women get social

Friday, March 4, 2011

In the wee hours

You know even if it's 4:40am, I've had a full six hours of sleep. I usually go to bed early. It's kind of nice waking up this early because everything is quiet. There no sounds of traffic outside or people bustling around. It's funny that I don't even hear the birds churping. And for some reason my computer runs faster this early.
I'm watching a great movie on TV. Do you remember Baby Boom? Like I've blogged before, there are great movies shown early.
One of my favorite things to do is to go outside on my patio and drink my coffee at this hour.. There's a cool brisk in the air. I've even thought of going for a walk, but I probably wouldn't feel safe. You never know what lurks outside in the dark.
If I got the newspaper, I would probably be on first name basis with the paper boy. Thats funny. Butter of course is an early riser too. Sometimes she "makes biscuts" on my shoulder alerting me that there is a new day. "Making biscuts" is an old saying. This is when cats moves there front paws up and down. It signified when they were nursing. They usually do it when they feel secure and happy.
Although she's into everything, knocking things on the floor, pulling the stopper out of the sink, scratching on furniture and snipping [ not breaking the skin ] she's a pretty cool cat.
She's so funny. I've never seen a cat who is so natural sleeping on her back with all of her paws in the air leaving her belly exposed. Sometimes she likes her belly to be rubbed. Most cats don't like that.
When I first brought her home, she was a bit farel. No one had spent one on one time with her. She was in a rescue center and fostered three times. The rescue center told me that she had been thrown out of a moving car at 5 weeks old. I often wonder how these despicable people do the things they do. How could anyone harm animals. This is just pure evil in my book.
Now, Butter is fat and sassy and rules the roost. She is 14 months old now. I catch myself having conversations with her. Like she would understand. The one word she jumps to is of course "treats." When I can't find her in the house or she doesn't come to my call, I say "treats" and here she comes.
I remember when I first got her, I would call her Molly. Molly was my beloved friend who I had to put down because of an unknown illness. There was no hope for her even after I took her to three different vets. She had stopped eating and was having these convulsions throwing up bile. It was awful.
Butter is pretty healthy. She's a good eater,active and a good pooper. I laugh at this all the time, because she's constantly eating. Molly always had diaherria, threw up and was sick all the time. But I do have pictures of Molly in the house to remind me of her.
I've just been rambling on. Have a happy Friday!!!!

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