women get social

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Have you ever had so much on your mind that it's hard to sleep? Well that has happened to me. Thursday night I finally fell asleep at 3am. Woke up at 6:30am. Last night the same. Fell asleep at 2:30am. Woke up at 5:15am. I think the stress of not being able to find work is bothering me so much that I can't seem to settle down for the night.
Now I am just exhausted. Maybe tonight I'll sleep.
It was so beautiful outside this morning when I walked. The leaves are changing and there is a cool breeze in the air. I'm looking forward to winter. I actually prefer the cold weather over warm weather. I wish it snowed more here too.
I found a new place to eat. I went to Costas yesterday and had baked greek chicken. Gosh it was yummy. I also had a black olive salad with it. Also good. I would recommend anyone to go there.  They serve alot of Mediteranian foods. Very reasonable in price too.
Gotta feed the kitty. Talk later....

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