women get social

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

mortgage companies

Don't you just hate to call any company on a 1-800 number and have to talk to several people before you get to the right person? Well, that happened this morning. My mortgage company has sold my mortgage to another company and I had to verify if my automatic debit plan would transfer with it. I get my mortgage payments directly debited out of my checking account.
Well, I must have been put on hold half of dozen times today. Low and behold, this doesn't transer and I'm going to have to set this up with the new mortgage company soon. This is a pain in the you know what.
Otherwise, today was a pretty good day. I still haven't heard from the company I have been interviewing with. I'm getting alittle impatient. My prior remark to no news is good news has flown out the window now. I'm left twittling my thumbs.
Since I had looked on al.com yesterday, monster.com didn't offer any new prospects. It's slow going again. I swear, some weeks I get alot of hits and then other weeks I don't.
I'm still staying positive....

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