women get social

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Am I used to this yet?

You know it's been a year now that I have been diagnosed with diabetes. Even though I have injected about a thousand times now, I don't think I am used to it. When you inject, you can't inject in the same area each time. So, the general rule is to go from left to right on your stomach. Sometimes you hit an old hole. This is when it hurts. Sometimes you hit blood vessels which this sucks, cause the next day you'll get a bruise. I have found that if I ease the needle in slowly I can't feel it. I used to be squeemish when it came to any needles. Like the ones you would get at your annual doctors appointments. Now, I'm not.
My fingers have calusses on them now, so when I test my blood sugar 5 x a day it rarely hurts. I have started testing on my arms, because sometimes it's hard to get blood from my fingers. I am used to being on a routine when taking my oral medications. When I wake up I have to take four pills. Then at 4:30pm I have one pill. At 5:00pm I take another pill. At 7:00pm I take my last pill. Then I inject at 8:00pm. So in total I have to take seven pills to keep my pancreas making insulin also my heart medication, chloresteral and a suppliment for hair growth. My hair fell out one year ago. It's taken awhile for my hair to get back to normal.
I have periods of digestive problems which is a side effect to the insulin. I thought once my sugars where well managed, my insomnia would get better. I quess it has for the most part, but I still go through periods of time when I don't sleep.
So, for a year now I have had to get used to this life style change. I remember before I was diagnosed the only pill I would take would be an advil or tylonal for a headache. When your life depends on these medications, it's imparitive to adjust.
I haven't blogged in a long while about my diabetes. It was being diagnosed with diabetes that started my blogging. I went back today and looked at my first blogs. Boy, I can say that I have learned alot about this past year. It's interesting that having a life threatening desease can make you stronger. It also makes you have a strong will to survive. I have learned what my limitations are and how strong my immune system is. I do get sick more often now, but I drink lots of water, exercise and try to eat when I'm suppose to eat. The only good thing about this is that I'm not as heavy as I used to be. Your appetite changes. And sometimes you're not hungry at all.
I believe that God doesn't give you challanges in your life that you can't handle. Although this has been hard, I feel blessed that I appreciate what life gives you. And it's up to you to make your miracle happen.

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