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Friday, January 27, 2012

Butter Continued

Ok, Ok, So I went yesterday to buy Butter some different food. I thought instead of jumping to conclusions that something is wrong, I'll just buy her some different food. So I did. She ate it yesterday, but then this morning she didn't. But she did eat her treats. And she is drinking water. She's doing two things that Molly didn't do when she was sick.
I tried putting her into the crate again this morning which was a bad idea because she bit me. I even tried to put her into a pillow case which is recommended, but to no avail.
So, what do I do? I've ruled out a hair ball. She has spit up a mucus substance so that leads me to believe she may have a cold. But still I'm faced with not being able to crate her.
Since this is the third day that she has turned down kibble, I am worried. Remember this is how Molly got sick, she stopped eating all together.
I guess I'll continue to watch her. Not much else I can do.

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