money to care and feed all the animals for months to come. People are donating their time and money to various charities. Everyone seems to have a active response to good will.
But you know with everything going on, the sense of Christmas is more about gifts, dinners and parties.
Being with the people that love you is Christmas. Celebrating the birth of Christ is Christmas.
After all, where would we  be if Christ did not die for our sins.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas memories

You know, it's feels so magical when you have your tree lit up with all of your presents under it. Sometimes I feel like a little girl again. I remember racing downstairs with my sister and brother to see if santa came. And also leaving milk and cookies out for santa.
I think my favorite Christmas memory is when we all got bikes. Of course my brother and I being the youngest had training wheels. But I can remember riding our new bikes all day that day. Oh, the age of innocense is wonderful.
Not having children of my own, I remember my nephew all excited at the sight of all of presents under the tree. It's so fun when their little. You know, I could have sworn that I heard something on the roof one Christmas eve. I can recall telling my dad that one morning. He said that it might have been santa and gave me a hug.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Holidays are so great. I have heard from so many friends that I don't speak to often. I think I'll be able to my friends from Jasper again this week. Also I'm seeing a friend tomorrow that I haven't seen in a year. I wish I could see these friends more often.
But you know how busy day to day life is. We all get caught up in our jobs and family matters. It's good to be able to kick back and enjoy the time together.
There's been so many Christmas shows on that I have adored all my life. Theres been Miracle on 34th. street, Scroog, It's a wonderful life and the grinch. I grew up with these movies. I wish the networks would show these year round.
Of course my favorite Christmas songs would be sung by Bing Crosby. It's been nice that magic 96 has played old Christmas songs this whole month.
Also, people seem to be nicer this time of year. Everyone that I have spoken to such as salesmen, car repairmen, etc. have all been nice.
I quess theres Christmas cheer in most people.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas money

Both of the women that I clean their houses gave me a Christmas bonus today. I got $50.00 from one and the other I got $70.00. Both of these women are elderly and on a fixed income so I know what this meant to them. If I hadn't had these jobs then I wouldn't have been able to give my family presents this year.
I just heard from a friend that I used to work with and she told me that UAB has just laid off about 100 people in the past month. She said she would have lost her job too if the department didn't have funds left over from grant money this year.
So, I quess the economy is still struggling despite what the news says. I know it's super tight in finding a job that I could support myself from. I'm thinking if I can't find a high paying full time job, I'm probably going to have to settle for two or three part time jobs. The only problem with this is that I won't have health insurance.
I'm still having a hard time finding a company that would give me health insurance.
All I can do is think positive.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Oh boy!

Yesterday was a busy day. I was volunteering at the Salvation Army all day. They actually had alot of people there. Their distribution center was filled with warm clothing, toys and food. I helped package up all the items for delivery. They also help the Jimmie Hale Mission and Jessies Place.
I saw on the news this morning that Brunos in Hoover and Tuscaloosa has a truck full of those donated bags that people have bought to feed families. I'm so glad that people are able to donate this year. I know last year these charities had a hard time with any donations. I think it's pretty reasonable to donate $5.00. Most people can do that amount.
Since the job front has been slow this week, I have volunteered about twenty hours this week. It's been hard work but I feel good about it. It always feel good to do for others.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010


You know is always good to remember the less fortunate during the holidays. The Salvation Army is a good place to volunteer your time or money. SinceI'm on a fixed income, I'm volunteering my time tomorrow at their distribution center downtown. They have gotten so many toys, food and cash donations they need help in packaging up these items to deliver.
Another place where you can help is at Bruno's in Hoover. They have a $5.00 donation to give to families for one dinner. All you do is purchase a paper bag for $5.00 and this will feed one family one meal.
The YMCA of Birmingham also has a food drive. Of course each year Fox6 news has a toy drive. I don't know the number, but I'm sure you can look in the phonebook and find out where to drop off the toys.
It feels so good to give back. And it also will give a little joy to someone else.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Blizzard cold

