women get social

Monday, March 28, 2011

Gloomy Monday

Wow, I don't think the sun has been out at all today. It's been so gloomy. Thankfully I've had something to do today. It helps the time go by.
To change the subject. Don't you just hate people that call late at night that have wrong numbers? It sounded like an elderly woman on the phone last night. She called twice, but it was late in the evening. It's like hello! I told you the first time you had the wrong number, duh....
Back to Monday. When I was working, I used to wish that there was no work day on Monday. I would always swear that I would be willing to work a few extra hours during the week to have a longer weekend.
Thats funny to think back.
I went to my favorite grocery store this morning. I had to pick up a few things, but I had an alterior motive. There is this really good looking man that works there. I know I shouldn't be flirtatious, but I can look! At least that hasn't left me. I remember when I would get second looks from men, but now that doesn't happen often. I don't think it's due to age, I think you "carry" yourself differently when you do get older. At least thats what I'm telling myself. :]
Well, thats about all for the day. Talk later.

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