Boy, it has been soooo cold these past couple of days. All of the outside animals at the park are now in their warm stalls. We've had alot of volunteers bring in wild finches that have been knocked out of their nests due to ice. There's actually a fawn at the shelter who is sleeping in the building now due to limited room. It's so nice to be able to help these stranded animals. Their so helpless.
My car is now running good after all of that work that was done to it yesterday. Hopefully I won't have to put anymore money into for awhile. But you know it always happens when you least aspect it to.
I sent out all of my Christmas cards today. Last year I was really late in doing that.
It's so funny how everyone seems to be in a rush now. Maybe it's the holidays or maybe it's just rude drivers on the road. I was almost run off the road today because someone got inpatient in traffic.
Well it's time to feed the kitty. Talk later.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Car Maintenance

The engine light had being on for about 2 months. I ignored it because my car was running fine. This morning when I was leaving to volunteer, my car started sputtering, then it wouldn't start. I waited a few minutes, then it started. I thought, I better swing by Tamaran Honda to see whats up. Well needless to say, I had to leave it there all day.
I had to replace both oxygen sensors that has something to do with the fuel line. And then I had to get the fuel injection flushed because it was clogged up. Then I had to get a new air filter, change the oil, get a new battery because it was low and get a 30,000 mile maintenance. This added up to $751.00 including labor.
Lesson learned. I will not ignore that engine light again.
You never know how much you rely on your car until you don't have it. Luckily Tamaran Honda has a FREE shuttle service to take you home and pick you back up. I would have never found someone to help me today. All my friends work. At least the shuttle didn't cost me anything.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

You can't win for trying

You know, yesterday I helped an elderly lady out and last night her son knocked on my door fussing at me for taking her to the bank. No thank you, no nothing. He told me that I was butting in and involving myself in family matters. He went on to tell me that his sister and him were keeping a close eye on his mother with her money.
I simply told him that she called me for help and thats what I did. Anything else he wanted to tell me should be between him and his mother.
I couldn't believe that happened. I swear you try to do something nice for someone and their family fusses at you. I told my other neighbor about this and she had experienced the same thing. She tried to help her also and her son had a few words for her also.
So, I'll know next time.....

Friday, December 10, 2010

Old People

Well, today I helped an elderly person. One of my neighbors is in her late 80's and she needed to go to the bank. She doesn't walk well and she is hunched over using a cane. She was so pitiful. So, I got her to the car [ which took about 20 mins. ] and off we went. She couldn't remember which bank she used, so after driving around for a bit she recognized where it was.
It was an ordeal getting her out of the car to the building. We finally made it in and she said she forgot to bring her checks that needed cashing. So instead of loading her back in the car and wearing her out, I got her key and left to her house.
I found the checks. When I got back to the bank, she was asleep in one of the chairs. I stood there for a couple of minutes patting her arm when she finally woke up. We got her business done and headed back to the car. When I got her home,she was so grateful and thanked me several times.
Even though it took a long time to walk her to and there holding her hand all the way, I knew that it meant alot to her. I felt good in knowing that I helped her today.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Visit Recap

It was so wonderful seeing my friend and her husband yesterday. We figured it out that it had been since 2008 since we had seen each other. They haven't changed a bit. Their both very humble and good people. They live a simple life, but charish each moment they have with each other. Even though my friend has been severily ill, she has maintained a positive attitude.
After lunch, they drove with me to see my condo. It ws so nice to have them home with me. I gave them all of the presents that I had been collecting over the years and their faces just lit up. I can;t wait until I go see them in Jasper. This was the best Christmas present for me this year. We talked for hours of old times and memories throughout the years. We also got pictures to remember today. It's so special to see old friends that you never get to see. I just hope she will have more better days like she had yesterday.
I love them both very much.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

A long awaited visit

I am so excited. I'm going to be meeting my friend and her husband today. I blogged about her two days ago. She's not able to leave home very often due to her health, but today she's in town on a doctors visit. I haven't seen them in over two years.
We're meeting for lunch. I'm finally going to able to give them all of the Christmas presents I have been collecting over the years. I think she'll have to wear a surgical mask today, but at least she's getting out.
It's a perfect time with the holidays because it's so festive everywhere.
I hope she has a good time, I know I will.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is this it?

You know it's funny. I had a dream last night about a guy that I broke up with 15/yrs. ago. He was actually my first love. We dated 5 1/2 yrs. I heard he had gotten married to a girl that he worked with, who actually was the one he dated after me.
Whats funny about all of this is I never thought my life would turn out like it has. In my close set of friends at that time, I was the one that was going to be married first and have kids. Now all of the girls I hung out with are all married with kids. We don't see each other anymore, but I remember how close we were. I would have never thought that at age 45 I would still be single. Not to mention having diabetes. Just think I'm unemployed, single, living alone with my cat.
I thought 15/yrs. ago my life would have been different.
Maybe it just means that "the magic" just hasn't happened yet. Maybe it means that "my time" is just around the corner. Or maybe I have a special purpose in my life. Who knows.
I quess time will only tell.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Best friends

I heard from my best friend today. She lives in Jasper with her husband. It doesn't matter how long it's been between the time that I speak with her, we can always pick up like it's been no time at all. Man, she's really a survivor. She has been dealing with this rare kidney desease that has completely taken over her life. She has numerous doctors visits and she has to dialize 6 x a day. She had to quit her job a fews years ago. She also had to quit school. At the time she was getting her PhD.
 We've kept in touch by writing long letters and calling. Due to her health, I haven't gone up to see her. She's sort of been quarenteened in her house because of germs. She is able to go out here and there with her husband, but not often.
Even though she has been battling for her life, she seems to keep a positive attitude towards life. She's always telling me that I need to live each day to it's fullest. Don't shut anything off and always look towards the future. It's hard to imagine having her situation and being able to look at the brighter side of things. Even after finding out that she wouldn't survive a kidney transplant. I believe her doctors told her that she had only a 30% chance of surviving surgery. After a few ups and downs, she has been able to accept the way her life is.
She has a wonderful, supportive husband, family and friends. Now she does her dialyzing then concentrates on her crafts, her animals and writing. She's always thinking of others. She loves makes quilts for baby gifts, baking cakes for festivals in town and making aprons for her friends.
When I think of my problems, they seem so dismal compared to my friend's. She's such an nspiration to me. She gives so much of herself to others. It's easy now to appreciate each day as a gift.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What to do

Boy, today has been a busy day. I cleaned two homes today, cleaned my house and cooked a late lunch for my neighbor and her daughter. I think I may be the only person not watching the SEC game. I think Auburn is a good team, but I don't know about South Carolina. I think thats who Auburn is playing.
My whole family is into football. Well except for my mother.  I'm usually up on who's playing who.
Hey, if you have a cat who is interested in climbing  inside the Christmas tree like mine,  there's a trick that keeps them from doing this.  Wad up a paper towel, then spray it with bug spray and stick it in the tree. Stick it closer to the last branches of the tree. I tried this last night and it worked.
I didn't know if my cat would be interested in the tree or not, so when it was all decorated she got interested.
I also didn't put ornaments closer down to the floor.
Butter is actually fast asleep under a blanket sleeping on  a full belly of food. I think I'll climb into bed with her where it's warm...

Friday, December 3, 2010


I went to lunch with a friend today after I volunteered. You can tell that businesses are all busy now with holiday shoppers. The restaurant was packed full. When we went to Hobby Lobby to catch their 50% off sale, you couldn't even walk in there without bumping into people. I got a few Christmas nicknacks and a small 1ft. tree for my bedroom. I only spent $9.00.
The traffic was like 5.00pm traffic everywhere you went. There were also long lines with people waiting. Some of these people had frowns on their faces because it was taking so long. But besides that, most others were nice and polite. It seemed like people were all shopping in unisome.
Even Walmart, where I buy my groceries was crowded. There was a steady stream of people walking in and out these stores. I bet the employees were working on overdrive stocking the shelfs. And you know, it's only gonna get worst closer to Christmas.
I sure am glad that I got my shopping done early this holiday. No hustle and bustle for me.

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Boy all day today I have been Christmas decorating. I assembled my 7 foot tree and my 3 foot tree. I put my 7ft. in the living room and my 3ft. in the dining room. I put ornaments on both of the trees and placed decorations around the rooms. I even hung ornaments from a lamp.It looks pretty nice.
Yesterday I spent the entire day surfing online at Monster.com. I went to clerical, administrative and professional job openings. I looked at a total of 247 advertisements. Wew, it took me from 9:30am to 8:45pm to do that. Alot of those openings were out of Birmingham. I'm not looking to relocate. But I could drive up to 30 min.-1hour away if I needed to. Preferrably under an hour.
I haven't had any bites locally since before Thanksgiving. I think things are slowing down due to the holidays.
But I'm still lookin'.